Dr. Didier Raoult is the French scientist who is leading the studies about using the  Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to treat people sick with Wuhan V. Now, I know we don’t have much respect for the French, but besides creating great bake goods, the other thing they do admirably is microbiology and disease research and they are scary good. We are talking about the country were Pasteur was born and did his stuff and they have maintained that excellence. And from what I have been able to see, the good doctor is a rock star in his field covering from identifying and sequencing new bacteria to paleontomicrobiology studying the Black Plague. This guy is NOT a CNN Expert Contributor but the real McCoy in his field.

But our Left/Media rabidly hates Dr. Roult. I initially thought this was because Trump cited his work with the Hydroxychloroquine as hopeful and they had to be contrary which included crapping all over this guy and doing it with gusto. And I was not wrong, but it seems there was another unforgivable action by the good doctor that had him painted by the laser targets of the Left way before the Pandemic: He is a Climate Change denier.

Wanting to predict the future is probably one of humanity’s oldest behaviors. The rulers always consulted the soothsayers to find out the outcome of wars or disasters that could fall on their heads. In our scientific age, mathematicians are called upon to know the future.
In this regard, global warming is a remarkable example. One site has identified 72 erroneous predictions about the planet’s climate and temperature over the past 121 year.
Thus, the mathematical model established at the end of the 20th century to predict the evolution of the Earth’s temperature with 95% certainty… proved to be false.  (translated text)

Les prédictions climatiques sont absurdes !

Oh hell no! This guy was already in the sh*t list in Europe and probably Santa Greta will not visit him any time soon.

Climate Change Denier and has a treatment for the Pandemic that President Trump likes?  He is officially Dr. Mengele for the Left.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Why the hate against Dr. Didier Raoult?”
  1. One of the problems with climate models is that although they use science the models aren’t really scientific. A hallmark of the scientific method is testing the theory against observed results. This is impossible with the predictions of future climate, until the future arrives. If I postulate that in twenty years the Earth will be covered in unicorn poop because the unicorns will proliferate in the warmer climate, that postulate can’t be disproven for twenty years.

    Another issue with climate models, is that the climate is vary complex. Carbon dioxide concentration is only one of thousands of variables. Focusing only on CO-2 ignores the contribution of solar activity (another complex function we don’t fully understand) volcanic emissions (unpredictable) response of the planet’s flora to increased atmospheric CO-2 by increased growth rate removing more CO-2 from the atmosphere (negative feedback) and hundreds or thousands variables that we may not even be aware of.

    1. Climate models have been around for a while and it is certainly possible to take a model run from 10 years ago to see if it matches. An analogous example is the infamous “Report of the Club of Rome” book, full of graphs made around 1970. It’s very obvious they are utter nonsense.

      Another damning aspect of warmism is that it fails another major test of science, which is that both the methodology and the source data are available. In the case of warmism, the source data are generally secret, or nonexistent (“adjusted” data are used instead). If you can’t verify a model against reality, you should at least be able to run the model yourself, but with warmism that isn’t an option either.

  2. Why do they go back only a thousand years? There has been tremendous climate change over the eons, more than 99 percent of which happened before humans even existed. Technically, we are in the middle of an ice age. ( look it up on wikipedia). Ice ages don’t last forever. There are long periods in eons past where there were no icecaps at the poles…..

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