By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

22 thoughts on “Why we won’t “help” you?”
  1. I have commented to the effect that by the time election day came around, if Literally Hitler had been a candidate, I may well have voted for him in opposition to Hillary.

    Instead, I voted for Trump, but yeah, that post pretty well sums it up.

  2. Who said letting Trump Burn It To The Ground would be a bad thing? there are still a lot of RINO’S out there that Need to be voter out of office and the Corrupt Civil Service needs to be cleaned out. Just maybe Burning It Down is what it is going to take. The process would not be enjoyable for anybody, but cutting out a cancer never is.

    1. Yep, there’s a reason why so many of us were so disgusted by the last several elections.

      The Republicans as a party is totally broken (tho their foolish tribalism rallying behind Trump might make them appear to be unified) and the Democrat party isn’t even a party but a crime family.

      Maybe Trump will be overall a great President despite my predictions….I would love that. But if he’s horrible, I certainly see it totally killing both parties, and how can I see that as bad?

      1. The Republicans as a party is totally broken (tho their foolish tribalism rallying behind Trump might make them appear to be unified) and the Democrat party isn’t even a party but a crime family.

        ^^^^^ This

    2. Trump is a RINO through and through. If Mr. New York Values isn’t a Republican In Name Only, then no one is.

      1. And yet so far he’s got a more conservative cabinet and made more conservative actions than we would have gotten out of Jeb, or Cruz, or any of the Establishment Clown Parade.

      2. You’re missing the point. Yes, Trump is not a Principled Conservative™. His supporters hate Principled Conservatives™

        (In large part; there are conservatives who sighed and said, “Well, he’s the best we’re going to get this year, and the alternative is Crooked Hillary, so…”.)

      3. What you’ll find is that after you’re done stretching to label 90% of the elected republicans RINOs is that 90% of the republican voters have effectively been labeled RINOs. Get greedy and lose the party.

  3. Not surprising that Willie, apparently the very first commenter, completely missed the point. Not surprising, but sad. Democrats are alarmingly far away from becoming the second party in our formerly two-party system.

  4. It is hard to support a group who sees international retrenchment and isolationism as tantamount to invading the Sudetenland. I’m not even sure how to help someone with that large of a gap in their observation and conclusion making. My instinct is to slap them across the face and tell them to calm down and open their eyes.

  5. People I know personally took to shunning me for my political views. They literally would not talk to me anymore. Now I’ve got them reaching out to me, asking for my help in stopping Trump. No, no. I’m not done being shunned by you. I kind of like the peace and quiet.

  6. And don’t forget our president repeating* this to us: “You didn’t build that!”
    (because never an original thought)

  7. What’s wrong with punching back thrice as hard? 2 years ago I was a staunch Ted Cruz guy, but I switched to Adolf Trumpler because he fights harder and twists the knife. I’m in the mood for knife twisting and kicking ’em when they’re down. Adolf Trumpler knocks ’em down to the ground so I can kick them. Thanks, Adolf Trumpler! You’re a swell guy!

    Oh, I’m sorry, I’m being a troll. Please forgive me, overlords of the interwebs.

  8. I never much cared for Trump. His ego, bullying and lying put me off big time. But compared to the utterly corrupt and incompetent Hillary, he’s a saint. I figured if he managed to get elected ( which I figured he had no chance) that he’d quickly ignore his campaign promises because historically his political leanings were soft left.

    Boy was I wrong. I initially thought Trump got into the presidential race for lols and an opportunity to troll everyone but since the election I’ve come to a completely different conclusion. Trump truly believed that he’d be a better president than all other comers. That and his ego drove him to overcome a stacked deck against him. Also, his timing was impeccable…. many, many voters were pissed off at the current system and wanted a true outsider to clean house.

    I think the main reason that Trump is keeping his conservative campaign promises is that he is a vengeful person who hates to be mocked. He has always been disdained by the left and elites. They went hysterical and almost laughed themselves to death when he floated the idea of him running so he decided to get back at them. The best way to do that was to win, keep his campaign promises and rub their noses in it. So far he’s been amazingly successful. But give it time, eventually his enemies will adapt and things will get tougher. It’ll be interesting to see what happens then.

  9. Missed a few:
    1- Because there’s a lot of Republicans who voted for Trump out of belief, not desperation (those 40-60 thousand seat venues on the campaign trail weren’t filled by reluctant audiences), and they aren’t about to do you any favors.
    2- Because “moderate republicans” are smart enough to understand that if they take the side of the people whose hatred of this country and its people has become nothing but more obvious over my lifetime, they’ll have sent themselves totally out in the cold with ‘allies’ that hate them and no hope of any influence on either side ever again.
    3- Because some ‘moderate republicans’, at least, understand that the Left isn’t looking for their support out of conviction but out of the need for a useful tool; and after the need for that tool has passed they’ll be treated like any other disposable tool: hung up or tossed away.

  10. Until Nov 8th, according to Dems, there was no such thing as “moderate” conservatives, remember “elections have consequences, get over it.”
    Also, according to the Dems, cooperation, compromise, and bi-partisonship, all have the same meaning as a two year old’s tantrum “give me what I want or I’ll whine and scream until you do.”

    Now that the shoe is on the other foot, all I can say is F ’em.

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