This is what the letter states:

and page 2

It is in page 2 where we find the Big Lie:

So I download and automatically as if by magic, a gun will appear on my desk? I don’t even bother with assembly? Will it also manufacture the ammunition? Damn, those are some advanced plans!
Of course it requires the investment of another machine and materials for that to happen. But it seems the 21 State Attorney Generals want you to believe that the files only need the an used Chromebook and the cheap printer special in Walmart for you to get a fully semi automatic .50 caliber AR 47.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Why would 21 State Attorney Generals lie in writing for the world to see?”
  1. “Dear Attorneys General,

    The First Amendment still applies and you can’t ban a CAD file and more than you can a copy of the Communist Manifesto, which has killed far more people than home made 3D printed guns. Go download the plans for and print for each of you a huge plastic dick so you can go fuck yourselves accordingly.


    USAG Barr”

  2. “Why would 21 State Attorney Generals lie in writing for the world to see?”

    Because they’re counting on the public not understanding the difference between downloading the CAD file for a sub-standard, single-use “gun”, and downloading and producing an actual gun. And because they’re counting on that same public not understanding that these plans call for other parts to be included (that aren’t included in the CAD files) that make them compliant with the Undetectable Firearms Act.

    And because they’re counting on the public viewing this wrongly as a “gun” (2nd Amendment) issue — since that’s how they portray it — and not rightly as a “free speech” (1st Amendment) issue.

    And finally, because their Governor masters ask them to, and like the political whores they are, they gladly comply.

    (Full Disclosure: My state’s AG is one if the signatories, and I’m not particularly pleased about that.)

  3. There is more to it than just “plastic” The design for the liberator specifically deals with the “undetectable gun” concern. If you follow the directions, then you are required to glue a chunk-o-steel into the frame before you even print the next section.

    If you look at all the laws involved in the US. There is a point at which a firearm is just “raw material.” I.e. that 80% lower is not a gun, it is a chunk-o-aluminum, same with the 20% lowers which are still just a chunk-o-aluminum. And you can buy 0% lowers that are really, just a block of aluminum.

    So when you follow the instructions you print a thing that is just a chunk-o-plastic. You attach a piece of steel to that. This means that when the plastic and steel are part of a firearm, you will then have enough metal to meet the legal requirements for “undetectable gun”.

    Then you print the next thing and when thing two is attached to thing one(with steel) you have a “firearm”.

    So the AG’s for these states are just flat out lying.

  4. More irrelevant bullshit about “ghost guns”. Hey morons, take a ride to Chitown. MS13 has no trouble gettin guns with out a cad file. Morons.

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