I don’t get the whole women’s shoes thing. I freely admit my brain goes into bypass mode if faced with something to do with that. I am a great fan of the blog In Jennifer’s Head but the rotating header image sometimes shows shoes and I just go in duh-mode.

This is not a complaint, far from it. It is an admission of total surrender to the mysticism of the podiatric magical arts.
weird woman shoe You know damn well a feminine pair of feet somewhere are now clad with a similar pair as above. Even the toughest of Navy Seals would consider ringing the bell rather than even try to figure out how anybody can walk on those, let alone comfortable.

Women’s shoes are one of those mysteries that keep life interesting by telling us males we will never understand the “Softer Side” and we have no chance in conquer them.

How can you conquer a gender that can wear that…and color coordinated to boot?

We might as well give it up now.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “Women’s Shoes….. I admit defeat.”
  1. I have no idea why closets full of SHMBO’s shoes, purses, and matching accessories, all with the half life of a politician’s promise, are absolute necessities of life, but my firearms, which are all still around and gaining value, are damn fool wastes of money.

    I guess they are smarter than us.

      1. My Father gave me some great advice “Never go to bed angry… she’ll kill you in your sleep.”

  2. Miguel, you don’t try to conquer the women-folk – you be as awesome as possible till they come to you and surrender! 😉

  3. lol.

    when i moved in with Chris, i downsized my collection by more than half. i got rid of over 3 dozen pairs of shoes. i have a few i cannot wear currently – they’re my “goal shoes” for when i lose my target weight. at least he gets gun encouragement from me…hell, when it’s within the budget i buy him new toys from time to time.

      1. We weren’t into guns when we got married and bought our house. His eyes got huge when he opened my washing machine box full of shoes. I said, “I can’t help it. I’m Filipino.” He didn’t get it at the time. He does now.

  4. What gets me is every time we start to think we might understand women… they change the rules.

  5. You should incorporate woman’s shoes into a match. Moving and shooting in women’s shoes to simulate the challenges of a defensive shooting from a woman’s perspective while dressed up for a night on the town.

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