Reader Scrappycrow sent me this one:

When Amol Jethwani interviewed for a job on Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign in December, the benefits were unlike anything he had heard of for political campaign field workers.

“They offered an incredible benefits package, which is unheard of for field staff, offering $8,000 a month for a regional role in addition to health care, technology, laptops, cellphones,” said Jethwani.

Bloomberg also offered something else: a job through the general election, even if he was not the Democratic Party’s nominee. Jethwani signed on as a regional organizing director. As part of his job, he interviewed potential field staffers, giving them the same assurances. “That employment is guaranteed through November, location is not,” Jethwani said.

‘Mike Borrowed My Credibility And Abused It’: Fired Bloomberg Campaign Workers Speak

” employment is guaranteed through November” .. OK yes but, was there a contract signed? No? What the hell were you expecting from a know corrupt asshole like Mini Mike? But that is the way his organizations work. Some of you may remember three years ago when complains came out of Moms Demand because Shannon thought she was going to be anointed a Representative, she started to treat her staff like shit and pretty much abandoning Moms Demand as she was being groomed to climb the political ladders. People in the organization left because they were pissed they were used and they took a hit. Unfortunately for Shannon, the seat in Colorado went to a long time Democrat and the she was ignored. My feeling is, she got traded by a newer model called AOC. Don’t quote me on this one.

And we are still waiting for the horror stories that will surely will come about Bernie Bros selling mom’s jewelry or not making mortgage payments so they could donate (unknowingly) to Bernie’s future Miami condo.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Work for Bloomberg, get discarded. (Par for the course)”
  1. My love for Bloomberg is well into negative numbers, but taking his money and campaigning for Bernie on the side, as quite a few of his “staffers” were alleged to have done, might not be the best way to secure his loyalty. Reaping what you sow, and all that.

  2. And I would bet that nearly all those who got shafted working for Michael Bloomberg will still vote for the DNC come November. Shocking, right?

  3. Wait, a Democrat candidate lied while he promised you tons of goodies and/or free shit? Say it is not so! This is my shocked face.

  4. I predicted that when Mini Mike faced actual voters, and lost, that he would pack up his toys and go home.
    And he did.

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