I am pretty much a hermit , but sometimes like today, I had to go out and mingle with the humans. My trip today was to the post office to check the box and send a gift.

When I got to the post office, most of the hurricane accordion shutters were set with one exception to an entrance. I parked and saw the people wearing the face masks so I reached for the very used disposable mask in my center console. Without much attention, I installed the contraption in my face, got out of the trick and went inside.

There was a dutifully and socially distanced line waiting to do business with the postal people. The bad news was that it was long enough that it was “blocking” the access to the drop off boxes and the P.O. boxes.  A couple of people in line gave me a somewhat disgusted look but I did not care, specially after being trained under The Look a wife gives you. I simply cut through the line, deposited the outgoing mail, cut back through again to go to the mailboxes. Nobody said anything.

When i got back to the truck and looked in the mirror, I realized that i had torn the mask almost to the point it looked like a facial loincloth. I pulled it off and there went my glasses flying. Luck had it they landed a top of the dashboard without injury.

I started the truck and came back home before I had to deal with a Karen or somebody asked be to take a knee for BLM or some other stupid shit.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Wuhan Precautions and Social Distancing are now officially annoying.”
  1. My job Im an “essential worker”. Since day 1 of this goat rope I have not changed my habits one bit. So far I had 1 karen ask me where my mask was. And one mask nazi who moved the equipment i was working on outside. Even after i told him i CANT wear a mask. More and more here are done with masks.

  2. Went to Wallyworld this afternoon without any incident. Amazingly, people were polite and patient (for a Walmart), many wore masks and tried their best no to crowd others.
    Alas, afraid it won’t last. As soon as the all clear is given, the sheeple will likely revert to their usual rudeness & douchbaggery.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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