I just finished J Kb’s post about Melbourne’s 111 day lockdown being so successful, with my lower jaw somewhere in the vicinity of my belly button. Who is pushing for failed lock downs and why? Hasn’t Dr Fauxci read on the news that a second wave of ‘Rona has started back in Europe and after a “successful” lockdown?

BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) – French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel ordered their countries back into lockdown on Wednesday, as a massive second wave of coronavirus infections threatened to overwhelm Europe before the winter.

World stock markets went into a dive in response to the news that Europe’s biggest economies were imposing nationwide restrictions almost as severe as the ones that drove the global economy this year into its deepest recession in generations.

“The virus is circulating at a speed that not even the most pessimistic forecasts had anticipated,” Macron said in a televised address. “Like all our neighbours, we are submerged by the sudden acceleration of the virus.”

France and Germany thrust into lockdown as second COVID-19 wave sweeps Europe

Not too long ago, we were being told by the “experts” that we needed to have a much tighter lockdown just like in Europe and it was the fault of President Trump that we are still suffering the effects of the virus while the rest of the civilized world was on it way to freedom from the bug.

And reality comes crashing down again.

The virus will not disappear because we locked ourselves out: It will either burn itself out or we simply develop antibodies for it and herd immunity kicks in.

These are the numbers I was able to gather from Google. Depending on the source, there are a few thousand more or less, but I believe these represent a fair average.

I substracted the US quantities from the world quantity and checked percentages. I know, it is not truly representative, but this is the stuff they throw at us as proof we are following the wrong path. I ended with messed up-uncaring US having 2.5% of deaths and Lockdown Europe and the World with 2.72% of deaths compared to the number of infected. As usual, somebody check my math.

So, are we going to get a second wave? Probably. Will a lockdown help? Not even at first of second glance. Sure as hell did not help for Europe on bit. But maybe this time, we concentrate the resources around the population that is truly at risk and not do a shotgun approach with our resources. and waste them on healthy people.

We can start by not shoving sick people into nursing homes filled with healthy people. The Cuomo healthcare Approach to Covid has been prove deadly wrong.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Wuhan V: But we were doing it wrong and the rest of the world was doing it right!”
  1. Slow the spread turned into stop the spread.

    And, no one is applying any kind of logic whatsoever. Why ask questions, or examine the data. It is obvious. To prevent people from dying, close down the businesses, and trap people in their homes.

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