Eliana Plott is a reporter for the New York Time and Taco Stand. She tweeted her amazement on how Trump supporters do not trust media which apparently is the worse ever but only because of Trump. I am pretty sure we “disdained” you and your kind years before Trump ever thought about throwing his hat into the race. And of course, her tweet had some very nice responses including this:

And here is the whole litany:

You should no be surprised about people having so much derision for your trade when internet  memes tell a more accurate story than your professional labor.  Now that I think about it, the term “professional” applied to you, happens to match another type of labor which also comes with developing redness of the knees.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “You don’t like it? Sorry but you deserve it.”
  1. For me, this attitude started with Bush II. Not the greatest of presidents but he deserved better than the media dished out.

    It got worse under Obama, when he apparently could do no wrong even when he did. And now the polarity has flipped again.

    So, yeah, old media, we don’t like you, we don’t trust you, and we don’t want to talk to you. Funny how that happens when you lie to people and otherwise treat them with contempt.

    1. Absolutely correct. The slobbering love affair the news media had with Obama was absolutely ridiculous. Even some liberal leaning news watchdog sites admitted there was a ridiculously lopsided bias toward Obama.

      And, they wonder why we, the viewing public, no longer think they are worth listening to.

  2. “So, yeah, old media, we don’t like you, we don’t trust you, and we don’t want to talk to you. Funny how that happens when you lie to people and otherwise treat them with contempt.”

    Amen. 🙂

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