I finally decide to start checking out what has been going politics-wise, and see that Antifa/BLM went batting practices on Pro-Trump marchers in DC.


I have seen this before in Venezuela. The Left will not tolerate any demonstration and will send their shock troops to punish you for defying them. Eventually our side will be silenced because frankly, we are not doing a damned thing to make sure Antifa/BLM gets paid with the proper currency. Something like this:

Here is the thing. We are past the point where the opinion of Newsies and Politicos should matter to us. Do you think Antifa/BLM is going to ever like you or even tolerate you? Do you think AOC’s list is just and act? Do you think they will ever respect our opinions and desires or simply us for being what we are?

If they will not respect us, the least we can do is make sure they fear us.

Antifa/BLM works as a pack of hyenas: Find ONE suitable target, isolate him and attack.

Use their tactics.

Return the favor.

They are getting 100% return to their investment in violence because we are not offering any resistance and expect law and order to take care of things, but LEOs have been compromised through and through in certain cities like Portland and DC. In some cases, it appears PD is working or at least being stupid enough or careless enough to feed victims to the Enemy.

They won’t respect you. Make them fear you.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “You have been warned.”
  1. The press hires Antifa as “security” and churns out excuses and lies when their “security” murders someone.

    I won’t get our host in trouble by continuing my thought.

  2. Again, I am reminded that the left acts like toddlers.

    Say something they do not like, and they respond with a tantrum. Do something they do not like, and they will hit you. Because they are not capable of understanding any other response.

    And, the time to administer the long overdue spankings is now. Not enough antifa got their asses handed to them over the weekend. They were far outnumbered by the MAGA marchers, but none of them got their just desserts.

    Until that starts happening, we can expect more and more of this behavior.

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