Basically, you can poop anywhere without fearing legal repercussions. It has gotten so bad that there is not only a map displaying where human poop has been located, they even have a phone app to report it with photo included.

A buddy in Facebook asked this poignant question:


And the answer is YES.

“According to the San Francisco Recreation and Parks department, it is illegal “for any person owning or having control or custody of any dog to permit the animal to defecate upon the public property of this City or upon the private property of another unless the person immediately remove the feces and properly dispose of it.”
The San Francisco Health Code has a two-part ordinance–Pick It Up and Carry the Bag. Each carries a $320 fine for failure to pick up and failure to “carry a suitable container for the removal and disposal of dog feces.”

So you can be nailed up to $640 for Fifi’s “gifts” but Eddie the Wino can lay the equivalent of 4 Taco Bell meals in your sidewalk and walk away without any consequence leaving you to deal with the odiferous and unhealthy mess.

Yeah, that makes sense.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “You know San Francisco and the human feces problem.”
  1. Don’t forget that using a pressure washer to clean your sidewalk is both RAAACIST, and environmentally irresponsible.

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