As you can imagine, they are giddy like they just met Justin Beiber.
CSGV Study Racism

The article/study titled Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition is starting to make the rounds of the Gun Control advocates. As usual, it does not provide much for method or how the study was done, par for the course.

A new study of symbolic racism among white American voters yielded strong links between latent biases toward blacks and increased favor of gun ownership and oppositions toward gun control.

Published in the journal PLoS One, the study used voter data of white Americans that, after accounting for political ideology, income, and education, still revealed startling connections between racism and gun ownership

I have never heard of PLoS One so I did a quick search. According to Wiki “PLOS ONE (originally PLoS ONE) is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science since 2006.” My memory was triggered to an article I have read recently about these “open access peer-reviewed scientific journal” and although I could not find the original, I did managed to get an article from Berkley Blog denouncing them as mercenaries that collect monies from the author to review the study and then publish it. Since they only collect money if the article is published….you get the idea. It explains how reporter John Bohannon conducted a sting presenting a paper on a cancer-curing lichen so filled with mistake as to make it impossible for any half-witted peer review publication to publish and yes, a boatload of the did publish it & collected the cash. You may want to read the whole article by Mr. Bohannon in Science Magazine.

So… consider the source of this study on Gun Control and Racism. And I want them to explain the boatload of Hispanics with guns in South Florida…..lots of somebodies did not get the memo.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “ZOMG! Gun Owners are Racist! And there is a study to prove it!”
  1. Well of course they’re going to say that white gun owners are racist. Their definition of “racism” includes any white person who isn’t crippled by “white guilt.”

    I would be considered racist because I think that black, hispanic, and asian people are just people, and shouldn’t be treated any better(or worse) than anybody else based just on the color of their skin. In fact, some(many) Liberals would consider me racist just for being white.

    I feel the irony is lost on them.

    1. I think their definition of racism exstends to anyone who isnt willing to give up their rights to say sorry for the treatment of blacks.

  2. Looking at the paragraph that you included in the post, wasn’t the study only directed towards the attitudes of “white American voters” and not the millions of not only Hispanic but also black gun owners? Maybe I’m misreading it.

    Also, and just my opinion, the best way to counter charges of racism is not to say “I even have some __________ (insert your choice of minorities) friends.” Just because there are “boatloads of Hispanics” that own guns doesn’t necessarily negate the findings of a scientific study, in the eyes of many.

    Your blog is about the only blog I can tolerate, so I’m rather surprised that you’re citing the opinions of a blog written by a bunch of lib professors at one of the most lib universities in the country. Surely, there’s other sources out there, right?

    1. There is a coming post in a few minutes covering that. I cite from a John Lott’s post who is much better than me on analyzing the study.
      I flunked Statistics twice in college so i stay the hell away from anything complicated. 🙂

    2. “Also, and just my opinion, the best way to counter charges of racism is not to say ‘I even have some __________ (insert your choice of minorities) friends.'”

      If anything, that tends to increase the validity of the charges, which is why I try not to use it.(And why actually pointed it out in an anti-gun article Miguel referenced a couple of weeks ago)

      Instead, I point out that I forget that people I know belong to other demographics, and refuse to list my ethnic status on surveys.(“Native American” or “Other.”) And sometimes, I’ll point out that redheads have been treated as an ethnic minority just as badly as anybody with extra melanin, between the nigh-slavery that was prevalent in early Colorado mining era and the fact that redheads used to be considered “Not real white people,” not to mention all sorts of less-than-flattering portrayals in fiction.

  3. Symbolic racism. Wtf does that mean?
    Does that mean they are burning crosses?
    Or does that mean there is so little actual evidence of racism we need to really look for it by grasping at straws and looking to ‘racist structures in our society’. I call bs.

  4. And I want them to explain the boatload of Hispanics with guns in South Florida…..lots of somebodies did not get the memo

    If I recall from the Zimmerman trial, those folks are “white” Hispanics.

  5. Was this based on “legal” gun ownership, or all gun owners? Something tells me those answers will vary greatly…

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