Facepalm with a hammer.
Last night I was listening to Shooting the Breeze Podcast (which you should be listening too. Yes, that is an order. 🙂 ) and Walt was talking about a gun buy-back in Chicago reading from an article in PoliceOne from the Chicago Sun-Times. One section of the article had me screaming a top of my lungs and I am sure I scared the local drug dealers and assorted ganbangers near work.
““That’s a killer right there. That small gun,” said Chicago Police Sgt. Kevin Johnson, a member of the citywide Anti-Gun Enforcement Team. “It’s a North American Arms .22 caliber,” Johnson said. “That bullet is so small it will bounce. It will travel and you’ll have internal bleeding going throughout your body………Jones winced as Officer Sean Hayes, an instructor at the Chicago Police Academy, tried to unlodge bullets from the gun. The .22 caliber bullets were jammed inside. He even tried using a hammer to remove them, but couldn’t.“
I own a NAA .22LR and the idea that a hammer was used to try and unload it because the moronic police “instructor “did not know how to do it literally made me cringe. I rally don’t know what kind of instruction Officer Hayes gives, but sure as hell is not firearms or at least he should not. If you don’t know how to unload a firearm, you secure it and wait till you find out or find somebody who does. Or even frigging Google for a video for Pete’s sake!