CSGV: Neither, nor, just the opposite.
This one hurt, I admit it. Then again silly me for reading one of Ladd’s interns (which I suspect is a former OWS member that amazingly can keep a job) without the proper dosage of caffeine.
I cannot keep track with all the stuff we are supposed to be. We are racists, revolutionaries, contra-revolutionaries, anarchists, cannibals, anti-government and now we want to be government?
The hobbesian thing comes from the following:
Hobbes (hbz), Thomas 1588-1679.
English philosopher and political theorist best known for his book Leviathan (1651), in which he argues that the only way to secure civil society is through universal submission to the absolute authority of a sovereign.
So is it like Islam for Non-Muslims? But we still get to eat bacon, right?
They have been pushing all this year for the “NRA wants to destroy the government” but today we want to be a dictatorial government? Do they drug-test the interns at CSGV? Oi gevald!
Trying to make sense on what the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is impossible. Sometimes it feels like I am watching Faye Dunaway being slapped in that scene in Chinatown. It obviously means that CSGV feels frustrated and that no matter what false accusations they throw at us, nothing sticks and they have to come up with weirder stuff. I feel that accusations of Child Molestation are not very far down the line. So if you hear that we are like Nambla but with guns, you know they reached China they dug themselves so deep.
I need more coffee.