Biden promotes free colonoscopies to seniors in Florida
In Florida this afternoon, Vice President Joe Biden reminded supporters that thanks to President Obama, they could now get colonoscopies without a co-pay
via Biden promotes free colonoscopies to seniors in Florida |
Dear Mr. Vice President: The reaming has been going on for the better part of almost four years. Thank you.
An example of the stupidity of Gun Free Zones during GRPC 2012
Seriously, we need to update Florida’s Gun Laws. I’ll give you that past the TSA checkpoint, you must go unheeled so the agents feel they are earning their perv dollars. Check the elevators above the bank of monitors on the top right of the pic. You press fourth floor, you are OK because you arrive at the hotel lobby. But if you press three or lower and the elevator goes down? Yup… you are breaking the law.
UPDATE: More pics showing the idiocy. But first the appropiate section from the Florida Statutes (790.06 12):
No license issued pursuant to this section shall authorize any person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm ……inside the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport, provided that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal firearm into the terminal, which firearm is encased for shipment for purposes of checking such firearm as baggage to be lawfully transported on any aircraft
Apologies for the bad pic. The elevator on the left is on the hotel lobby area, cool to carry. But if you press the wrong button and go down one miserable floor, you are breaking the law.
View from the Terminal area (I was not carrying at the time, thank you.) Red line denotes the hotel lobby floor level.
GRPC: Day One… quick note.
First: Whomever designed the access roads to the Orlando International Airport was under the influence of peyote soaked in mescal.
I managed to drag myself out of the room around 7:15 pm and went to register. It was quick, efficient and I was given the warning to bring a big bag for tomorrow…. FREEBIES!

Finally got to meet my cyber friend and top firearms instructor Kathy Jackson. She is so sweet she should be kept away from diabetics. 🙂
It was basically a meet and greet of very polite people and yet we are guarded. Funny thing was to see people giving quick peeks at the name tags to see if they recognized names while keeping distance. Met very briefly (Hi & Bye) with Robb Allen and Joe Huffman and I hop to harass them some tomorrow.
Madison Rising closed festivities:

If you haven’t seen this video, click play and enjoy.
And we will be hearing that tomorrow. 🙂
OK, done for today.
UK Anti-gunner chastises judge over right to shoot – Crime – UK – The Independent
Twisted knickers in the UK about a judge telling it like he should to a couple of mending burglars. How dare anybody defend themselves?
However, Gill Marshall-Andrews, the chair of the Gun Control Network, said she feared such remarks could lead more people to turn shotguns on intruders. “This kind of comment is likely to escalate gun use and encourage people to use their guns for self defence which wasn’t the purpose for which licences are granted,” she said.
She added that she did not believe that opening fire on a burglar was a proportionate form of self defence.
via Anti-gun campaigners blast back at judge over right to shoot – Crime – UK – The Independent.
Apparently it was not her genitalia the one being threatened.
In my opinion, the bad boys got off easy: the shotgun was loaded with birdshot.
Intermittent posting thorough the weekend
I am doing a bit of packing as I get ready to go to the Gun Rights Policy Conference.
In the meantime enjoy a bit of one of my favorite shows when I was a kid:
Loved them mini skirts. And the intro theme was not half bad.