Month: September 2012

Nowhere is safe. Be aware & be ready.

Men steal $100K from K&Y Jewelers | News – Home.

This place is a couple of miles from where I live. We order from a chinese restaurant in the same strip mall regularly and I usually stroll around outside waiting for my order. The wife is the smart one and stays inside the restaurant.

Some years back I had an incident happen to me there where some idiot thought I might be a good mark because I looked like an easy target (I was sick on the way to see a doctor) and got the surprise of his life. Ever since I have been wary of that particular shopping area.

Our area is not crime ridden by any stretch of the imagination, but we do not decide what crimes should happen where and to whom. Always expect some jerk to screw with the stats and rise the crime index.

Stand Your Ground study: Boy, are they pissed!

A study by the University of Florida on Stand Your Ground law and its possible negative impact in the state has determined that….. well… apparently they cannot find anything bad about the law.

Same as with the famous CDC Gun Control study that could not “measure” any actual benefit by banning guns, this study on SYG goes the same route. Both say that they need further study which is Junks Science-Speak for: If we keep looking and massaging data, I am sure we will get the results that are politically correct and not the real stuff.

And of course, you know some people are not happy:

Gun control advocates immediately criticized the report as “disappointing,” saying it did not go far enough to determine the true impact of the stand your ground law.

“If the state wanted to work with a real data analysis, then fund it. It became pretty clear that they are going to fail to do that,” said Ginny Simmons, director of the Second Chance on Shoot First campaign. The UF study was done at no charge to the state, a spokesperson for (Gov.) Scott said.

“Throw more money at it till we get what we want!” appears to be the meme and that is why congress cut off funding for any more CDC-sponsored gun control research and why we Floridians should not be wasting more money on the obvious.


GSGV: I was asking too much.

Just for a bit of class. Let’s be respectful today, you know? No B.S.

The sad-funny part is that there were 2 kinds of people who day watching what was happening: The ones that were fidgeting and wondering what was next and what would become of them, and the those who went straight to their safes or closets or drawers, pulled out a gun and stood ready to face whatever unknown was coming.