Redistribution of wealth explained to kids.
It is amazing that kids get the unfairness at the first try. Yet we have adults that still vote for the idiots that will steal from them.
And that is the way you create young conservatives.
Looters after Sandy: Because police is only four hours away.
“It was complete lawlessness,” said Ron Troyano, owner of Joann’s Discount Wine and Liquors on Mermaid Ave.
He said looters used tools to bust through his steel security gates around 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.
The thieves then shattered his storefront and helped themselves to thousands of dollars worth of top shelf liquor, he said.
“They pried open the gate, broke the glass and went straight for the Hennessy and Grey Goose,” he said.
Police got a measure of control around 4 p.m. Tuesday, but two cops positioned outside Joann’s into the night failed to stop more looters from sneaking in through the roof, Troyano told The News.
via Looters target Coney Island after Sandy sweeps through – NY Daily News.
In a way he is lucky, they only took booze. They could have gone with torching the place and endangering everybody in the neighborhood.
Looting is a sick behavior that needs to be punished by immediate law enforcement action….wait…. never mind.
Then again, you can try the true & tried method we hicks have down here.
Nah…they’ll go for the “civilized” method of being a victim and give more power to Pasha Bloomberg.
And he advises students?
Bonetti, who has been a vocal proponent of the First Amendment, said that his sign is meant to express his concerns, because, after all, he wouldn’t know whether somebody was bringing a concealed weapon into his office.
Funny, I never figured that one gets to choose which Amendments of the Bill of Rights one gets to support. I thought it was always a good idea to support them all but what do I know? I am not a College Adviser.
A Revolver at the IDPA S&W Indoor National.

I wish i knew who was the photog and all the info on the shooter & stage because that is a great pic.
Do notice the flame coming out of the cylinder gap. That is a great visual indicator to make sure you do not use a semi auto grip on a revolver unless you want digits to get seriously hurt.
Revolvers are slowly but surely making a comeback. They are cool to shoot and in a sea of plastic wonders, old school steel stands out. And worse: they work.
Or as they say: Six for Sure.
A Kind Word and a 2×4: Sandy the storm of 2012
A Kind Word and a 2×4: Sandy the storm of 2012.
Dear Yanks:
Tips and Etiquette to be followed in case of Hurricanes.
Your electoral laugh.
Yesterday I was doing my due diligence and preparing to vote when my wife pointed out the following ticket.
By the time this post appears (yes, I scheduled the post) I should be in line for early voting. And no, the Barr/Sheehan ticket is not the option.