Month: November 2012

My measly contribution to Tam

If you are somewhat involved in the Gun Blogs, you’ve heard about Tam’s situation. My Mom went through that (and we will be making a visit to a dermatologist soon as something has appeared again) and I personally know the feeling you get when what you thought was a zit gone a bit septic turns out to be basal C. Those who know me and bought the BS that it was a nose piercing gone bad, shame on yourselves and I have some swamp land available for purchase very cheap.

As usual I am late to the dance (And can’t dance either so no loss there,) but I want to add my small contribution. Cathy Desorcy, Product Manager of Super Brush LLC had sent me a package to give away in another contest I was planning. It has a selection of bore tips and swabs plus several cards with an online discount of 10% of their products. So here is what I am gonna do:

1) If you make (or made) a donation to Tam’s Paypal (check her blog, right hand side), you will enter in a raffle. The winner will be selected at random and gets the baggie with the goodies. I will select ten more people who will get the card with the online discount for a total of 11 winners.

2) In order to enter, you will need to email me the confirmation from Paypal that you have donated to the Tam Cause. You can forward the email or do a screen capture obscuring your info if you like, but I will need proof of contribution. Send proof to Miguel AT Gunfreezone DOT net.

3) Contest ends Thursday November 22 at 11:59 pm (23:59 for those civilian time impaired) and I’ll announce the winners the following day.

So, go donate a couple of credits for a good cause and get back to me.

Yes, that’s was it. No, I am not getting a facial.

Anti Gun Groups: F*** Our Military.

You remember this one:

And some of us are named as co-conspirators in this “hideous attempt to massacre” our soldiers:

Just now in Facebook, a friend & active duty Marine noticed something: not the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence or their fellow Anti Right associates like The Brady Campaign, Violence Policy Center or the National Gun Victims Action Council even acknowledge either the Marine Corps Anniversary yesterday or Veteran’s Day today in their Facebook pages. However, all those “eeeevil” bloggers celebrated and paid respect as we do every year to the Devil Dogs and those who served our country in both our blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

The Marine friend said something very interesting after his initial post:

You’d think that if they want us to confiscate American’s guns, they’d be trying to show us appreciation in order to win hearts and minds. Guess common sense really isn’t a common virtue.

Never forget that the Anti Rights groups consider not only Gun Owners but the military in general as having two IQ points above certain species of simians.  They created a narrative and made the stupid mistake of buying into it.

And that is why we win.

Happy Birthday U.S.M.C.


No. 47 (Series 1921)


Washington, November 1, 1921

759. The following will be read to the command on the 10th of November, 1921, and hereafter on the 10th of November of every year. Should the order not be received by the 10th of November, 1921, it will be read upon receipt.

(1) On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of Continental Congress. Since that date many thousand men have borne the name “Marine”. In memory of them it is fitting that we who are Marines should commemorate the birthday of our corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.

Read the rest here Happy Birthday U.S.M.C. | Gun Free Zone.

The Biggest Pro Gun vote in Election Day you never heard about.

On Election Day, Louisiana voters overwhelmingly backed a measure to strengthen Second Amendment rights in the state. Nearly 75 percent of voters — more than 1.3 million — voted in favor of Act 784, which makes gun ownership a “fundamental right … under strict scrutiny of the court.”

via Louisiana votes a big “Yes” to expanding gun rights | Blog of New Orleans.

This one is huge even if some are poopoing it as in “What can one state do for the rest of the Nation? It is not like other states will follow.”

Which is exactly what was said about Florida’s Concealed Weapons’ law 25 years ago.

One down, 49 to go. Or is it 56? 🙂