Month: June 2013

Why we avoid, de-escalate and deter as much as possible? This is why.

One juror, a 65-year-old retiree, admitted his family told him to use his partial deafness to get out of jury selection. He didn’t. He did admit he believed the shooting “was the fault of both sides,” but he said he could serve on the jury.

“I could play golf but this is much more interesting,” he said with a smile.

via SANFORD: Questioning of potential jurors begins in George Zimmerman trial – Trayvon Martin –

Because sometimes (or most of the time) the jury of your peers is not and it can be downright scary the quality of people who have the rest of your life in your hands.

Prejudiced writer is prejudiced.

I spent too long down South, where you have to assume there’s a gun in every glove compartment and the cops don’t hesitate to shoot first when they think somebody is armed.

via Operation Backfire: How New Gun Regs Pushed Me Into Getting A Concealed-Carry Permit – Forbes.

And that is why we in the South think we need a border wall (mined & electrified if possible) somewhere around the Mason-Dixon line.

And for the record, cops down here only shoot at Yankees that might be armed. At everybody else, they ask what they carry, compare notes and lately share info on where to get ammo at a decent price..

Dumb Laddite Comment of the Week: Paula Villalobos.

CSGV desperately searched the interwebs in a quest to avoid apologizing to Gun Owners they insulted with their accusations about the Ricin letters to the President and the Pasha of NYC. One of the pics they found was this one:

CSGV Actress 1But that is not what called my attention but one of the comments by  Laddite Paula Villalobos:
CSGV Actress 2

She looks weak to me, trying desperately to get out of those bad and probably abusive relationships. Women should be portrayed instead as empowered with good self esteem, not with a gun and looking weak.

Self esteem will stop a rapist or a murderer because they will be blinded by the awesomeness of the woman feeling good about herself being unarmed. (can I have a facepalm?)

According to Ms. Villalobos, a woman who fended off three attackers with her gun is a weak woman. The 26 Year Old woman who was being stabbed by a nutjob and managed to use her gun to stop the attack is a weak woman. The mother who used a shotgun to kill a home invader is a weak woman. The mother who used her shotgun to defend her kids is a weak woman. The woman who used her pistol to defend herself from a man dressed in all black who had broken into her home during the middle of the day is a weak woman. And even the 72-year-old grandmother who used her .22 gun to keep two bad guys in check till the police arrived is most certainly a weak woman.

But of course, Self Esteem works. Just ask any cop what caliber of Self Esteem they carry.

Ms. Villalobos, I do wish you a long happy life without having to defend your life or the lives of those you love.

Hat tip to Guns Save Lives for all the links about women defending themselves with (gasp!) guns.


PS: I keep forgetting to bring the definition of Laddite back for the new readers. My thanks to Don for kicking my memory butt.

Dear CSGV: Waiting for the Ricin apologies.

We now know that the “Pro Gun” Ricin letters were sent by an actress trying to get a quickie and nasty divorce.

Richardson, a mother of five who has played bit roles on television and in movies, was arrested earlier Friday for allegedly mailing the ricin-laced letters last month to the White House, Bloomberg and the mayor’s Washington gun-control group. The letters — which authorities determined were mailed from Richardson’s hometown of New Boston or nearby Texarkana and postmarked in Shreveport, La. — threatened violence against gun-control advocates, authorities said.

According to an FBI affidavit, Richardson contacted authorities on May 30 to implicate her estranged husband, Nathaniel Richardson. She later failed a polygraph test, and investigators looking into her story found numerous inconsistencies, the document said.

via Texas woman who told FBI her husband sent ricin-tainted letters is arrested | Fox News.

But the memories still linger in the vaults of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence as they were 100%-no-shit-no-doubt it was a gun nut who sent that letter to intimidate the Sainted Michael Bloomberg:

CSGV Ricin1And the Laddites following really close:

CSGV Ricin2Don’t worry, I have a nice, soft recliner to wait for them to apologize.