Month: November 2013

The “Play Stupid Games” thing apparently is inherited

So Teenager Kid takes Dads truck without permission. Dad calls cops and reports truck stole to “teach the kid a lesson.” Cops find the truck, light it up and Kid decides to play Grand Theft Auto in real life by ramming Police Cars, speed away and then ram some more police cars. Non-Hilarious end ensues when cops shoot the kid.

Click here for the video.

The Stupid most definitely hurt this time going all the way to Darwin Scale.

Not for P******: 1985 CHEVROLET M1028A3 DUALLY CUCV 5/4 ton

So if you are looking for a rice burning hatch back, a solar powered liberal mobile, or even a Hyundai crossover, keep on looking my friend this thing is a piece of red white and blue Americana Machinery.

This baby’s pulse is pumping 6.2L liters of uncensored raw Diesel fuel through her V8 nuclear power plant. And rest assured this automatic transmission can handle it. . .

via 1985 CHEVROLET M1028A3 DUALLY CUCV 5/4 ton.

Craiglist ad…. and that is not even 1% of the awesomeness. Go read the whole thing. 😀

“Experts” in Health & Safety to Discuss Guns.

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence,
Peter and Michelle Detkin, and Navigant Consulting, Inc. are pleased to present: WHAT CAN THE GUN POLICY DEBATE LEARN FROM CIGARETTES, SEATBELTS, AND CLIMATE CHANGE?
NOVEMBER 14, 2013 6 – 8 PM
Public Policy Institute of California
Bechtel Conference Center
500 Washington Street at Sansome | San Francisco

via Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence – Gun Law Information Experts.

So who are the speakers for this healthy exchange of ideas…. this “conversation about guns”? First not a single gun expert or even recently-graduated NRA Instructor will be there to talk. As for the rest:

STEPHANIE D. DAVIS, Safety Advocate, National Transportation Safety Board.
DR. STANTON GLANTZ, PhD, UCSF American Legacy Foundation Distinguished Professor of Tobacco Control.
MATT LEWIS, Vice President & Director, Communications at Next Generation.
ROBYN THOMAS, Executive Director, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
MARK FOLLMAN, Senior Editor and Award-Winning Journalist, Mother Jones.

What we have here is a bunch of folks not really interested on “gun safety” or reducing the infamous “Gun Violence” but people who are involved in public perception and manipulation, strategic communication some call it.

Seat belts, smoking and Global warming are and remain heavily influential campaigns aimed at social & behavioral changes on regular people. Again, these are not experts on gun safety or know how to reduce crime, they are PR Hacks and Gun Control activists coming together to possibly create a way to influence people on the evils of guns. Does it sound familiar?

And remember, in politics there is no such thing as truth in advertising.

The Michael Bane Blog: Metcalf’s Lame Response. (updated)

This is not, as Bitter so lucidly notes, a “free speech” issue. Let me go a step farther than that…as I noted in my earlier post, we have been having a “dialog” about the role of firearms in American society at least as long as I’ve been alive. IMHO, the “dialog” ended when the war began.

Let me say this again…we are at war with a segment of society whose sole goal is total civilian disarmament. We are not in a dialog. We are not in a debate. We are not in a healthy give-and-take in the Cornell University academic lounge. The primary weapon used by our blood enemies is the Big Lie.

via The Michael Bane Blog: Metcalf’s Lame Response.

In other words, quit while you are behind. You are giving the opposition more ammo against those you call your own.

CSGV just posted this:

metcalf csgvAt least Dick has somebody that backs him up…. even if he wants to send him to a re-education camp.

Update: Moms Demand Action also come to the defense of Metcalf”
metcalf mda

Bitter Deconstructs Dick Metcalf’s Response.

When I read Metcalf’s response, what I see is a man who is feeling extremely defensive, and not at all ready to acknowledge that the industry and world around him are changing. I’m not sure that any sentence sums up his disconnect from the community any better than this:

Do voices from cyberspace now control how and why business decisions are made?

It’s as if he doesn’t even comprehend that those “voices” are the very customers and readers of Guns & Ammo and purchasers of the firearms products advertised in the pages. Not everyone may be a subscriber, but they are all part of the target market.

via Dick Metcalf Response to His Firing from Guns & Ammo | Shall Not Be Questioned.

It is sad to see Dick Metcalf using almost word by word some of the arguments that the Opposition spews regularly.

I was going to put forth my two cents, but Bitter does a much better job. Read the whole thing as it is legally and constitutionally illustrative.


Brazilian Police Forces do not like Hostage Takers. (NSFW)

Video 1): Bank robber armed with a knife holds a woman hostage. Not only that, but he is a prick about playing with the knife on the woman. Sniper takes care of situation.

Video 2): Armed robber goes after a pharmacy with a grenade (yes, they do stuff like that South of The Border. BTDT) Again a sniper takes care of the issue. Go straight to 2:08 and then watch as they show the Bad Guy’s hat.

The Cloning Of Trayvon Martin

Courtesy of Moms Demand Action:
MDA McBrideThis case is…well…. weird as some stuff does not make sense other than the injecting of politics by the usual suspects.

This is what allegedly happened according to Time magazine (Nov. 06, 2013):

 Renisha McBride was shot in the back of the head with a shotgun Saturday, the Detroit News reports. McBride was in a car accident at roughly 2:30 a.m. that morning. Her cell phone battery had died, her family said, and she is believed to have gone to a house looking for help, where she was shot and killed.

“He shot her in the head … for what? For knocking on his door,” the woman’s aunt told local TV station Fox 2. “If he felt scared or threatened, he should have called 911.” She added, “I feel it was racial.”

The race and identity of the shooter, and the specific charges against him, have not been released.

But Detroit Free Press (November 7, 2013) quoting Lt. James Serwatowski, chief detective of Dearborn Heights PD has a slight different version (extracts):

Dearborn Heights police say a homeowner told investigators his shotgun accidentally discharged, hitting Renisha McBride in the face as she stood on his porch….“This girl was not shot in the back of the head while leaving the porch,” Serwatowski said “I don’t know where the family is getting this. She was shot in the front of the face, near the mouth.”….“I’ll confirm that she was in an accident in Detroit and that she left the accident scene, and then some hours transpired” before the shooting, Serwatowski said……Serwatowski said the shooting occurred about 3:40 a.m. and the accident happened at about 1:30 a.m. He declined to say what police believe McBride was doing before and after the accident.

They are not specifying what charges might be brought on the homeowner, but if it looks like he opened the door, then he cannot claim self-defense and if the shooting was not intentional, then I am wildly guessing maybe involuntary manslaughter.

But, of course, the death of a black teen at the hands of a white person immediately brings out the hordes of idiots who hate Stand Your Ground and have no problem adjudicating any shooting to it.

From Salon Magazine (Nov 6, 2013):

Police have now asked that charges be brought against the shooter. But since a “stand your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her blog, “The problem with a law like Stand Your Ground is that it excuses and encourages deadly force against ‘perceived’ threats. In the United States, where implicit and structural racism persists on a vast scale, is it wise to empower people who almost certainly have irrational and racist fears.

Before I would say that the author is a moron who does not understand the difference between Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine (the event happened at the porch of the shooter’s house) but after the bills introduced in the Florida Legislature  trying to kill Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine and the Extension of the Castle Doctrine, I am starting to get a bit worried and think this is now a coordinated effort to eliminate Self Defense from our laws.

The playing of the Race card is nothing more than trying to raise an outrage and generate publicity. Each party has its own reasons why and I won’t try to speculate, suffice to say I don’t think it will go far as people are getting tired of it.

And remember: It ain’t paranoia if they really after your right to self-defense.