Month: November 2013

Virginia Tech: Verdict Reversed. The ‘Why’ will come as shock for many.

The state Supreme Court has reversed a jury’s wrongful death verdict against the state stemming from the killings of 32 students and faculty at Virginia Tech in 2007.

In a decision issued Thursday, the justices say the state had no duty to warn students of the potential acts of a lone student-gunman who initially shot two in a dormitory before killing 30 more people. He then killed himself.

via State justices reverse wrongful death verdict against state stemming from Va. Tech massacre | Fox News.

No Duty to Protect. We have known this for a long while now, but the majority of people still do not know about it.

I think partially it is intended that the knowledge does not become too public. It will not bade well on police budgets that people may suddenly say “But if you have no duty to protect us, why should my hard-earned dollars go to buy you shiny new toys and pay for great benefit packages?”

And the Gun Control groups must have the idea perpetuated that Only Cops Should Have Guns Because They Will Protect Us or their house of cards will collapse even faster.

And just as a reminder, allow me to quote myself:

“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”
Larry Hincker, January 31, 2006.

When he said that, he was celebrating the defeat of a measure that would have allowed Students, Faculty and Personnel from Virginia Tech to carry guns on Campus provided they had a Concealed Carry Permit. In April 16, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho made a liar out Mr. Henckler with bloody efficiency. Amazingly Mr. Hinckler is not only roaming free but still works for Virginia Tech.

This is far from Cop Bashing but realizing that they cannot be everywhere all the time. 99% of all cops would not hesitate to charge to the sound of musketry to save the lives of the innocent, but numbers and physics impede that self-imposed duty. We must realize and make other people understand that we are the first responders to any unwarranted violent action against ourselves and that rubbing 3 digits on a cell phone will not instantly produce a genie dressed in blue.


John Lott studies the study on Racism & Gun Ownership. Not surprised at the result

Given the discussion is racism here, wouldn’t it be useful to note that over 91 percent of blacks are murdered by other blacks. Similarly, 84 percent of whites are murdered by other whites. One thing is clear, whites aren’t getting guns to kill blacks…..

…..Now rerunning the same regression on non-whites.  Despite the much smaller sample, you still get statistically significant effect for this supposed measure of symbolic racism.  So are non-whites who are racist against blacks more likely to own a gun?  Hardly seems reasonable.

via Evaluating: “Racism, gun ownership and gun control: Biased attitudes in US whites may influence policy decisions” – Crime Prevention Research Center.

If you are seriously into statistics, you will enjoy his careful dissection. I will admit that this is a wee bit over my head, but Lott’s has a long tradition of bulletproof research so I’ll go with him.

It was a good Halloween.

October 2013 Halloween 002That was the image that greeted Trick-or-Treaters at my location. I never spoke and only communicated with slow, deliberate hand signs. I could tell you all kinds of funny stories about people almost peeing their pants after they realized the tomahawk was the real thing when I forcefully embedded it on the stand, but the best was not that.

Two young kids I figure were about 6 or 7 came to the door and were suitably impressed/afraid. One of them asked me what was I and I remained silent. The other one looked me up and down, looked at the mess, smiled and yelled: “He is a Zombie Killer!”

They could not see the huge smile under the whited out visor, but they did get extra candy and chocolates. As if to finally make me almost shed a tear, they both went

“Thank You Mr.Zombie Killer. Happy Halloween!”

It was a good day to be MHI.

PS: Second best comment was the first kids that knocked on my door. I’d say about 12-14 years of age and they did not approach willingly. One of them said to the other:
“Dude….this is not normal.”


ZOMG! Gun Owners are Racist! And there is a study to prove it!

As you can imagine, they are giddy like they just met Justin Beiber.
CSGV Study Racism

The article/study titled Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition is starting to make the rounds of the Gun Control advocates. As usual, it does not provide much for method or how the study was done, par for the course.

A new study of symbolic racism among white American voters yielded strong links between latent biases toward blacks and increased favor of gun ownership and oppositions toward gun control.

Published in the journal PLoS One, the study used voter data of white Americans that, after accounting for political ideology, income, and education, still revealed startling connections between racism and gun ownership

I have never heard of PLoS One so I did a quick search. According to Wiki “PLOS ONE (originally PLoS ONE) is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science since 2006.” My memory was triggered to an article I have read recently about these “open access peer-reviewed scientific journal” and although I could not find the original, I did managed to get an article from Berkley Blog denouncing them as mercenaries that collect monies from the author to review the study and then publish it. Since they only collect money if the article is published….you get the idea. It explains how reporter John Bohannon conducted a sting presenting a paper on a cancer-curing lichen so filled with mistake as to make it impossible for any half-witted peer review publication to publish and yes, a boatload of the did publish it & collected the cash. You may want to read the whole article by Mr. Bohannon in Science Magazine.

So… consider the source of this study on Gun Control and Racism. And I want them to explain the boatload of Hispanics with guns in South Florida…..lots of somebodies did not get the memo.