By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “I have an idea for a gun.”
  1. Hah, I knew it was the ZIP just from the blurb on FB.

    So far I haven’t really heard anything GOOD about it.

  2. And even if you got it to work, many jurisdictions specifically prohibit “zip guns” by name. Any law enforcement officer, upon being told what it was (It’s a Zip Gun, Officer!) would have you on the ground handcuffed in short order.

    1. those laws make it faily clear that gun must be home made. which this pretty clearly isnt also who would carry this? even if it was hyper reliable i just dont see the holsterbility pocketiblility as its exstreamly wide

  3. Single shot? The Zip22lr IS a single shot. Even with a fully loaded BX-25, it’s still at MOST a single shot. I embarassingly bought one, worked on it, the factory worked on it, NEVER DID FUNCTION CORRECTLY. My LGS felt so bad, he gave me full credit for it back. HUGE POS.

    1. I think they even say it doesn’t work with a BX-25.

      Their excuse was something like “Our gun cycles too fast for the magazine”

  4. Heh, they got all Hissy as Linoge when he wrote a fairly polite review saying his T&E unit wasn’t fit for review.

    Yeah even if they WORKED its a creepy design with those forward charging rods.

    The fact that all units I’ve seen reviewed don’t work seems to speak volumes.

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