Dear God: Keep the Bad Guys this stupid forever and ever, Amen

Neighbors spotted Bobby Harris, 53, looking into a window along Starke Lake Circle in Ocoee, while he was wearing a Halloween mask on October 20. Police said he was peeping on a mom and her three girls, and that mom went after him with her gun.

“He was trying to get inside the door. Pretty scary. He was wearing a Jason mask,” said Carmine Santiago, who saw Harris looking into her neighbor’s house. She recognized him from fliers police handed out just weeks before.

“I don’t know what his intentions were to get in, but there’s no telling,” said Betsy Cornele. ” (I was) Scared and ready to get the gun.”

The mother of three grabbed her handgun, ran outside and fired three warning shots into the ground. That scared him off, and eventually authorities arrested Harris.

via Man masked as ‘Jason’ caught peeping | News – Home.

Good for Mommy! Now let’s how that the other masked monster does not show up and charges her with assault with a deadly weapon.

Hat tip to via deathandtaxes.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Hey Sparky! Life is not the movies… Specially in Florida”
  1. I’m surprised she wasn’t charged. Most places say if you have time for a warning shot, you are not in danger. Just showing him the gun should have been enough. At least they arrested the turd.

  2. Since when did “peeping” warrant being shot at? The guy clearly deserves jail time, but so does the woman who fired with no cause.

    BTW — we finally know where in the world Carmine Sandiego. Kind of a lame name-change, though.

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