The state Supreme Court has reversed a jury’s wrongful death verdict against the state stemming from the killings of 32 students and faculty at Virginia Tech in 2007.

In a decision issued Thursday, the justices say the state had no duty to warn students of the potential acts of a lone student-gunman who initially shot two in a dormitory before killing 30 more people. He then killed himself.

via State justices reverse wrongful death verdict against state stemming from Va. Tech massacre | Fox News.

No Duty to Protect. We have known this for a long while now, but the majority of people still do not know about it.

I think partially it is intended that the knowledge does not become too public. It will not bade well on police budgets that people may suddenly say “But if you have no duty to protect us, why should my hard-earned dollars go to buy you shiny new toys and pay for great benefit packages?”

And the Gun Control groups must have the idea perpetuated that Only Cops Should Have Guns Because They Will Protect Us or their house of cards will collapse even faster.

And just as a reminder, allow me to quote myself:

“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”
Larry Hincker, January 31, 2006.

When he said that, he was celebrating the defeat of a measure that would have allowed Students, Faculty and Personnel from Virginia Tech to carry guns on Campus provided they had a Concealed Carry Permit. In April 16, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho made a liar out Mr. Henckler with bloody efficiency. Amazingly Mr. Hinckler is not only roaming free but still works for Virginia Tech.

This is far from Cop Bashing but realizing that they cannot be everywhere all the time. 99% of all cops would not hesitate to charge to the sound of musketry to save the lives of the innocent, but numbers and physics impede that self-imposed duty. We must realize and make other people understand that we are the first responders to any unwarranted violent action against ourselves and that rubbing 3 digits on a cell phone will not instantly produce a genie dressed in blue.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Virginia Tech: Verdict Reversed. The ‘Why’ will come as shock for many.”
  1. The photo of the three responders to the Mall attack, one with the IDPA patch comes to Mind………it takes a Village……. 🙂

    1. Actually, they do have a duty to let us protect ourselves, per the 2A. That is a duty that they shirk.

      1. No duty to protect is innate not only in the constitution, but in the structure of, ya know, reality. I really don’t get that people don’t get it, but then we live in a culture that now calls police officers “law enforcement officers.”

        Police are not law enforcement officers. Judges are law enforcement officers. The duty of a police officer is to compel people to appear before the law. They are not supposed to do anything that is not corollary to that.

        There is a term for places where the police are actually the enforcers of law.

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