Month: November 2013

The perfect and economical subject for Moms Demand Action.

Garden State Plaza shooting suspect killed self in mall, authorities say |

PARAMUS — Hours after a volley of shots were fired in Garden State Plaza, trapping customers and store workers for hours as police searched for the gunman, the suspect was found dead inside a construction zone within the mall, authorities said this morning.

There was no indication when he died, but officials said it appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the head from a rifle. He was found shot to death at about 3:20 a.m., wearing a black motorcycle helmet and jeans. The body was found in a non-retail area not typically accessed by the public, where construction materials were being stored, Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli said…. Molinelli said the gunman fired at least six rounds in the mall. He identified the weapon as a .22-caliber assault-style rifle

via Garden State Plaza shooting suspect killed self in mall, authorities say |


MDA should be able to make this one last long. The subject suffered mental problems. He had an “assault weapon in New Jersey, he went to a mall where he used the weapon and then killed himself.

So in one hand they can go all nasty about another crazy gun owner with a gun that can “shoot 10 times a minute” and how we need universal background checks to prevent stuff like this and then, they can turn around and add him to the poor victims of suicide brought to you by lack of universal background checks and the NRA.

In today’s economy, you make everything stretch as far as it will go, including the truth or its facsimile.

PS: No, I am not making fun of the poor fella. Lord knows he may had a nasty life and ended up even worse. But the vultures like Shannon Watts do love their meat fresh and need to be called to the magic carpet.

Florida Bills Emasculating Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground

There are several bills in the Florida legislature with the following or very similar language:


An act relating to the use of deadly force in defense of a person; repealing s. 776.013, F.S., relating to home protection and the use of deadly force, which created a presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain circumstances and provided that a person has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force in certain circumstances; amending ss. 776.012, 776.032, and 790.15, F.S.; conforming provisions; defining the term “dwelling”; providing an effective date.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
Section 1.

There are several bills on the Florida Legislature working for the following:

Section 776.013, Florida Statutes, is repealed.


This headline is possibly the most scary thing in Tallahassee right now. 776.013 covers nothing more than Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm, Florida Statutes and leave us with a generic 776.012 

So what really happens by repealing 776.013? Castle Doctrine is erased from the books. You no longer have the assumption that your home is your castle unless a district attorney says so. It also eliminates the Extension of the Castle Doctrine to anywhere you have the right to be and Stand Your Ground is emasculated and void even though it appears mentioned in 776.012. You can be the victim of a carjacking, defend yourself and the D.A. can come along later and indicate say it was not a clear case of self-defense so you are to be charged with the murder of the poor wealth-re distributor.

This is not trying to go back to the laws prior to 2005 but a straight jump back of at least 30 years or more. This is an open invitation to Prosecutorial Misconduct by any D.A. eager to flex his legal muscle just because or for an upcoming election.

If you still don’t get it, let me paint you a picture. Let’s say 776.013 is indeed erased from the books and some weirdo breaks into your house at zero dark thirty. Then he proceeds to attack your kids in their room but you manage to retrieve your gun, shoot him and kill him. Now imagine that the final say on your case is to be decided by State Prosecutor Angela Corey or somebody like her.

That prospect is too scary to even think about it.

And it gets worse…. but this will do for now.

Proof positive Gun Owners are the most peaceful people out there.

Because normal people would choke this crap out of these school idiots.

“He tells me that were going to issue you a criminal trespass warning,” says Mount. The notice banned her from McBean Elementary School where her disabled daughter attends.

She asked what she did wrong. “The principal is scared of you and she doesn’t want you on the grounds. I ask for what? And he asks were you in the Army and I said yes. He’s like do you have a concealed weapons permit? I said yes,” says Mount.

Mount who is a parent volunteer says she is banned from the school for posting a picture of her new concealed weapons permit on her Facebook page.

via 12 On Your Side: Banned from child’s elementary school for Facebook picture?.

I need coffee…it is too early for stuff like this.