Month: March 2014

Moms embarrassing delivery at Staples HQ

Moms Staples Embarrasment

So Moms Demand took their 12,797 online signatures collected over 5 months to Staples HQ. ….let me rephrase that: Apparently only seven or eight members of Moms Demand Action were able to get together to deliver 12,797 online signatures collected over 5 months to Staples HQ.

The signatures were received by Staples security and the Moms were asked to leave.  I doubt they made it in the lobby of the building.

And when the crowd of onlookers is just the local media and they are about as half as the people you brought, you know you once again have failed miserably.

Not even a reporter on the scene. Just a cameraman playing a dual role. Sad.

I don’t want to say it just yet, but it sure seems that Moms is on a nose dive at Mach 10. Every day they seem more and more irrelevant and about to become a sad joke in the annals of Gun Control.  Coming under the wing of MAIG seems to have not being too prosperous and seem they got sent to the politically correct kitchen

My guess is that astroturf does not do well in Winter, right?

Hat Tip to Say Uncle.

So how much was your Karma bill?

There are bad days and then this:

I really want to know where is that place so I can avoid it like hell

Facebook mulling policy changes on gun-themed pages.

Facebook may announce company policy changes for gun-related pages in the coming weeks, VentureBeat has learned.

The social network has been under pressure from the powerful Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Moms Demand Action civic group to ban gun-themed fan pages on the site.

via Facebook mulling policy changes on gun-themed pages (exclusive) | VentureBeat | Business | by Richard Byrne Reilly.

I hope the mull, specially the bottom line:

Facebook NRA Moms Maig 1

Facebook NRA Moms Maig 2


Facebook NRA Moms Maig 4


Facebook NRA Moms Maig 3


Facebook NRA Moms Maig 5

Facebook NRA Moms Maig 6


I do believe in the power of political idiocy and I k now Zuckenberg is an avowed liberal, but is he ready to alienate a good several million Gun Owners and Gun Rights enthusiasts because Shannon Watts has her $150 La Perla  undies in a bunch?

Prediction: Some of the most “offending” sites might be brought down to satisfy the 6 O’Clock news. New pages will open and Facebook will be busy attending to other things. Moms will make a cute new banner claiming VICTORY.


Poor Marissa Alexander now facing 60 years in prison

Alexander was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but a judge ordered her to receive a new trial.

Now, the State Attorney’s Office has announced they’re seeking a 60-year sentence for Alexander – triple her original sentence!

Who’s prosecuting the case? Well, it’s none other than State Attorney Angela Corey’s office.

Corey is the prosecutor whose failure to convict George Zimmerman played out on an international stage.

via Poor Marissa Alexander now facing 60 years in prison.

Every time I see the name Angela Corey, a song pops in my head:

Well Don’t trust your soul to no back woods Southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the town’s got bloodstains on his hands.
Reba McEntire “The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia

It unfortunately says a lot about Florida Lawyers when somebody like Corey is not at least under investigation and deep scrutiny by the Florida Bar. This is not the action of a prosecutor intent on justice be served but of a petty person engaged in judicial revenge.

We are getting very close to a Banana Republic-type judicial system in this country.  Instead of checks and balances, now every branch has decided to augment its own power without interference from the others on the back of the citizens they are supposed to be working for.

Not a good sign.

Hat Tip to Florida Carry.


Measures have to be taken when parents fail to educate.

A yellow ribbon around a dog’s collar is to help children identify that you need to proceed with caution. The dog may not be child friendly, may have fear or anxiety issues, or may be overly excited.  Either way, caution should be applied when approaching.

via Do You Know What A Yellow Ribbon Tied On A Dog’s Collar Means?.

I was initially insulted by the article, but then quickly realized it is not the fault of the dog people but of the parents that are unable to teach their kids the basics of reality.

Unless you and your kid know the dog well, all dogs are considered to be unfriendly till proven otherwise. And even then, a dog may do some damage if the proper events or stimuli were to happen.  My wife was bitten by a dog when she was little and this dog was well known and friendly till one stormy night when it freaked big time because of thunder and lightning.  She was distrustful and even fearful of dogs till we got married and one of my dobbies fell in love with her allowing her to once again like dogs.  After that and a wee bit of training on my part, she became knowledgeable and fearless of dogs to the point of staring down and cowering my parents’ German shepherd and a Belgian malinois into submission (she does the same to me on a regular basis.)

Teach your kids (and I am talking small children here) not to approach a dog without an adult present and then only with his/her permission. Also teach them the indicators of a dog being normal & friendly versus being fearful and/or aggressive in case the owner is a moron.

There are plenty of resources on the net regarding how to behave and even how to defend yourself against a dog attack.  The articles are good and all, but they are a bit shy on actually tell you to go ahead and kill the dog if needed. If you have a weapon, use it. If you don’t have one, crush their larynx, gouge eyes out, bite the nose off and do whatever is necessary to avoid major injury.

Moms Demand Action versus Staples: We mean it this time!

Moms Staples Mean it


Moms Demand appears to be on the fast downhill slope to irrelevancy. The original run with a Staples Store in Virginia where they claimed the manager followed their demands and made the store Gun Free only to be revealed later that it was just a lie. But apparently that was not enough and Shannon Watts started a signature campaign to force Staple’s CEO to change the chain’s policy regarding guns. This is the result so far:

Moms Staples Mean it 2


They collected 12,348 on-line signatures in 5 months! That is about 82 signatures per day.  Again, the best they could do was to get 82 people on average to click on a link and write their name on a form.  They are less effective than what a Girl Scout selling cookies in San Francisco did in 2 hours.

I think we are seeing (for now) that Gun Control groups are forsaking to change public opinion so regular folks pressure their representatives and more direct pressure on the politicritters in the form of electoral cash and the threat of well-funded challengers.

If they make the tactical mistake of forsaking public opinion, we should jump in with both feet and keep presenting our culture. But that also means not behaving like idiots by doing the “Fuck You! That is Why!” public relations approach.

Be polite, present your side, agree to disagree & say Thank You to those who are inquiring about Gun Culture. We will always need more votes.