Month: March 2014

Moms want a Doctor trained in Cartoonland to be Surgeon General

I had already covered the idiocy of nominating Dr. Vivek Murthy as Surgeon General, but since today appears to be the day the Senate gets on the nomination thing, Shannon and Assorted wives of MAIG are raising hell.

Moms Demand Surgeon General


Nothing new here, but what caught my attention is one of the nuttier than usual comments in their Facebook page:

Dawn Herman Our doctors should have the right to know there are guns in are homes, just like they can ask about mental issues in the family.

Wait what? I must have missed that one in the Bill Of Rights.  The depth of idiocy running through the veins of these Moms is plain scary.  Just because they dress in a pretty white lab coat and have a Dr. prefixing their names does not give them the right to squat regarding my household or my family. And specially not a group that kill more people every year in the US than wars and just because they can’t seem to remember to wash their hands.

Floridians Still Likes Stand Your Ground. And apparently a lot.

Florida continues to back its “Stand Your Ground” law according to a poll from the University of North Florida (UNF) released on Monday.

The poll finds more than 60 percent of those surveyed support “Stand Your Ground” with 41 percent saying they strongly support it and 21 percent somewhat support it. Less than a quarter–22 percent–strongly oppose the law while 7 percent somewhat oppose it.

The poll of 507 registered voters in Florida was taken from March 6-March 16 and had a margin of error of +/- 4.35 percent.

via New poll shows Florida backs ‘Stand Your Ground’ law | Sunshine State News.

You think that with the volume of propaganda and political pressure brought to bear on the whole state, SYG would be as hated as stale guava pastries or long lines at DisneyWorld. Even in the state that some enjoy calling Floriduh! we understand that the idea of giving an attacker first dibs to our blood supply is a very stupid concept.


CSGV, lemme Google that for you.



If Idaho teachers are so dumb that they cannot access a computer and search for the Idaho Statutes, not only they shouldn’t be allowed near a gun but fired for incompetents incompetence.

But since apparently teachers are having gladiator fights in their lounge (at least according to the Miami Herald) and may be too busy to actually do any reasearch, so I give you Title 18, Chapter 40 of the Idaho Statutes regarding Justifiable Homicide. I’ll leave the rest as homework.

And Just could not finish without sharing some of the comments:

Linda Rodimon I am serious..did someone spray an idiot bug around? i am already a bit depressed, and feel lost in this crazy country that, as a kid, i was taught
From the average comments of the followers of CSGV, I would answer YES!)

Joel Mielke Shoot first, pop quiz later.
First time somebody says that Joel! Good work! (not)

Terri Brimm I’d like to know where the line will be drawn on this one. Can the professor shoot a student that is sleeping or texting in class? How about the ones who arrive late and disrupt the lecture? Can the professor shoot both the lazy student and the mom who is constantly calling to ask for extensions for their child (I know a few college professors and this is a huge complaint amongst them! It’s college folks, let your kiddo grow up and take responsibility for their actions)? We are devolving into Somalia.
Somebody needs to increase her anti-depressant meds

Java Winters Out-of-context. The prof was being snarky and making a point.
You are gonna confuse them with facts, don’t.

Bradley Stabler After they ask the same question, the answer to which is clearly indicated on the syllabus of which they have both paper and electronic copies, for the third time.

Deborah Prust Adams Brilliantly sarcastic letter to the editor. With your graphic, I’m afraid people may think this question is serious. So many won’t read any further.
I am amazed they can read at all

Mark Manchak How awful. Soon Idaho will experience the same types of bloodbaths we’ve seen on Utah and Colorado campuses since they permitted permit-holders to carry on campus.
Troll Alert… and well-played Mark. Pity your post will be deleted soon.

Linda Rodimon I was rambling…well you get how i feel and how sick I think things are..
you are par for the course dear, don’t fret.


Because Tam asked….

Mistress Tam asked an interesting question:

How many of those people do you think read either gun blogs or anti-gun blogs?

She was referring to a previous post where I mentioned that what we do is not trying to convince the True Believer in Anti Gun causes but the ones that might have not so defined feelings one way or the other or have not made a decision yet.

Let me start with my particular case: Yes, but I am not fooling myself about the cause or the numbers. I imagine that somebody interested in knowing about Gun Free Zones may Google the term and my blog comes up first most of the time. So by way of search logarithm, they may end up landing here. Does it make a difference? I would like to think so, but that is just a wish.

Gun Blogs are encyclopedias of Gun Stuff. The political ones serve the purpose of concentrating info about Gun Rights, what has happened before, what is going on and where we might be going. We are also repeater stations where the author may share something he saw somewhere and thinks his readers may find interesting or useful. Also the author may get his knowledge corrected (Lord knows it happens enough in this URL) from things he gets wrong.

And at best, we occupy shelf space. The more of us are out there, the more results mentioning our side of things appear in the webs and the less space the opposition has. If anything is a direct metric showing which side has the grassroots and who is the one manufacturing outrage.  In a world where little by little people are gathering their information not from the Boob Tube or the Local Bird Cage Liner but their favorite electronic device, to have an awesome presence is important.

My post Moms Demand Action: Shannon Watts, The Plastic Gardener, has been accessed over 16,500 times and I have seen it copied and passed about in may forums and even almighty Reddit. Was it used last week in Indiana where Shannon Watts got her lying butt spanked by a legislator? I don’t know but I will let my ego run with it ’cause the poor fella needs petting once in a while.

And that is all we can aspire to: that what we do gets used for good and hope, maybe, for some linky-love.

And that the Koch Brothers finally get around to fulfill the anti-gun conspiracy and put us in their payrolls. I can use some extra cash.

Double Dose Of Canadian Facepalm.

From the Nainamo daily News, we get this hard-hitting piece of journalism:
Nanaimo RCMP discover Soviet assault weapons
Routine investigation of shed near Nanaimo home uncovers pair of SKS Tula semi-automatic rifles.

Two Soviet-era SKS Tula semi-automatic assault rifles, a scooter valued at $3,000, and an estimated $15,000 worth of bicycles were hidden in the shed, along with a quantity of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana. 

OK, I get that it was the lair were bad guys dropped their stuff and a bit of sensationalism sells, but for the love of Pete, I am sure that Canada has access to Google. Will a quick search about SKS rifles for accuracy’s sake would be so painful?

“If they fall into the wrong hands, now they’ve got a semi-automatic weapon,” said Sgt. Sheryl Armstrong of the Nanaimo RCMP.
“Or if some young child finds them and thinks they’re a toy, and there’s ammunition, look out.”
Guns capable of firing one bullet after another have been used in mass shootings.
“Any time you have something capable of firing more than one bullet (in rapid succession), it’s concerning,” Armstrong said.
“If you can fire off (multiple) shots just like that, it has the capability of harming more individuals than a single shot.”

Well, the Sherlock Holmes of British Columbia has spoken.  OK, Mr. Holmes does not deserve to be associated with Sgt. Armstrong who probably got her rank due to Politically Correct means and not because she is a master cop or even a Keystone one.  And I bet she is issued a single shot muzzle-loader dueling pistol for her patrols from the office to the ladies room and then on to Tim Hortons.

But that is not all. Apparently Darrell Bellaart, the “journalist” that probably managed to stop sucking Lord Calvert out of a straw to write this “article” was asked if he could make a correction on the obvious firearm mistakes.

darrell bellaart

His answer tells us a lot: Journalists are as dumb past Nord des Lignes than down here.

And yes, I ran out of Canadian references. I’ll save Sgt. Preston.

Hat tip to Bryan B.


Oregon: Are Legislators subject to drug use checks?

My guess they are stoned out of their skulls and come up with stupid gun control laws. House Bill 3200 apparently classifies pretty much any modern firearm as an assault weapon and bans them. Same with those evil high-capacity ammunition clip devices magazines. orders registration, removal from the state, destruction or surrender of those eeevil weapons…so like the best hits of New York and Connecticut.

But they just don’t wanna be a cover band so they added safe storage provisions (which are yet undetermined so it mean anything goes for the Law) and this beauty:

The department (of State Police.. or Police State, not quite sure) may conduct inspections of registered owners of assault weapons and large capacity magazines to ensure compliance with the storage requirements of section 4 of this 2013 Act.

Not only we shall urinate on your Second Amendment Rights, we shall defecate on your Fourth Amendment Rights too! Sixteen Idio…legislators support this bill , no one will be present if there is a need to kick down doors to confiscate weapons.

Maybe they should go an pee in a cup?

Hat Tip to Gun Rights Examiner.

Weird dream…

Still trying to digest it.

So I am with my wife back down south of the border and I am giving her a tour of my old Catholic School’s original location that has not been in existence since 1973 when we moved to a new location,  As I am telling her stories about those days as a youngster, I realize she has suddenly disappeared. Before I can even worry, a pimpled faced teen shows up with a jalopy of an old Ford sedan whose model I can’t figure, gets out and while handing me a note, tells me to get it.

I get in and open the note but I can’t make what it says. I noticed a black case on the seat and I picked up it to reveal a Glock pistol, model unknown…but somehow I know that it is not a 19 or a 17 and that it came from my wife. Not knowing what to do, I drive out of the high school and after three blocks I end up in a part of town I know is at least 15 miles from where I departed. I park in a high-rise condo tower and get out, somehow knowing that I must get to a certain apartment. I reach the apartment, the door is open and I get in. On a table I find another black box that holds another Glock. The markings say it is a Glock 64 (?) and it is just a tad bigger than a North American Arms .22 revolver and it actually has a magazine that carries 3 rounds of 9 mm. On the floor I notice what it looks like a 5 feet long black square tube but turns out to be a 250 round Glock magazine and I somehow now that it will work in the Glock 64 Deringer.

With these new items, I head downstairs where the original jalopy is now gone and I see  the same pimple faced youngster now dressed as a valet next to a production car that looks like a Le Mans race car (OK, I know where this one comes from, I watched Steve McQueen’s Le Mans not too long ago) I hop in and I realize that the windshield is not really a windshield but a screen as in TV/Monitor and I think “Now that is cool!” I also realize that there is another black box and yes, it is another Glock but this one in .357 SIG. Now I have an unidentified Glock, a Glock 64 that only exists in my disturbed head, a Glock 31 and a very long Glock Magazine.

I start the futuristic car, the screen comes alive with a full image of the outside and a Heads Up display of the car functions and gauges. Super cool! I drive off and I hit a speed bump which makes the screen go stupid and goes from outside view to daytime TV and then infomercials, then cable news, then some game show and keeps flipping like a speed freak was holding the remote.

I stop the car cussing the quality control of the manufacturer and as I am stepping out, I finally wake up.

That will be the last time I’ll have a sausage, bacon and cheddar biscuit before hitting the sack. And I don’t own Glocks.

It looked something like this but in a cobalt blue with gold lines