Month: April 2014

Apparently not a joke: Moms Demand to crash NRA’s Annual Meeting?

This just popped in their Facebook Page:

Moms Demand NRA annual Meeting


Shannon Watts has to be pissed. The NRA in her territory? She lives in Zionsville which is 18 miles from the Indiana Convention Center, so basically we are gonna be pissing the tulips in her backyard as far as she is concerned.

Now, I am sure they will seek some sort of confrontation because the media will have all the cameras on them while tens of thousands of attendees will be ignored. If you, lucky dog, is going to the Annual Meeting, I can only give this piece of advice as you walk by them:

smile and wave


Kill them with kindness…. it is hard to accept defeat but we must help them.

PS: I realized that they are not specific as why the gathering and the reply from the followers seem to indicate they are unaware of the NRA AM. Let’s see if Internet Tough Talk translates to presence in the street. Anyway, it shall be fun.

And if you are going, take pictures and share!

Dear Officer Jerry Bledsoe: Welcome to The Streisand Effect.

Police Officer acts like a penis, gets recorded by the complainant. Officer Jerry Bledsoe goes running to a judge who issues …get this… an order of protection against Jordan Klaffer  for stalking and forbids him to publish in the interwebs his name, picture or video.

The Streisand Effect ensues.

And of course there is that little detail of firearms confiscation that kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth….

I almost forgot. An order of protection for stalking? Besides the fact that it makes you look like a wussie with a “p”, it makes stalking look like a joke when it is applied to stupid shit like this and demeans the danger that true stalkers represent.

Get a pair of relinquish the badge.

Hat Tip to Say Uncle