Month: July 2014

Invest Millions of Dollars in Gun Control Strategies, Imitate the NRA?

Millions of bucks hiring the best minds Madison Avenue has and the best they can come up with is to copy the NRA’s strategies.

Moms Demand questionnaire

And it is not even a first copy since Brady has been doing something similar also.  You can go online and check the questionnaire here.

As expected, they are ramping up for Midterms and it is time to put on our game faces. They know they are against the corner and facing possible extinction so that makes them dangerous.

Let’s do this.

Flood of lawsuits over concealed carry denials – Chicago Tribune

After taking a firearms training course, paying a host of fees, and submitting fingerprints for a background check that he ultimately passed, Michael Thomas was puzzled when he was notified earlier this year that a special review board had denied his application for a concealed carry license.

Thomas, a former Air Force reservist who said he routinely carried a gun during military service and has never had a run-in with the law, is one of more than 800 people who have been denied licenses by the board, which meets behind closed doors and keeps its records and reasoning secret, even from applicants who are denied.

Figuring that his was a case of mistaken identity, Thomas wrote to the Illinois State Police to request a review of the decision.

“I have never been arrested or convicted of any offense, either misdemeanor or felony, in the state of Illinois or any other state,” Thomas said in his letter. “I have no criminal record of any type.”

But the state police, in a letter responding to his appeal request, didn’t say why he was denied, and told him that the board’s decisions couldn’t be reviewed and that he would have to petition a court in order to appeal.

So Thomas joined 193 other Illinoisans who have filed lawsuits against the state police to try and peel back the secrecy of the decision-making process.

via Flood of lawsuits over concealed carry denials – Chicago Tribune.

I have the feeling that Chicago Pols have figured that the Concealed Weapons Permit system in Illinois is May Issue after all.

Then again that have been having such a crappy time with the courts, hopefully it will backfire and make the system even easier.

Open Carry “Activism” in Texas: When you thought it could not get any stupider…

…it goes 10 powers of magnitude higher.

I imagine most of you have seen the pic of this idiot:

target moron brandishing

If you haven’t, I’ll give you a couple of minutes to get your blood pressure under control.

Every so often, something so ridiculously stupid happens, you just have to shake your head and laugh. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES. When it comes to the reckless handling of a firearm, that is never a laughing matter. With that said, the gentleman in the above picture thought it would be a wise idea to recklessly brandish his firearm at his friendly neighborhood target.

Meet Todd Lo. Now clearly Todd is not the shiniest apple in the orchard. In one of the pics, the handguns muzzle actually appears to be dangerously close to aligning with the small girls head! This is behavior that is not indicative of any law-abiding gun owners that I’ve ever met. But what makes this story truly preposterous, is that Mr. Lo posted these pictures on the official Target Facebook page himself!

via Houston Area Man Recklessly Brandishes Firearm at Target | BuzzPoBuzzPo.

But this is about to get even more bizarre. You see, somebody got mad at Todd for brandishing his sidearm. That somebody in none other than Open Carry Texas very own C.J. Grisham:

target moron brandishing Grisham

He can’t understand why he is brandishing the firearm, he must be having mental problems. He might be right:

And Mr. Grisham himself did not like being scolded at his own brandishing:

screen cap stolen from Shall Not Be Questioned

My head hurts….seriously.


National Gun Victims Action Council: Fight Open Carry by committing a crime.

Apparently somebody had a great idea to counter people carrying openly and NGVAC is all excited:

NGVAC Defrauding merchant

And what that idea might be?

My proposal is as follows: we should all leave. Immediately. Leave the food on the table in the restaurant. Leave the groceries in the cart, in the aisle. Stop talking or engaging in the exchange. Just leave, unceremoniously, and fast.

But here is the key part: don’t pay. Stopping to pay in the presence of a person with a gun means risking your and your loved ones’ lives; money shouldn’t trump this. It doesn’t matter if you ate the meal. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just received food from the deli counter that can’t be resold. It doesn’t matter if you just got a haircut. Leave. If the business loses money, so be it. They can make the activists pay.

via PQED: How should people respond to open-carry gun-rights activists?.

Depending on your state, this has different names: Fraud to Merchant, Theft of Service, etc. Whatever is called, it is a crime and society frowns upon it.

If there was an after-midnight AM radio version of Gun Control Activism, it would be hosted by Elliot Fineman who run by NGVAC. Yes, they are all kooky as hell and then some, they make Art Bell look like Mr. Spock. This is a screen capture of that thread and if that does not tell you everything, I have no idea what could:

NGVAC Defrauding merchant 2

I don’t harp on them too much because Illuminatti & Lizard People are already mocked by many, but in this case they are advocating the commission of a crime and some idiot follower is gonna end up with a face full of pepper spray in the back of a patrol car because he followed a very stupid advice.

Hang around stupid people….

PS: I forgot I have been saving this for a while. More on what is in their minds.

National Gun Victims Action Council SANE


And that is why we carry….

CSGV: Poor Imagery selection process.

CSGV Can You Dig It

Some words or phrases can trigger memories that end up delivering a message that is not the one you intended.  “Dig it” is an expression that belongs more to my generation than Millenials and for many in my timeline “Can you dig it?” will always be associated with a scene from the movie The Warriors: Cyrus’ speech to representatives of the NY Gangs at Central Park.

Not quite the message that they were intending to transmit. If the Youngins haven’t seen this movie, go ahead and watch it as it is fun even if disbelief needs to be suspended somewhat. Very cool music! Bonus points if you can tell who is the DJ without looking it up in the internet.

But we have a second part to this imagery fail. One of the followers posted the following song and offered to CSGV:

CSGV Can You Dig It Killin Fields

Larry Tasse is a self-described “Vegan Freelance Pianist, Songwriter and Composer” and for the life of me I have no idea what the vegan part is so important on how well he can play a piano.

And Larry also fails at the imagery thing. The title alone “Killin’ Fields” immediately brings Cambodia and the excesses of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge upon an disarmed population. Rasputin? Really? Detroit? The absolute failure of Lib-Prog gun control policies to reduce crime?   And Genocide as cherry on top. Genocide which is the abuse of a very few armed killing a great number of unarmed people….like what happened in Cambodia’s “Killin’ Fields.”

I have to say that as long as they keep shooting themselves in the foot, they can keep going down this road.

Gun Control Common Core Math Again.

local boys

When I was a kid, there was the switch to what was called New Math but we still had to know how to count and how to add-subtract-multiply-divide. Four kids suddenly becoming thirty who wrote 38 letters and coughed up $130 seems a wee bit stretching.

And you know the kids finished the Open House and went inside to play some shoot-’em video game anyway. 🙂