Month: August 2014

BLM, local law enforcement tensions near breaking point in the West.

“Over the past decade or so we have observed and experienced a militarization of BLM’s officers,” said Leland Pollack, a Garfield County commissioner. “Right or wrong, some equate BLM’s law enforcement operations to the Gestapo of the World War II era.”
Sheriff Jeff Perkins, Garfield County, Utah

via BLM, local law enforcement tensions near breaking point in the West – LA Times.

As always, there is the story we don’t get to hear when we need to hear it. It gives you a new outlook on the whole Cliven Bundy issue.

Hat Tip: Link P. via Facebook

Clayton Cramer update: Not so good news


I am sorry to report…

Clayton Cramer had a heart attack on Sunday night, August 4th. While in surgery, to put a stent into a clogged artery, he suffered a stroke. His right side was affected; he did not suffer any paralysis.

He is mentally alert. He is just very weak on the right side of his body. He will be in the hospital a few more days and will be transferred to a rehab facility for about a month. We have a long road ahead of us–but we are confident in Whose Hands he rests.

I won’t be checking his eamil–if you must get a hold of me, to relay any messages his way, I am at:

Rhonda Crame

Please say a prayer or whatever form of higher communication with the deity of your choosing for him.

Da Bucket List

Saw the beginnings of one over Borepatch’s and I thought, “Why not?”

Not all-inclusive list:

Pretty much in the bucket since I was 12 years old


Besides the history of the place itself, Bruce Lee was here.


And since I am in the neighborhood, The Vatican Archives. Granted, I might need some 5 years to peruse 50 miles of underground books & document storage


Driving one of this down the AutoStrada de Sole, pedal to the metal. (I am spending quite a bit of time in Italy)


Just a quick stop in Greece to say “Acknowledged and Thank You.”


Have at least 5 rounds shot


Me and a Nitro double rifle versus him charging. Probably the last item of the list.


Many US hospitals not prepared for Ebola – This is my shocked face.

Ebola poses virtually no risk to most Americans, but hospital workers and their patients could face real danger if someone unknowingly infected with the deadly virus travels to the U.S. and comes to an emergency room here for care.

Many hospitals are poorly prepared to contain any pathogen. That’s why at least 75,000 people a year die from hospital infections. If hospitals can’t stop common infections like MRSA, C. diff and VRE, they can’t handle Ebola

via Many US hospitals not prepared for Ebola | Fox News.

If you are involved in the Gun Rights fight, you know that this is not only true but that the number is possibly low-ball as heck with the real figure somewhere around the 100K.

It is amazing that the most simple method of germ control, washing hands is not used by medical personnel. Now imagine this personnel dealing with a highly infectious disease and having to follow the strict protocol it demands.

When I was young, there was a comedian that joked about not going to hospitals because people died there….it is sad to know it is not a joke anymore.


Remember when George Zimmerman did not “obey” the 911 operator and people freaked?

NJ Logan was at home resting after a recent hip replacement surgery when she heard some noise coming from downstairs. Knowing that no one else was home and her husband was out, she grabbed her gun and made her way down the stairs while alerting the intruders that she was armed and dangerous to their health.

“When I called 911 she kept saying put the gun down. Put the gun down and I said I’ll put the gun down when I see the police,” NJ said.

Luckily, she didn’t take the advice of the operator (who has obviously never had her home broken into while she was there). The intruders fled without Logan firing any shots and the police are still looking for them.

via 911 Operator Tells FL Woman To Put Gun Down While Robbers Were In Her Home | Concealed Nation.

Same as with police and prosecutors making a decision on a deadly enforce encounter: They are/were not there, you are.

IMHO that operator should be fired.

The Gay Advocates of Gun Rights

But Cheng had a sense of what he could do. He’d been going to the range and hitting his marks; the best way to put his skills to the test, he figured, was to sign up and try out. He got in. Then he beat out veterans, police officers, and an Olympic shooter en route to winning that season’s competition. The first thing he did after his victory was take some of the $100,000 prize money and upgrade his National Rifle Association membership to lifetime status.

Then, last year, Cheng took to his blog to announce he was gay.

via The Gay Advocates of Gun Rights.

So he is a Gay Chinese-Japanese-Cuban-American Nerd. Gun Folks reacted strongly as he will not decide between a Glock or a 1911 as the best gun ever created.
Oh yes, the Lib/Progs are still trying to figure out what happened with their firmly held beliefs of NRA members being RacistHomophobesMisogynistEtc.

It is a bitch to be slave to your own misconceptions.

Hat Tip to Scott W.

There is Workplace Violence and then there is workplace violence.

Moms Demand workplace violence

This is another of those disingenuous uses of a term that do not reflect the statistics. By what you read from Moms, 550 people are killed at work by co-workers that lost their minds, joined the NRA, bought a machine gun at the local 7-11 and went on to massacre innocent people.

But what is the reality?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  from 1997 to 2010 there were 8,666 murders in the workplace. Out of those, 6,520 were by robberies and  894 by work associate.

Wait, you didn’t know that plain old armed robberies were considered Workplace Violence? I wonder why they don’t mention that.  Pizza delivery man robbed and killed for $20 and a pepperoni pizza? Workplace Violence.  Gas station clerk working the night shift attacked by a couple of armed thugs? Workplace Violence. Owner of a small bodega hammered to a pulp by a crackhead? Workplace Violence. And why you should be amazed? The attack in Forth Hood by Hasan Nidal was classified as Workplace Violence too!

But…but… we know there is good violence. The violence we must use to defend ourselves is good, the one that criminals use to gain profit is bad, therefore:

Bad Workplace Violence….

Good Workplace Violence…

Kidding aside (somewhat) anybody who play with words and makes life easier for criminals by supporting the stupid notion that an employee cannot defend himself because of a silly/lawyer-ed business policy and then confuse the issue with false imagery is basically an accomplice prior to the crime.