Month: October 2014

ZOMG! A man is carrying a gun legally!


A sign posted in a front yard brings an interesting debate. At the center of it, your constitutional rights. In the past few weeks there’s been a number of stories involving guns on school property in Olmsted County. The issue Friday is a gun near school property and the way one woman is voicing her concern.
Matthew Halleck brings his two girls to and from the outskirts of Harriet Bishop Elementary in Rochester every day. “I’m going to protect my children anyway I can,” said Halleck.
For Matthew, that means carrying a concealed gun that he has a permit for, while adhering to all legal boundaries. “It’s not crossing the street here, where the crosswalk is, it’s making sure it’s concealed so the kids can’t see it,” he said.
But Matthew is no longer the only one who knows he’s carrying a gun. Recently a sign went up in a front yard across the street from the school. It has Matthew’s picture on it and reads, “This man carries a loaded gun around your children every day.

via – UPDATE: Gun Control Issue Sparks Controversy in Rochester’s Harriet Bishop Neighborhood.

So Mr. Halleck is carrying legally even though he may had an accidental display of the firearm which is not illegal since Minnesota is an Open Carry State and the world is about to come to an end?

Since we don’t have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is an armed man in their presence,” said Kimberly Edson, a Rochester resident who put the sign up. “The first couple days of school he had it very visible, we saw it and were quite concerned,” she said.

Ms. Edson who works as Head of Readers Services at the Rochester  Public Library (and apparent hardcore Vikings fan) thinks “outing” Mr. Halleck & trying to shame him will make things safer in this world of ours.

Oh well, to each their little hysterical tragedies.

So…you want victims? Gotcha. (DISREGARD POST)

It seems that we are victims of layers of crappy editorial work.  The quote is wrongly assigned.

During the last couple of weeks, there has been a wrangling over the North Carolina State Fair regarding the legal carrying of concealed weapons. Sean Sorrentino over An NC Blog has been keeping track and helping around so you can get a better idea of the legal juggling the Ag Commissioner is pulling.

What stuck me as funny is a quote from Becky Ceartes, executive director North Carolinians Against Gun Violence who with MomsRising, collected signatures from nearly 1,000 people supporting the ban on legally concealed people carrying guns at the fair (criminals as usual will ignore the ban).

becky ceartes north carolina fair



Freudian slip:
An error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious (“dynamically repressed”) subdued wish, conflict, or train of thought guided by the ego and the rules of correct behavior.

Yep… they love victims.

Hat Tip to Triangle Tactical

Boycott: You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”.

A Mom doing the official Kroger’s Boycott Weekend Groceries-not-guns thing:

Mom Demands Kroger beer aisle


She posted the picture in the Kroger’s Facebook page alongside this comment:
Mom Demands Kroger beer aisle 2Moms Demand Activist with gun control message T-Shirt and sign with gun control hashtag, check. She is boycotting Kroger’s by talking to  her local Kroger’s manager and buying there.

You guys did notice she is in the beer aisle, right?

Early 1980’s Steyr AUG…. Mint!

sig styer


Only factory shot according to the owner. 11 original mags, left eject and right eject bolt carrier, case and booklet.

Asking price for the lot? A decent $3,500 considering very few of this babes were imported back then. and the pristine condition.

If you have the monies and the lust, contact Dennis at Dragon Leatherworks. This puppy is not gonna last long

AEK-971 series: Now that is fugly


A true thousand yard gun. Not that it reaches up to a thousand yards but that it looks good at that distance. Anything closer and…Yeeeech!

Get some Tums and click on the pic. It looks like certain alcoholic simians fired from their previous jobs,  were allowed to play with recycled plastic, stamped metal and chewing gum.

This is supposed to be one of the contenders to substitute the AK once and for all. I find it funny that they keep looking like AKs anyway.

Just give me a plain old AK.

My Grail Gun: H&H Howdah.

It has been a while for Gun Blog memes, but the latest one is Grail Guns.

Again it came down to handguns and it was a toss-up between the Colt Walker and The Holland & Holland Howdah. There is no rhyme or reason why I like the Howdah or even the Walker, it is just an instinctive connection to the past.

Only good news is that if the gods of lotto ever cast their smile upon me, I can buy replicas of both and pretend I have the real deal.