Month: February 2015

A Challenge for Moms Demand Member

Moms Demand Liz Hjelmseth

There are currently no criminal penalties when an adult allows a child access to a firearm.
“My brother shot me when I was 8 years old,” said Liz Hjelmseth who was among the members of the gun safety group Moms Demand Action who went to the state capitol to present more than 10,000 signatures on petitions to lawmakers.
She wants criminal penalties when adults fail to keep guns out of the hands of kids.
“It’s a weapon, it only has one use. It’s to kill and children just shouldn’t have to make those kinds of decisions,” she said.

via Group of mothers demand new gun restrictions |

So, Ms. Hjelmseth wants parents incarcerated in case they leave guns where kids can get to them, right? Now, I kinda figure that her parents (if still alive) would not be subject to this law a posteriori but, they can always be sued for being incompetent and inflicting pain and suffering to Ms. Hjelmseth to this day.

So, dear Ms. Hjelmseth: prove you are not just blowing smoke up our rear ends and are a true believer in your cause: Sue your parents.

That is all.

And we knew it was coming: Bill to ban shooting on residential properties

A state lawmaker wants to outlaw use of guns on residential properties except in cases of self-defense.

State Rep. Darryl Rouson, D-St. Petersburg, whose district includes parts of Manatee and Sarasota counties, filed a bill Thursday to ban discharging a firearm in Florida on any zoned residential property, which would include large-acreage ranches and farms, except on properties exclusively approved for hunting or in cases where “a person is lawfully defending life or property or performing official duties.”

via Florida lawmaker files bill to ban shooting on residential properties | Florida Legislature | Bradenton Herald.

And as a stupid bills go, it does not matter if your residence has a couple of thousand acres of land smack in the middle of nowhere land, you are still verboten to pop some rounds.

So far, no backers on this bill. But we just need another jackass opening a rifle range from his second story bedroom to the Koi pond to make this thing happening.

Moms Demand latest attack of the vapors.

They are having moaning fits about this quote:

Moms Demand Paddling

Shannon Watts and the rest of the harpies are demanding the resignation of Mr. Cotton. Well first, you guys don’t get to demand squat and specially for stuff said by anybody. If that were the case, Shannon would be in her 30th resignation by now.

And although I am not advocating the use of a cat o’ nine tails on babies, I do believe that the proper application of behavioral modification techniques by via of controlled pain works like a charm in subduing really bad conduct.  But we have become such a nation of whiners that kids see through our lack of resolve and get away with all kinds of crap.

Now, if this kid does not have his behavior corrected and soon (and no amounts of time outs will help) he will end up either in a morgue slab or like in the second part of the but with cops beating the everlasting shit out of him.

Of course, a spanked kid who then learns certain conduct is not acceptable does not generate traffic and headlines for Moms Demand Action. Only those who bleed are acceptable, brownie points if the die.

Your instant dose of Karma

A Virginia man with a history of assaulting cops ended up with burns over 85% of his body when his clothes burst into flames after an officer used a Taser to subdue him during an early Sunday morning DUI arrest, police and his family members say.

via Va. man catches fire after police use Taser after crash – NY Daily News.

The guy runs away from the cops, drives like a maniac, rolls over & crashes, Rescue needs to be called to extricate him, he is rescued & starts to fight with the cops, gets tased, catches on fire? And it did not happen in Florida?

And the obligatory relative comment:

“He may have a bad reputation, but he is a human being that is loved by many, No one deserves this to happen to them!”

If you loved him so much, why didn’t you do something about his constant drinking and driving without a license? Oh yeah, that is too much work.

Hat tip to Lagniappe’s Lair who should be posting more about the dog anyway!

Firearms Training from a LEO Trainer Perspective.

Lance Biddle is a friend and fellow shooter who also dropped his couple of rubles about Police Firearms Training.

As you know, I’ve been an active L.E. firearms instructor for 37 years now. 1978 – 1995 in Ohio; mostly in-service training and qualification for my agency’s staff, including a 32 hour block I taught to bring “newbies” up to the standards of our agency, from the level they came to us from the academy. Since I moved down here in 1996 until I’m too old to continue, I’m teaching basic academy firearms to recruits. Again, as you know, I’ve also been a S.O. and match director for a little while, and I’ve seen what you describe many times. When the students leave our firearms block at the academy, they have basic (Did I say Basic?) gun handling, safety and marksmanship skills in their box. Whether they improve or decline in skills from that point depends on the agency that hires them and continues their training. It’s apparent, in general, that improvement is not on the agenda in many agencies. (This ain’t just Fla., most states are similar; Ohio has lowered their minimum standards significantly since I retired.)
I, too, have seen many LEO’s come to matches, usually their first action shooting competition; often letting us “civilians” know that they’re about to show us how it’s done… only to have some MM(*) with 5 matches under their belt, hand them their asses on the first stage. Now; we know there are good LEO shooters, I work with quite a few, even though they aren’t involved in competition. And then there’s the guys like Officer Vogel; among others, we know of.
But too many fall into what I’ve come to recognize as the LEOFTW (Law Enforcement Officers Firearms Training World). They have little or no defensive firearms/pistol training outside of the LEO range, and have no idea what the action shooting competition world is like. They are “good” in relation to the basic firearms standards of the state, and so they think they are “good”; having no realistic idea of what the term “good” really means.
A couple years back, I ran a stage called “Can You Qualify?” It was the 48 round Florida basic academy course, modified for IDPA. I used IDPA targets, and had the SO give a PE for any shot over the state course maximum time limit. (I took them off when scoring, but it told me how many shooters didn’t make the par time.) There were about 20 shooters, from NV(*) to EX.(*) None had any prior formal LE training. Applying Fla. LE standards, NO ONE failed to qualify, and many shot it clean. Now that I’m running some non-IDPA matches, I may run it again, using official Blue Smurf targets and the state’s par times.
FWIW, back in 2011, we were running a basic firearms class during the IDPA World Championships, and the class had that weekend off. I invited them all to come out to Frostproof and look me up so I could show them around. Most didn’t, but three did. I took them around to various bays and let them watch the Ex and Ma shooters run the stages. It really opened their eyes to the reality of what “good” means

(* NV: Novice, MM: Marksman, EX: Expert. IDPA shooter classifications)

It is sad that life-saving training is neither required nor encouraged. But  with everything Government, it comes down to money and it may cost us, the taxpayers, more in the long run if we are socked paying for lawsuits or medical expenses. This kind of disconnected  bean-counting leads to stupid and more dangerous solutions such as NYPD’s horrible trigger for their duty Glocks in the hope officers will not have negligent discharges. That such trigger makes for a much harder gun to shoot accurately seems to be secondary and miss another basic principle: What needs to be fixed with training, cannot be fixed with gear.