Month: February 2015

Civilians can shoot and that ticks some off.

Many of the civilian hobbyists were much better shots than he expected. In fact, they were more than good—some of them gave the special ops warrior a run for his money.

“There were guys in their eighties—barely held together at the seams—who were out-shooting me,” he recalls.
It was a humbling experience—and an awakening for Satterlee.

via Top U.S. Army Marksman Explains Why Gun Nuts Shoot Better — War Is Boring — Medium.

Master Sgt. Scott Satterlee is  a member of the U.S. Army 1st Special Forces Group, a nationally ranked competitive precision rifle shooter and one of the military’s best marksmen. So we have here somebody who has walked the walk, can shoot and understand that training in the Military does not come close to what civilians do every weekend on their own.

He has a great line” “Standard operating procedure becomes dogma.” Unfortunately this is true with any big conglomerate of people as they get so mentally entrenched that the idea of change is seen as almost treason. The fact that the “upper management” in the Military and Law Enforcement will require a brutal shakedown before they accept that changes are needed even though when most of their top shooters come from a civilian background of either competitive shooting or hunting. The smart ones without any formal shooting history, make it personal to go outside the system and get into training and competition because they understand it is not just going pew-pew at a piece of paper but acquiring life-saving skills that may come handy is some God-forsaken piece of sandy crap halfway around the world.

Hat Tip to Jon B.

Moms Demand Cognotive Dissonance, Texas Style

I saw this posted yesterday in the MDA Facebook page. Laughter ensued.

Moms Demand Texas Tower


The article is a long babble about how much Universities have to spend on gun safes and de-escalation training and gets destroyed when a reader comments that the Campus Carry bill does not mandate any of that crap and that those expenses are voluntary. But it was the photograph that sent me into giggles: That is the tower of University of Texas at Austin where in 1966, Charles Whitman opened fire against the student body killing 8 people and wounding a bunch more. Whitman had previously killed 5 more, but they were family and people inside the tower and I am making the distinction because he was unable to add to the count from outside the tower thanks to the many armed civilians that came to the scene and started to return fire making impossible for Whitman to tally more victims.

So, the “media director” or appropriate intern for Moms Demand used a photo of one of the most iconic examples of Good Guys with Guns Stopping a Bad Guy.


Home Invasions and that awful castle Doctrine.

Although still the tally is running higher on the side of the bad guys, stories of Home Owners turning the tables are getting more common or at least more reported:

Home Invasions tend to be very fast and very brutal. You cannot take the chance of wishing the bad guys have good intentions towards your life. If they cared about life, they would wait for you to leave the house.

Editorial Malfeasance from WPVI, Philadelphia.

Gut reaction after seeing this headline? Another idiot with a gun solving a discussion with lead:

Editorial Malfeasance Philadelphia


But then (and if you happen to have the time to read it) you realize they have pulled an intellectual bait & switch on you:

ORRESDALE (WPVI) — A verbal dispute broke out in Philadelphia’s Torresdale section, and left one man in critical condition.

It happened around 5:40pm Sunday night in the Pathmark parking lot on the 8700 block of Frankford Avenue.

Police say a dispute between two males took a turn for the worst when a 37-year-old male threatened a 38-year-old male with a knife.

After seeing the weapon the 38-year-old asked the 37-year-old to drop the knife numerous times but his requests would go unanswered.

According to police the 38-year-old shot the 37-year-old after he allegedly charged at him with a knife.

via Man shot after verbal dispute in Torresdale |

Simply put, the News Team at WPVI lied to its viewers/readers. Why would they do such a thing? Your guess is food good as mine, I will go with my standard of “They are in the News business, not in the Truth business.

I find myself every day more and more disgusted with the Media for stuff like this, but not surprised. How sad is that?

Oh!-So-Social Gun Control and the necessary High Fashion accessories.

They renamed themselves Gun Safety Advocates, but we know they are very short on Gun Safety, actually they are pretty much zero on that department. Teaching the Eddie Eagle program so kids learn to stay away from guns? Oh hell no! They will rather burn the school down than give the NRA a chance to shine at what they do every day. But, do they have a teaching program of their own? Nope… we don’t need no education, Don’t you listen to Pink Floyd?

Now, Moms Demand and Everytown are well-funded by Billionaire Michael Bloomberg and you think he would be willing to open the checkbook and pay for something as inexpensive as a cable gun lock but no, that does not compute in their brains: The only way to be safe is to pass more “sensible Gun Laws” because it is more effective as demonstrated in the past [/snicker]

So what is the latest and coolest for those “Gun Safety Advocates”? A fashion bracelet!



But it is not just another bracelet, but one designed by fashion guru Donna Karan. Isn’t that just so cool? You can own your own High Fashion accessory and be an activist at the same time! Be the envy of other moms!

The bracelets come in two prices: $30 with gold clasp/snap/whatever and $25 for the silver one. And get this: 50% of the monies collected go to Everytown’s cash register to fund more “Gun Safety Advocacy.”

I decided to go to Amazon and check what was available in the true & tried cable gun locks. NSSF has a program, you can probably get cable locks at most police departments for a pittance if not for free and even your gunnie friends without kids or with safes should have a couple lying around. But still, I wanted to know how much somebody would have to shell retail for one:

Cable Gun LockThe $4.99 is the short cable, good for pistols & revolvers and the $6.95 is longer for shotguns and rifles. But let’s round-up to $7 for argument’s sake: For the price of one golden Not-One-More Donna Karen bracelet, you can get 4 cable locks and still have enough for shipping. So, instead of having one asshole posing around with some strip of leather faking care, you could actually provide four real safety solutions to families with unsecured guns.

But wait, there is more! I went ahead and looked for a wholesale price on the cable locks and found it in

Cable Gun Lock 2

That is right, the most expensive of this lot runs for measly two bucks. And yes, you have to ship them from China and probable import taxes, but even if it doubles to $4, you are now talking about providing seven locks for families with unsecured weapons for the price one skanky and overpriced strip of leather.

I tried to look for Moms & Everytown operating budget, but could not find it. I am figuring by now they have gone above the cool million dollars, imagine how many gun locks that could buy. And if you don’t want to go that way, figure out how much Bloomberg is spending on bodyguards for Shannon Watts or busing people around for astroturf meetings and imagine all that money spent on locks to be given for free to families that need them.

C’mon Mike, c’mon Shannon…  Do it for the children!


Finally and in time for Al-Shabaab threats: A functional Gun Free Zone sign

“As long as nothing penetrates thru, we guarantee that it will not get thru”

Well, he ain’t lying! Mall Of America will have a batch for rental at every entrance in order to help you have a safe shopping experience.

Hat Tip to 

PS: But if you have to go to the mall, remember this:

I am the Sergeant of a three-man Rapid Tactical Force at one of America’s largest indoor retail shopping areas.”