Month: March 2015

NRA’s Shooting Illustrated Magazine.

Got my first copy earlier this week and it is a darn nice magazine. Let’s face it, the NRA’s other publications are kinds lacking on what you would call “vibrant” design and sometimes are downright flat, bu S.I. is very pleasing to the eyes and the articles ain’t bad themselves with the added bonus of not being overloaded with ads.

I’ll keep it.


Nashville’s NRA convention: what are the restaurants and bars where permit holders are welcome?

We interviewed the managers of many establishments because some places do not allow permitted concealed handguns even though they haven’t posted signs (many of the managers appeared unaware of state law).  There were a number of places that were not posted but where the managers were adamant that they would not allow permit holders inside.  Some went further and indicated that signs were going to be posted by the time of the NRA convention

via With the NRA convention coming to Nashville in three weeks, what are the restaurants and bars where permit holders are welcome? – Crime Prevention Research Center.

Sound bad, but actually John Lott gives a long list of places where you can hang out after a long day of having fun. It kinds of saddens me that Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge, one of the oldest and most iconic hangouts and IRRC, where I had my first shot of JD ever, decided to be stupid and ban people with cash to spend and guns.

Click on the link above to see the list of places you should go and reward with your monies.

Krogers to Shannon Watts und Bloomy: Not happening, OK?

Via Breitbart. Kroger’s CFO tells MDA/Everytown they will not bow to their silliness.

That was a group called Moms Demand Action. They were opposed to the fact that our policy is to adhere to the local gun laws. If the local gun laws are to allow open carry, we’ll certainly allow customers to do that based on what the local laws are. We don’t believe it’s up to us to legislate what the local gun control laws should be. It’s up to the local legislators to decide to do that.

So we follow local laws [and] we ask our customers to be respectful to the other people they are shopping with. And we really haven’t had any issues inside of our stores as a result of that.

Click here for the video.

Some people simply do not react well to bullying, specially when it comes from those who claim to be victims of the same. Hypocrisy can only go so far before people get sick of it.

This is a mayor hit to Moms. As you can imagine, it has not made the news with the same fierce intensity as when Starbucks and others “caved” but rest assured other companies did pay attention. The profit margins for the food industry are not that big (mostly in the single digits) and even if we go by the laughable numbers of only 32% of the population owning guns (according to the General Social Survey), the risk of losing a double-digit amount of consumers has to be frightening, specially when that group does not represent any real danger and has no qualms voting with their pocketbooks.  KMart went Chapter 11 in January 2002, allegedly because of the misdeeds of its top executives, but the final set of nails came from gun owners who refused to shop there after the June 2001 announcement that they would bow to Rosie O’Donnel, Michael Moore and the rest of morons that unreasonably tied the store to the Columbine Massacre. Six months later, they were filing for Chapter 11.

And I won’t even bother to cover the Smith and Wesson debacle under Thompson plc management. If you don’t know about it, make it your homework for the day. It will bring a smile to your face.


No blue gun for you!

A buddy posted this info from Blueguns in Facebook and I thought he was joking:



Glock has recently issued a New Contract with Ring’s Manufacturing Inc. (BLUEGUNS) to manufacture Glock Blueguns as we have been doing for the past 10 years. This new contract states that Glock restricts the sale of Glock Blueguns to the Public. We are restricted to selling Glock Blueguns to the Police, Military, Trainers, Police Distributors, or Holster Manufacturers. We ask that our customers abide by these rules and refrain from offering Glock Blueguns to the Public on the Internet, Publications or General Catalogs. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your support.

WTF? What in God’s name would make Glock restrict the sale of a truly inert piece of plastic to the general population? I guess you cannot take the dumb German out of the company. I know I will piss people off, but Glock has been pretty much stagnant for a couple of decades now. Other than playing with the shrinking machine, nothing truly advanced (won’t even go revolutionary) has come out from the Teutonic brain trust.