Month: April 2015

Going to the NRAAM? Follow the Wizard’s advice.

Nashville’s mayor is really, really anti-gun.

Nashville’s police chief thinks people who didn’t like Mike Brown protestors shutting down I-40 are racists.

Nashville’s newly-elected District Attorney has been on the job less than 6 months and has already had 3 major ethics scandals.

via URGENT REMINDER for those of you coming to Nashville for the NRA Convention | Guns, Cars, and Tech.

What are you still doing here. Go read!

The Scott/Slagger shooting.

What can I add that hasn’t been covered. Downright BAD shooting from the cop. No way to parse this thing.

So what the hell happened? My money goes to Slagger losing control of his emotions (getting upset/mad/pissed off) and letting himself slip into predator mode because Scott turned to run.  Nothing activates the urge to catch something than seeing a perceived target run and, like it or not, we are predators. Predators are wired to chase and kill.

And I am not saying that you must go Vulcan and forego all emotions before carrying a gun.  That would be a huge ball of manure. But you do need to be in control of such emotions and that can be done on a regular basis with the little, non-life threatening events that raise your blood pressure. From the jackass cutting you off and you not flipping the bird and plain ignoring him, to the jackass at work with the annoying personality, bad breath and lousy timing coming to bother you and not telling him to stuff it (or do so in a very polite and understanding way) to not totally losing your cool when the kids shave the cat and dip it in food coloring.

The sum of the little events will help to keep your beans cool when you need them for important stuff. Obviously confidence in your pistolcraft has also a great relevance, so don’t skimp there.

As for Slagger, have fun wearing orange.

Moms Demand announce their MASSIVE gathering against the NRA AM. (And a warning.)

Nearly 400 gun safety advocates plan to rally at Riverfront Park on Saturday while the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting is underway.

The rally is organized by Everytown for Gun Safety, a Washington, D.C.-based gun violence prevention organization, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a grassroots organization that emerged after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

via Gun control rally planned during NRA meeting.

Already lowering their expectations? That is nice to know. Maybe they know exactly how many people are they going to gate from the number of buses they had to rent. But bet your butt they will get 200% more coverage than 70K NRA attendees.


Riverfront Park and most every park in Nashville is a GUN FREE ZONE. That being said, I wouldn’t put past those bastards that is why they are doing the soiree there, to see if they catch somebody from out of town carrying and make more advertising hay out of it.  From the map, the west side of the road is safe to watch from, but don’t take my word for it.

Be mindful where you carry…..and send me pictures.

And this is why you have to laugh at them

Believe it or not, CSGV has done it again:

CSGV The Onion

You’d think that after the level of complaints they had from their own followers about this old silly post, they would think things better and avoid making the same “mistake.” Apparently not.

But in the words of Earl Harbinger: “Once is an accident, twice is enemy action. There are no coincidences.” I am forced to think that they are doing this on purpose and for reasons that are obvious: They think everybody (including their followers) but them are stupid and that as long as the message, fake and all, gets transmitted, it is a win for them.  And they are partially right at least in one sense: the amount of followers that are not only willing to accept the lie, bit the other bunch that knowing it is a lie, are willing to defend it coming up with some intellectual contortions that would make a fakir double up in pain and collect disability.

I find it refreshing and hopeful to see the followers go at each other’s throats over the honesty of the post. CSGV is doing a much better job of convincing people Gun Control is riddle with snake oil merchants and con men than any mass mailing from the NRA.

I call that a win.

Hat tip to Big Fat Dave via Twitter.

ATF: Beaten like a cheap rented mule in NCIS.

Last nights episode of NCIS (No Good Deed) left me speechless. Basically the team investigates the dead of a Marine found on the side of the road who was shot with an FN 7 pistol that gets traced back to ATF. The F Troop sends an agent (DiNozzo’s girlfriend) who explains with all the pain she can muster that the gun was from a case they were making in Arizona against straw buyers and drug cartel figures.

Imagine my surprise when Jethro Gibbs mentions the magic words “Operation Fast and Furious.” But I composed myself knowing that it was just a passing reference and nothing more would be said…

And then they pulled out the baseball bats.

Dear God in heaven. The Director of NCIS came out swinging. He basically gave the 30 second/ elevator version of the scandal and the ATF agent admitted it was a huge fuck up with still 1,700 weapons sold to bad guys not recovered…other than the ones that kept appearing at crime scenes such as the one that killed the Marine.

Some things were left out: The death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, the death  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata and the deaths of over 200 Mexican citizens due to the failed operation.  Still, it was a level of screenwriting brutality against a government law enforcement agency by a Main Stream media fictional show that was just amazing.

I don’t think the producers of NCIS are going to get any favors in the future from The F Troop. I wonder who wrote the script for this episode, Sharyl Attkinsson?

Why Abby? Why not? I love the character.



CSGV: Making it up ain’t hard to do.

They have to be bullsh…preaching to their choir because nobody with two neurons connected together can see this and actually believe it.
CSGV Texas 3006


Here is a close up of the collage:

CSGV Texas 3006 1

So, how tall are big are the signs? According to Texas Penal code 30.06 the letters must be an inch tall and the text being:

“Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The above text must also be provided in Spanish.

I checked a store that sells the sign and they are about 30″ x 30″ or 18″ inches shorter than the obviously made-up monstrosity cooked up by CSGV.

Now the sign is nothing new. It has been the law since Texas went CWP and this one looks stupidly done to boot so, who are they trying to convince? And about what?

If the sign bothers them so much, Texas can go Florida Style and just make the signs pretty decorations that can be ignored. That will solve all the problems.