Month: April 2015

Using the Good Book for Bad Things

JANESVILLE—Two men disguised with Bibles and suit coats pushed their way into a south-side home Friday morning and made off with cash, police said.

The resident saw both men carrying Bibles and so felt safe in opening the door, said Sgt. Chuck Aagaard of the police department.

The men pushed their way into the house in the 1600 block of Joliet Street, pulled handguns and demanded money, Aagaard said.

via Police: Men used Bibles in armed robbery at Janesville home | GazetteXtra.

OK, you do have to go low to pull this kind of thing. But it is precisely why this example is a darned good teaching point: You don’t know what your attacker will look like.

That does not mean that if people nicely dressed with bibles in hand knock at your door, you get to pull the shotgun and hold them till the police arrives…even if they are Jehovah’s Witnesses.

And to the robbers that used such low trickery, a message from Shepherd Book:

special hell

NRA-ILA | Caught in the Act: Anti-Gunners’ Trick Photo Exposed

Well, just as the Wizard of Oz had his Toto, the little anti-gun group’s deception has been exposed by an eagle-eyed observer on As he explains, the anti-gunners exaggerated the size of their piddly protest by staging their photo with one handful of them standing on higher ground, well behind the other handful, trying to conceal the optical illusion-inducing gap separating the two. Other photos posted by The Blaze further show how few people turned out to protest for gun control.

via NRA-ILA | Caught in the Act: Anti-Gunners’ Trick Photo Exposed.

For some reason, I did not get a ping back and it was just now when I saw the Facebook feed of the NRA-ILA.

But no matter what it says, the kudos have to go to Gail Pepin, Bob Owens of Bearing Arms and Mike V.

I just did commentary and a pretty package 🙂

Concord Hymn.

Concord Hymn
By Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sung at the Completion of the Battle Monument, July 4, 1837

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set today a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.

Click to enlarge

Cognitive Dissonance Files: Victim of armed robbery at dorm was targeted, campus still safe, police chief says

KALAMAZOO, MI — The student who was robbed at gunpoint inside a Western Michigan University dorm Thursday was targeted, according to WMU’s police chief.

“It was not random. He was specifically targeted. The individual was targeted because of a legal business he was involved in. The suspect knew he had products and proceeds in the dorm,” said Chief Scott Merlo.

via Victim of armed robbery at WMU dorm was targeted, campus still safe, police chief says |

I really don’t have the polite words to express the disgust one feels when you are insulted like this. Two individuals managed to access a secured building on the middle of the week, on an afternoon, wearing masks, go to the fourth floor, rob somebody at gunpoint and leave…but all is well?

The incident is the third armed robbery this school year at WMU. In October, two students were robbed between the Sindecuse Health Center and Sangren Hall by suspects armed with a handgun. Then in February, a male student was held up at gunpoint in LeFevre Hall.

Jedi Mind Tricks only happens in the movies and are bad safety policies.

Suburban Sheepdog: Battle Road

But neither Smith nor his executive officer, Major John Pitcairn – much less King George – had heard American Captain John Parker addressing his militiamen just before dawn. The rebels had waited through the night to see if the British foray into the countryside was just another reconnoiter in force, or something more sinister. Paul Revere and his fellow riders assured them the regulars were on their way intent on disarming the budding rebellion.  As the British entered the green, the militiamen assembled from Buckman Tavern and elsewhere to face them. Parker reminded them that while their foremost purpose was to merely demonstrate their resolve, more than that might well be demanded of them.

“Stand your ground and do not fire unless fired upon,” Parker ordered. “But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”*

via Suburban Sheepdog: Battle Road.

Go read…

CSGV: Virginia Tech, 8 years later.

CSGV Virginia Tech 8 years.

Just a yours truly post from the past:

“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker in January 2006 after a Campus Carry measure was defeated in the Virginia Assembly.

Seng-Hui-Cho proved Mr. Hincker’s statement was deadly wrong on January 16, 2007.