Month: April 2015

A Keepie: Smith & Wesson .38 Special and .357 Mag Revolvers Guide

So instead of one big comprehensive chart for every Smith & Wesson revolver ever made, I’m offering this smaller bite-sized chunk: every post-1957 .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolver from S&W that officially entered full-scale production.

Why 1957? That’s the year when S&W switched over to assigning model numbers to each revolver rather than identifying them only by unique names (e.g., “Registered Magnum” or “Combat Masterpiece”). The nicknames still remained in many cases, but they could refer to a family or series of revolvers with similar characteristics.

via Smith & Wesson .38 Special and .357 Mag Revolvers Guide.

Lucky Gunner made this wonderful Reference List/Graph.

Must Be Bookmarked.

You Cannot Make This Stuff Up… I have to side with Charter Arms.

So last Friday, I made a quick post about Charter Arms getting its shipment of guns for the NRAAM lost by the shipper. As with all my posts, it gets automatically sent to Facebook and Twitter.

Charter Arms YRC lost guns 1

About 10 minutes ago, this happens:

Charter Arms YRC lost guns


I checked my timeline to see if I mentioned Yellow Freight (YRC) by name and I did not. Somebody had to click on the link, go to the post and read it before contacting me. And why contact me?


This is why we can’t have nice things…

A gun battle at the Colorado legislature over ammunition magazine limits pits Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute, against the state’s most strident gun-rights group, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

The two groups were allies in 2013, fighting the Democratic-controlled legislature from passing stricter gun laws. Now, Caldara is furious that the gun group opposes a possible compromise that would increase magazine limits from 15 to 30 rounds

via Colorado gun allies split over compromise on increasing magazine limit.
Here’s the scenario: Imagine that a bad law is passed. It is so bad, that any citizen can go to jail because there is no way to prove he did nothing wrong but the law says he can go anyway. At best, he has to hire a lawyer, post bail and go to a judge where he must swear he never broke the law.

Now imagine that legislators manage to come up with a bill that would invalidate 99% of the original law and thus making the last 1% almost a joke.  Now imagine there is a group of morons led by Moron Supreme demanding that they either get 100% or the original law stands.

Welcome to Colorado politics and Dudley Brown.

The Colorado legislation is negotiating the repeal of the 15 round magazine capacity law and substituting it for a 30 round magazine capacity. After lot of pushing and cajoling, this is the best that can be done in this session. And let’s face it, it pretty much covers everybody with the exception of those who may have a Beta Mag or 40 round AK mag or other equivalents.

Bit of background: The Colorado High Capacity Magazine Ban prohibited the ownership of new magazines with a capacity of more than 15 rounds. If you bought your 15+ mag prior to the law becoming in effect, you are supposedly fine…supposedly. You can get pulled over by cops, they see the 15+ mags and arrest you for breaking the law because, How do you prove you didn’t buy those mags after the ban? By getting a lawyer, posting bail and then going to a judge where you will swear up and down on a stack of blessed-by-the-Pope bibles you had those mags since before Monica played Hoover with Bill. The judge accepts your statement and you are let go.  If the judge hates you because your dog has been pooping his brother-in-law lawn…..

So, with a very few exceptions, this bill in the legislature seeks to cover 99% of the people with 15+ mags but it seems it is not good enough for the No Compromise (read No Brain) Dudley Brown and some of his cohorts with Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. And yes, it is our friend and spammer Dudley from the National Association for Gun Rights. Why? Because NO COMPROMISE! which basically means they rather see people go to jail for bullshit infractions than actually make progress. This would be the equivalent of finding a stack of one-dollar bills on the street, count them and then tossing it back because it is only $99 instead of a cool $100 and you won’t take anything but the whole amount.

God keep us from Dudley Brown and Kory Watkins ever getting together to “lobby” for Gun Rights.


Another devastating Kel-Tec KSG injury – The Gun Writer

A reader from Arkansas sent me a horrible photograph of what is left of his hand after he shot himself with a Kel-Tec KSG shotgun.

It’s a close-contact wound with a 12 gauge shotgun, something I haven’t seen for quite a while, thankfully.

I decided to make the photo available, to show the damage a shotgun can inflict if mishandled.

via Another devastating Kel-Tec KSG injury – The Gun Writer.

You can go over the original article and then click on the link. It is rather impressive so be ready.


Music City played sour notes to Moms Demand.

Our Super-Duper Secret Agent (A.K.A. Gail “Evil Princess” Pepin) went fearlessly and with supreme cunning over where MDA gathered to take some photographs. Seriously, I am starting to suspect that at least 10% of the crowd were NRA members doing the Gun Control Safari thing.

As you can see, all the photos are in a slide show. I haven’t been able to figure out how to manipulate it so it will not auto-start (If you know, tell me!) but just hit the pause button and click on the arrows for navigation. Use your Right Mouse button to open a desired picture to full size.

Found a gallery plug in that seems to be working. Click on the image and navigate at your pleasure. You can go Full Screen too.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”Moms Demand Nasville”]

Again, my eternal thanks to Gail Pepin who goes out of her way to provide us with Non-Filtered pictures of the Opposition.

And by the way, Do I detect cuts to Moms’ budget? Not quite the impressive set up as last year’s?

Mom Demand in Nashville: It is all in the angle…and sometimes not even.

Moms on their usual self-congratulatory post about how they faced the barbarian NRA hordes.

Moms Demand Nashville Back 2

And the pic itself:

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

But all is not quite what it seems. The photo kinda looks funky, right?  Mike V show us why:

Moms Demand Nashville Back 3 Mike V

And then reality:

Moms Demand Nashville Back


The last photo was stolen without shame from Bearing Arms and there are more pics in the article.  Don’t forget to say thanks to Bob Owens everybody.

Bob points out in his article that the promised 400 protesters never materialized and that perhaps only less than half at best showed up. What happened? My guess, this was Nashville and not Indianapolis where even being the area of operations for Shannon Watts and supposedly she would be able to gather more people, they did not manage to get a huge crowd last year.  I am guessing this year it actually meant for people that they had to suspend their lives and travel out of their pockets (unknown how many people were bused and complimented on lodging) and real life activism is hard if you are astroturf.

I am not the only one that thinks Moms Demand might be beginning to be a serious contender against Gun Rights. There are certain small things here and there that indicate they do not have the attention of  the mainstream media and certainly when they do, like in the case of the New York Times editorial earlier this week (National Review still has the original text) leaves them with a black eye and a further lowering on their reputations.

I think Bloomberg is shifting more towards Everytown and as a lobby at State level than Shannon at National Level as she has failed to provide with a substantial and provable win anywhere. I know they are working hard in Oregon with a legislature and governor fully locked in the democrat ticket, but even so they do it with Bloomberg’s influence behind the scenes.

The Brady Campaign has been pretty much irrelevant for a while now. And with both Bradys passing, I think we can pretty much say they will be gone soon. But they lasted this long because they believed in their cause, wrong as it may be and did go the grassroots way. That their patch of grass was not as they thought it would be is a different story.

But this does not mean we ignore MDA. We will keep pushing and show them for the liars they are until they become the Gun Control joke Rosie O’Donnell and the Million Mom March became.

And then we take on the next opponent. The fight never ends.