Month: May 2015

For once, it appears to be a machine gun.

The deputy obtained a search warrant for Correa’s residence in West Palm Beach, and on March 5, PBSO deputies arrested Correa and at least two other occupants of the house.Officers found a small arsenal that included ammunition, a .38 revolver and a PPS-42 fully automatic machine gun.

Source: Woman pleads guilty, 23 Latin Kings arrested in South Florida gang crackdown | Miami Herald Miami Herald

From one can gather by the really crappy photo, it seems to be a “Pistolet-pulemyot Sudaeva.”



The question that now begs is, Where the heck did that thing come from? Maybe stolen from some collector of NFA items? A Google search does not show any news item mentioning a PPS or any Russian machine gun. Maybe an import from Central America? Sure as hell it was not bought in the local 7-11. Gunbroker has a magazine for the PPS-42 going for $225 and the ammo is not cheap either averaging $45 per 100 rounds.

PS: Yes, I know there is a PPS-43 pistols in semi version being sold from kit parts before ATF shut down that door. I find doubtful that some gangbangers would take the time to seek an original folding stock and install it to make it look like a regular PPS.

And as bonus, we have the accidental admission by the Miami Herald that there are indeed Gangs in South Florida that might be involved in violent crimes and not the fault of the NRA and Marion Hammer.

Somebody is getting fired.

I know, nobody cares about Ebola anymore…

But just a quick update. It is the longest outbreak recorded (14 months so far. March 2014 to present) and has claimed 11,080 lives or almost five times all other outbreaks together going all the way back to 1976.

About the only “good news” is that it runs about a 50% mortality rate compared to other outbreaks.  That and that is still “contained” in remote areas.

Dear God, keep that biatch over there.