The underlying problem with these pistols is a short trigger pull and the lack of an external safety. In real-world encounters, a short trigger pull can be lethal, in part because a significant percentage of law enforcement officers — some experts say as high as 20% — put their finger on the trigger of their weapons when under stress. According to firearms trainers, most officers are completely unaware of their tendency to do this and have a hard time believing it, even when they’re shown video evidence from training exercises.
Source: Why the police shouldn’t use Glocks – LA Times
If you are not aware of this article, you might be living under a flint rock. I’ve been waiting to touch on this to see if I caught somebody going the extra mile in the thinking and so far, nyet.
So Bob lays out the idea that cops should not carry Safe-Action-Type guns with them for the reasons he exposed in the article. The Interwebs exploded with variations from Glock-hater to “It is a question of training” which is what I will side myself. And I am still gonna freak you guys out: Bob is right.
Bob is right for one simple reason: Police Departments will NOT mandate training farther than the original at the Academy plus the qualifications. Cops will not train and keep proficiency with their weapons on their own (I know, I am generalizing, but for sake of argument..yada yada) So, to issue Glocks to police officers is going to be a risky proposition even with a 12 pound trigger. About the only thing riskier would be to issue 1911s and train officers to carry in Condition Three. And to poop on Bob’s article, I think he failed to make this point clearer.
Will a DAO or DA/SA gun with external safety stop the negligent discharges? Nope, but I think they will go down among a group that neglects proper training and regular proficiency practice. Until the Bean Counters take a rear seat to the Firearms Trainers, we will continue to see this issue among police forces.
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