Month: June 2015

Gotta love those Unintended Consequences

In Oregon, there is a bit of a legal rush going on to clarify some new state gun laws that potentially classify powder-actuated nail guns as a firearm. Being classified as a firearm, as the law is written, would thus require a criminal background check to purchase these tools. While this clearly wasn’t intended by lawmakers on either side of the proverbial aisle, it’s a “whoops” that all parties involved recognize needs to be fixed. According to an article in The Oregonian, current Oregon law–written into law last month–defines a firearm as a device that “by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of powder.” That vague description is problematic for obvious reasons. While most nail guns used compressed air, some use electric power, some use gas and others deesigned for fastening to steel and concrete use a powder charge. Legislators are currently working to amend the original bill

Source: Background Checks for Nail Guns? – Fine Homebuilding

So as the law stands right now, anybody buying one of this guns at Home Depot without the proper background checks is breaking the law. And, of course, so is Home Depot for selling firearms without being a firearms dealer and performing the obligatory background checks.

And I believe that Nail Guns should go through background checks. Any gun that throws a projectile that can perforate concrete and steel, would easily defeat the body armor worn by police officers. Home Depot and other House Improvement Big Box Stores are actually illegally selling Cop Killer Guns and that must be stopped.

Call your state legislator and demand that all Nail Guns should go through Universal Background checks. Do not kowtow or surrender to the powerful Construction Lobby. Do it for the Children.

Via Grant Cunningham.

The Duplicity of Immigration Rights Activists.

During that six months our Mexican and US attorneys were working to secure a permanent work visa called a ‘FM3′. It was in addition to my US passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country. Barbara’s was the same, except hers did not permit her to work.To apply for the FM3, I needed to submit the following notarized originals (not copies): 1. Birth certificate for Barbara and I.
2. Marriage certificate.
3. High school transcripts and proof of graduation.
4. College transcripts for every college I attended and proof of graduation.
5. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors I had worked for at least one year.
6. A letter from the St. Louis Chief of Police indicating that I had no arrest record in the U.S. and no outstanding warrants and, was ‘a citizen in good standing’.
Finally, I had to write a letter about myself that clearly stated why there was no Mexican citizen with my skills and why my skills were important to Mexico. We called it our ‘I am the greatest person on Earth letter. It was fun to write.

Source: An American working in Mexico… – Nobody Asked Me…

And this is not the exception but the rule in countries south of the border but they won’t tell you this. And as immigrant, you will not even come close to have the same rights that a national would like owning real state. In fact, it is not unusual in this day and age that cops and the military can kill illegal immigrants without having to observe any consequences.

Gun Forum Experts: Danger Will Robinson.

firearm shipping

This is the one fight that never ends: Bad Info posted with certainty over a forum or another interweb medium.

There is no doubt that the ATF makes a frigging hash out of the regulations, but it is our cross to bear and we are responsible for how we ship our guns. Check the laws and regulations and then check again and if you are in doubt, check again.


Reason 493 why I am not a cop.

During the robbery, the suspects shocked some of the victims, including a 4-month-old infant, with a stun gun. The infant was shocked in the face. Four of the victims were treated and released for stun gun burn marks on the scene by Sampson County EMS.”It is despicable that someone would torture children, and for what, a little cash. I am thankful that we were able to capture at least two of the three individuals responsible for this heinous act. We will continue to work diligently to identify the third suspect,” said Sheriff Jimmy Thornton in a statement.

Source: Deputies: Home invaders dressed as cops, shocked 4-month-old with stun gun in Clinton |

They should be taken to Alaska, loaded in a chopper and dropped in the literal middle of nowhere. I’ll be nice and give them each a knife and a box of matches.

Some people literally should not live near regular folks.

The Meaning of Well Regulated. (Language Warning)

Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, forums or direct real life interaction, Gun Control folks inevitably will bring the “Well Regulated” part of the Second Amendment under the concept that it means Government laws and directives, the more strict, the better. And we all have wasted our times trying to explain the meaning of Regulated as applied when the Constitution was written, but it usually is too long and people tune out. Well, there is another way to explain it, somewhat crass but it makes the point. You are going to ask them back if regulation means government intervention, does that mean the same government gets to dictate laws about the way you shit? (I did say it was crass) If they look at you like you are insane, just point at the many products offered to regulate bowel movement. Diets and health advice for the same.

  • We need background checks, fingerprints and a photo before you can shit outside your house.
  • There is a capacity limit on the amount of turds you can eject on a daily basis.
  • You can only shit once a week.
  • Unreported missing or lost turds can yield you jail time.
  • You cannot shit if you have a restraining order against you.
  • Schools are now denominated Shit Free Zones.
  • All turds must be macrostamped with the unique personal code of their creator.
  • No internet sales of toilet paper.
  • You need to be 21 years of age to buy toilet paper in a store.
  • You can shit long turds but not short turds if you are under 21 years of age.
  • Toilets have to be without water and disassembled when not in use.
  • Fiber and any potion or concoction that speeds up bowel movement needs get a federal stamp of $200 per container, fill a form, get photos and fingerprints to send to the Bureau of Asses, Turds and Flatulence to register. Wait 6 to 9 months for the paperwork to go through and get the fiber.
  • The silencing of farts is strictly prohibited.

OK, you guys get the idea… use, add, modify to your taste.

And as a reminder, the Fed did “regulate” shitting in a way: Reduced capacity toilet tanks.  Need I say more?