Month: August 2015

Let’s do the Everytown Twist

Everytown Twist


In the aftermath of tragedies, the gun lobby pushes a fallacy that mass shootings only take place in gun-free zones.

Only take place? No, but about 90+%, yes.

This is a twisted form of victim blaming

No, it is called statistics. It has numbers and stuff.

as it effectively suggests that innocent people living their daily lives – praying in houses of worship, doing their jobs at military facilities, seeing a movie – are to blame for their own deaths because they were not armed to the teeth in places that anyone should feel safe.

Got it wrong. we are not suggesting that they are to blame. We are saying that blood-thirsty sadists like your Boss Bloomberg are to blame for encourage and force people into hunting preserves for the criminally insane while he walks around with a phalanx or armed bodyguards.

We shouldn’t all need to be armed at every hour of the day to be safe in America. So, let’s just put this falsehood to rest.

Does that mean your boss and Shannon Watts will mingle with us, Little People without their Pistol-Packing Traveling Companions?

And I am very sorry for Lt. Col. Read’s loss, but if he has a complaint, please address it to the Virginia Tech honchos who guaranteed students and parent that a Gun Free VT was safe.


“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.”
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker in January 2006 after a Campus Carry measure was defeated in the Virginia Assembly.
Seng-Hui-Cho proved Mr. Hincker’s statement was deadly wrong on January 16, 2007

And for the Media people at Everytown, an oldie and classic:

Considering the previous post showing the innate racism of Everytown, I hope they don’t feel insulted because I am dedicating them a video of a black person singing.

Everytown goes White Supremacist.

I’ve seen this graphic floating around but it was just now that I paid attention to it. You may want to click on it to see it better.

Everytown Racist Scale


Non-Stop Lilly-white European countries listed and the only Non-White country is so racist that their word for foreigner is the same word for barbarian. Good job there Everytown, Where do we get the white hoods and the burning crosses? Next to the Donna Karan $40 bracelets?

CSGV: Doubling down on SWATting & Playing Puppeteer.

They are at it again.

CSGV 911 cops

And this time, some of the Laddites do not even bother to cover their dislike for Law Enforcement making it look like they wish their SWATting calls end up in somebody getting killed.

And doing a Willy Mays, “That’s not all” it seems they have a problem comprehending the idea of public records and the Sixth Amendment about  “to be confronted with the witnesses against him.”

CSGV 911 cops 2

They would love being able to lay the most outlandish accusations if their identities could remain secret. Very Soviet of them. But it is also good to know that GSGV will stand next to them at trial for any future lawsuits their actions may generate, just like Brady did with the Phillips and their lawsuit against ammunition distributers…..Oh, wait.