Month: October 2015

Negroes with Guns Scare Miami PD.

So it’s not a huge shock that Lt. Javier Ortiz, president of Miami’s police union, lashed out at the proposal last night. What’s raising eyebrows, though, is Ortiz’s argument: namely, that if it passes, militant black activists will use the law to threaten cops.

Source: Miami Police Union President Fears “Black Panthers Threatening Police” With Open-Carry Law | Miami New Times

Forget about the Second amendment and Gun Rights for a moment and concentrate on the sheer lack of logic: If the gun is visible, it constitutes a threat to police. If it is not visible because you draped yourself with a Hawaiian shirt or a Guayabera, then the gun is not a threat to police officers. Seriously?

And to the Miami New Times & Tim Elfrink: Have you even bothered to read the bill? In order to Open Carry, you need to get Florida’s Concealed Weapons Permit ans such permit only allows for handguns, not long guns (Florida Statutes 790.06) so why this picture accompanying the article?

I am sure it is an honest mistake because of the high ethical standards of the Miami New Times would not allow such buffoonery to be published on purpose just to incite unnecessary fears among your readers, right? You are well above clickbait.


About medical safety and unarmed Navy Seals in combat. (Facepalm Warning & Updated)

And we have this one from our friends at CSGV:

CSGV Medical Insurance

Not for nothing, but yes, I feel safer with my guns.

According to a new study just out from the prestigious Journal of Patient Safety, four times as many people die from preventable medical errors than we thought, as many as 440,000 a year …That means hospitals are killing off the equivalent of the entire population of Atlanta one year, Miami the next, then moving to Oakland, and on and on.

Source: Stunning News On Preventable Deaths In Hospitals – Forbes

The Gun Control Cult keeps throwing around the 30,000 annual “gun deaths” and tell us that we are having not only a crisis but an epidemic. But seeking medical treatment puts you 14 times more likely to die than actually owning a gun. If my math ain’t too messed up, we have an average of 1,205 preventable medical deaths per day, 50 deaths per hour, almost a death per minute.

And that number that should “adult scare” Mr. Gibson enough to fill his Metrosexual Pampers.
And one for the “Are you shi***** me?” files.

Raw Story Navy Seals 1

And that is why Navy Seals go into combat with a six-pack of pumpkin-spiced kombucha, $100 in coupons for Whole Foods and wearing tie-dyed t-shirts.

And that is why we win.


Raw Story Navy Seals 2

Well, well, well. Apparently Seal Team Kombucha might be a fraud.

Making our points for us

Let that quote sink in for a second.  I know what John Oliver is trying to say in his typical sarcastic way, but I don’t think he realized just how well he made the gun-rights community’s point for us.

The TSA is an expensive boondoggle, to the tune of $7 Billion in 2015.  The TSA has been widely recognized by both the left and the right to be nothing but Security Theater, which when put to the test, failed to detect a weapon going through security 95% of the time.  The TSA has never been confirmed to have stopped a terrorist attack.  And that comes from Slate, the cheerleader for big government.

Some guy tries to blow up a plane with his shoes and 14 years later we’re still being tormented by incompetent government employees when trying to fly home for the holidays.

As bad as the TSA and the whole of post 9/11 security is, all the right thinking people was to unleash the same ignorant politicians, ham-fisted government stooges, and bureaucratic ineptitude against 100+ million US citizens and somehow expect positive results!?!  History and logic predicts the opposite, ceaseless harassment of law abiding gun owners and not one criminal shooting stopped.

Call me a pessimist, but I just don’t see the blue nitrile glove wearing the wad of airport fast-food, stuffed into a pair of poorly fitting, government issue polyester pants and sweater vest, who just took 5 minutes to figure out where my birth date is on my drivers license, getting down off his stool to put his life on the line to stop a mass shooting.  Ain’t gonna happen.

And so that’s the point right there.  The right thinking people can demand the government react the way it did after 9/11 and do something.  What will get done won’t make us any safer and only hassle those who aren’t going to do anything bad in the first place.  But hey, at least they’ll feel safer.

EveryTown/Moms Demand School Shooting report: Unsurprisingly Fraudulent.

Moms Demand School Shooting fraudulent

In case you haven’t noticed, both Everytown and Moms Demand have quite a flexible definition for School Shooting. For immense majority of people, a School Shooting is an event where somebody, aligned or not with a school goes into a shooting spree inside a school facility usually resulting in multiple casualties like Columbine or indeed Roseburg.  Not for Everytown/Moms Demand. Although they only come up and scream the loudest when a real School Shooting happens, they came up with this cute interactive map showing all kinds of events that they decided to cover under what they call school shootings…even if the event did not happen near a school.

The map shows 11 incidents in the State of Florida, so I decided to check them out.
Bethune-Cookman University: An unknown assailant shot and injured three male students in a parking lot on campus. Law enforcement did not apprehend the assailant. 
(Incident actually happened off campus. House Party where a gang member was kicked out. There were four victims, two of them students.)

Indian River State College: A 19-year-old man shot and injured a 22-year-old student on campus before exchanging gunfire with police. The shooter was eventually apprehended while still on the campus.
(Incident began off-campus with a Drive-By shooting. Police chased the suspect to the parking lot of the college and a shootout ensued. One student was wounded… by the police. She is suing.)

Everglades City School: A 56-year-old man shot and injured Clay Daniels Jr., 30, in the hand outside the back of the school. When law enforcement arrived, Daniels Jr. stated that he and the shooter had gotten into an argument that led to gunfire. Law enforcement located the assailant and charged him with aggravated battery and discharging a firearm on school property.
The event actually began, once more, outside the campus and ended up in the back forty. I found a copy of the original police report.)

Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts: A 53-year-old school custodian fatally shot two other school custodians inside the school’s maintenance room. After the shooting the assailant fled to an unidentified location outside of the U.S. It is unclear if the shooter has been apprehended or extradited.
(Straight up workplace violence. The shooter was Javier Burgos who had a history of complaints against him at work by the victims who had asked school officials to get him help for his anger management problems.)

Greenwood Lakes Middle School: A 14-year-old boy fatally shot himself in a school bathroom with his father’s .40-caliber Smith and Wesson pistol. The boy’s father later told investigators that he unintentionally left the key to the gun box at home, which allowed his son access to the firearm.
(Lamar Hawkins committed suicide. According to the investigators, he and his sister were routinely bullied by classmates. Nice of Moms to use a suicide to pad the school shooting numbers.)

West Orange High School: Five unidentified people were arrested in the shooting death of a 15-year-old boy on campus after a football game. There was no indication whether the boy knew the people who shot him.
(For the date given for this incident by Everytown/Moms of 12/4/13, there was indeed a shooting after classes ended, no football game, and the kids were boarding the buses to go home. The shooter was captured and the victim survived.)

University of Central Florida: A 30-year-old man threatened to shoot his roommate in the residence they shared on campus, and then fatally shot himself. No one else was injured in the incident.
(James Oliver Seevakumaran was not enrolled as a student even when he was living on campus. He did have a manifesto, a .22LR rifle and molotov cocktails which he planned to use against the resident of the dorm. This case is the closest to a traditional School Shooting, but it did not happen since the asshole did a world a favor and killed himself.)

Vanguard High School: An unknown assailant shot and injured an unidentified 14-year-old girl in the parking lot of the school. Law enforcement did not apprehend an assailant.
(It appears to be a drive-by done by a teen from another school. The event happened at night when the school was closed and only a basketball game was going on with police present. A 15-year-old suspect was arrested.)

University of Florida: A 25-year-old man fired a handgun in the parking lot of a dorm during an argument. The shooter and his girlfriend were walking back from a bar to the parking lot when a fight broke out. The shooter fired a shot into the ground, but did not physically injure anyone. The shooter was charged with discharging a firearm on school property and discharging a firearm while intoxicated, among other charges. The girlfriend of the shooter was charged with carrying a concealed weapon.
(Self explanatory although they do not mentioned it happened around 3 AM. Not quite a Columbine Massacre, wouldn’t you say?)

Florida State University: A 31-year-old man shot and injured three people in the school library: students Ronny Ahmed, 21, and Elijah Velez,18, and library employee Nathan Scott, 30. When law enforcement arrived, they ordered the shooter to drop his weapon. When the assailant refused, officers fatally shot him.
(Finally an event that corresponds with the accepted definition of School Shooting. I linked Greg Ellifritz analysis of the event on the blog. Check it out.)

University of Miami: A 25-year-old woman attempted to shoot her ex-husband Todd Landess in his office on campus. During an altercation in the office, they struggled for the gun and the weapon discharged, without resulting in any injuries. Law enforcement arrested the assailant and charged her with attempted murder, aggravated battery, and discharging a firearm on school property.
(Workplace Violence/ Domestic Incident. Actually it was 35-year-old Yasmien Love who attempted to shoot Todd Landess at the University of Miami School of Communication building. Landess was injured by strike with object and biting. And I quote from the Miami Herald: “Love identifies as female, but Coral Gables police identified her as a male on the affidavit. Police spokeswoman Kelly Denham said Saturday that Love’s driver’s license lists her gender as male, which is what the police based their report on.“It’s a very delicate situation,” she said.”
So would I.)

So, out of the 11 incidents in Florida, only one can be considered a School Shooting the way everybody but a few intellectually corrupt Gun Control Activists would understand them.
If their cause is so righteous, why do Gun Control Activists need to lie and move goalposts to promote their message?
You guys should be getting tired of me repeating the same question, sorry! It must be done.


Marijuana is a harmless drug… except for the stupid.

A longtime drug policy reform advocate in Ann Arbor is worried people smoking marijuana in city parks at night could be shot during an upcoming deer cull.”People smoke weed in Ann Arbor,” said Charmie Gholson, founder of Michigan Moms United to End the War on Drugs and sometimes organizer of the annual Hash Bash marijuana rally in Ann Arbor.”People smoke weed in the parks at night all year round, and if I’ve got to be the person to say that, then Ann Arbor has lost its soul…
…”Please don’t shoot anyone’s kid,” she said.Gholson wrote on her personal Facebook page in late September that she wanted to organize a protest bringing together open-carry gun advocates and people against the deer cull so council members could “see what hunting looks like in the city.”

Gholson said on Tuesday she had been seriously considering an open-carry protest in front of council members’ homes, but the people who want to protect the deer were hesitant about working with open-carry gun advocates.

Source: Ann Arbor marijuana advocate worried people smoking pot in parks could be shot during deer cull |

No, it is not The Onion. Apparently Ann Arbor is the San Francisco of the Midwest or something like it. This is what you get when you mix Stoners with environmentalists and the plain stupid.

Hat Tip to Steven T.