Month: November 2015

Nashville Fairgrounds Gun Show under attack by Liberal Idjits.

Via Say Uncle:

With this reality in mind, I ask the board to address a simple question: Why now? Why after a (long) legacy of holding gun shows at The Fairgrounds Nashville is the board now considering the move to cancel these events, especially considering how these events are enjoyed by so many of our citizens in a safe and responsible manner?” Luper said.“On behalf of NRA members across the state of Tennessee, we oppose the removal of gun shows from the schedule of activities at The Fairgrounds Nashville and hope that this board will not pander to the misguided politics of the anti-freedom agenda.”For 35 years, Kentucky-based Bill Goodman’s Gun and Knife Shows has rented space from the Metro fairgrounds for its weekend gun shows. The entity pays around $7,500 for each show, accounting for more than $80,000 in fairgrounds revenue per year.

Source: NRA enters debate on gun shows at fairgrounds

Oh Hell No! Some idiots of the Nashville City Council (L.A. by the Cumberland) want to screw with my place of conversion? My first gun show was there. It was the same show I met Fred Thompson when he was running the first time for the Senate. That is my frigging Vatican or Bethlehem, you do not mess with it, buddy!


He also grilled David Goodman, who manages the gun show, for what Byrd called objectionable paraphernalia he learned has been sold at Goodman’s gun shows at the fairgrounds. They include stickers that read, “Keep America Free: Shoot a liberal,” and a T-shirt that features the Confederate flag alongside the words, “Defending freedom since 1861.”

“That’s not family-friendly events,” Byrd said. “I’m a liberal. I don’t want to be shot … and I don’t want you selling stuff with that message.”

Mr. Byrd, don’t even go there. You will lose on First Amendment principles alone. And we really do not care if you are butt-hurt, but if you are, your local Walgreen’s have an assortment of ointments on aisle 6 I believe.

Who keeps electing these idiots in Nashville? When I live there, they would have shown the way to the east end of Broadway and invite them to take a splash.

Gun porn, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means. 

The next time you are in a grocery or convenience store, check out the magazine aisle. As CBS46 investigative reporter Karyn Greer found out, gun porn appears to be more popular than travel and cooking magazines and in plain sight of impressionable children.Sexually explicit and tabloid magazines are kept on the top shelves of stores to keep them out of sight of precious young children, but gun magazines are in plain sight and easy reach for anyone to grab and take a peek.”It just proliferates the spread of guns and glamourizes guns and everything that goes along with it,” said Glenn Sutton.

Source: Gun porn: Magazines found in easy access to kids – CBS46 News

So Social Justice Warrior sees that Gun Magazines are there for people to grab, including the wee ones and momentarily loses control of the sphincter breaking the promise to his mom to wear clean underwear.

Gun porn is described as photos of guns that display them in the same carefully posed and lighted manner as the models in traditional pornography. The magazines include glossy covers with sexy young women armed and ready to shoot.

Huh? Commercial photography is now porn? Carefully posed like a model in Playboy? I can suddenly imagine Oleg Volk dressed in a loud 70s polyester jumpsuit, camera in hand talking seductively to a Glock:

“Yes baby, show me some polymer…yeah like that <click> Now rub your mag release…slowly…<click> that is so hot! Now rack your slide and open wide…<click>  put your finger in the chamber to make sure there is nothing there…oh yes, I am sweating here …<click>”

The magazines include glossy covers with sexy young women armed and ready to shoot.

Which magazine? At least none that I have seen in any display. In fact, the “investigative reporter” showed magazines with women dressed normally but they happened to be with a gun.

Gun Porn Atlanta

And somehow I don’t think that the guys from the Duck Commanders dressed in cammo qualify as porn, even in Japan.

CBS46 went undercover to Publix, Kroger and Walmart to find the magazines. In one Publix, we found 15 gun magazines, more than travel, cooking and beauty magazines.

Them store people sure are stoopid. Why would any corporation place 15 gun magazines and only a couple of the others? Maybe because they are mainstream and sell?

at eye level, easily accessible to young children. A Dr. Seuss display was directly in front of rifle and gun magazines.

OK, that is just mean and prejudiced. You don’t care about the Little People? People in wheelchairs or with disabilities that cannot reach the third floor level you want to put the magazines on because a picture of the scares you into spotting yellow in your undies? You are a frigging Social Justice Warrior for hell’s sake, you MUST care for other less fortunate than you! Check Your Health Privilege!

We contacted the stores to get the policy on gun magazines with no response.

It is the South. They are too polite to tell you to go flock yourself.

OK, now explanation for the non-Gunnies: yes, you have seen us use the term “gun porn” before and it is about pictures of guns, but not just any guns, no siree, they must have some special significance of beauty in craftsmanship that sets them apart. For me would be a pre-WWW II Thompson Machine gun in perfect condition and never fired, a gun that I would love to own. That is different from a  picture of fully naked Victoria Secret model….OK, she is also finely crafted (although she probably has had several rounds put through) but the real difference is that if I can lay my hands on a Thompson, I can examine her and check her parts and if I go crazy, it will mean that the mortgage payments would take a hit and the wife would send me to the couch to sleep for the next two years. Laying my hands n a naked Victoria Secret model would earn me a charge for sexual attack plus the wife would either divorce me or kill me instantly being that last option the easiest one to endure.

I believe that the term GunPorn comes from the blocks companies put in their computers so workers don’t go wasting time when they are supposed to be doing something productive. The two top terms blocked were porn and guns and only because some idiot in HR probably thought looking at firearms in the Interwebs would suddenly make some office drone snap and take out middle management. I am guessing that Ms. Investigative Reporter did not investigate very deeply and had to come up with that line of unmitigated bullcrap to justify her 3 minutes on camera.

 Bless her heart.

Hat Tip to Jeff A. via Twitter


Those “scientific” studies about Stand Your Ground being bad.

“We are clear in the methods section of the paper that we conduct secondary data analysis of a database put together by the Tampa bay Times (TBT). We state in the methods section “The TBT data set includes 237 cases related to Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ (SYG) law from 2005 to 2013. The TBT included cases that either involved a request for a ‘Stand Your Ground’ immunity hearing or ‘cases where circumstances appeared to reflect the Legislature’s intent when it passed the law’ (Tampa Bay Times, 2013)”. We use the term “Stand Your Ground” as it has been used in the media around highly publicized cases (e.g., Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman) and not the legal definition provided below [by Branca]. We take the SYG terminology from the TBT who created this database of cases and did preliminary reporting on the results of this data.

Source: Stand-Your-Ground | Self-defense Immunity | Social Science

You can now retract your lower jaw from the ground to its fully closed position against the upper jaw.

This is the “scientific” equivalent of Stephen Wright’s joke : 

I saw it in a cartoon once, but I’m pretty sure I can do it.

Go on and read the rest of the article. Take bottle of spirits with you.

Spot the Fudd

Most of the gun blogs I follow have taken Mr. Wes Siler to task over his idiotic article about Ted Cruz’s particular method of carrying an O/U in the field.  I’m not going to break it down, that’s already been done before.  Mr. Siler is a biased hack, working for a biased “news” source.  Hacks gotta hack.  If this guy didn’t have dishonesty, he’d have nothing at all.

I’m gonna pick on “local hunter and lifetime NRA member Scott Nathan” who was the “authority” that Mr. Siler quoted in his attack on Ted Cruz.

“While his action is visibly open, he is still not in control of muzzle direction. In a break-action gun [as Cruz is carrying here] the muzzle should always point down.”

I guess.  Sure.  I’ve seen both methods carried in the field in SD and on the Sporting Clays range.  Cruz was taking to a reporter, so having the barrels over his shoulder rather than pointed at the reporter’s feet seem pretty reasonable.  But I digress.  It’s M.r Nathan’s later quote that gets me.

“He’s either a poser who doesn’t really hunt, or just a blindingly dangerous nincompoop,” concludes Scott. “He’s got moves like Cheney.”

THERE IT IS.  He pulled the Cheney card.  Ladies and Gentlemen, we found ourselves a Bush/Chaney derangement syndrome affected Fudd sporting an NRA sticker who is going to side with anti-gun Gizmodo.  Thank’s schmuck.  With friends like you, we’re gonna lose our guns.

P.S.  My father warned me about a politician who gets his picture taken carrying a double gun on a bird hunt.  It’s the easiest way for an anti-gun politician to “demonstrate” he’s for the 2A and not believe in it.  I’m not suggesting Sen Cruz is anti-gun, he’s a Republican from Texas.  I’m just saying there were plenty of pictures taken of Bill Clinton on a duck hunt and John Kerry on a pheasant hunt released during their respective campaigns, and we know where both men stand on the issue of gun control.

If I ever ran for President, your’e not going to see me carrying a double gun, going after pheasants.  The media will be too busy running pictures of me at a 3 Gun match with my AR with the “This Machine Kills Fascists” sticker on the buttstock.

Ain’t nothing but a number

The ninnyhammers at Everytown are having themselves a little freak out over the fact that some Kindergartners in PA are getting gun safety lessons in school.  By gun safety, we’re not talking about going to the range for PE.  It’s the “stop, don’t touch it, leave the area, tell an adult” approach to kids and guns.  Of course, even this is too much for the anti-gunners.

I just love the intellectual inconsistency in the Left’s ideas of safety and responsibility.  Remember, it’s generally the same people who are anti-gun that think we should begin teaching sex ed at age 10 and think it’s a great idea to hand out condoms to 6th graders.  They people love to point out that abstinence only sex ed doesn’t work.

They’re right of course, about the abstinence only sex ed.  So why do they think that not even talking about guns and gun safety with kids is the right approach?

I propose a compromise.  How about taking the sex ed approach to gun safety.  With young kids, don’t touch it.  At 13, we’re going on a class field trip to the range and we’re going to learn The 4 Rules and safe handling practice.  You can give condoms to my 6th grader if I hand hand a .22 to yours.


Silence of The Crickets.

The elections yesterday in Virginia were touted as the full comeback of the re-branded Gun Control…er…sorry, Gun “Safety” movement. Democrats assured everyone that they would take over the state senate and a new era of peace and safety would be guaranteed.
They failed.
bloomberg virginia

Earlier this morning, I checked the Facebook pages of Moms Demand and Everytown. Their last post was from when they got confirmation that one of their boys, Jeremy McPike, had won a seat that was already in the hands of Democrats, but nothing else but 9 hours of silence. Since then Moms posted about the death of a boy, targeted by persons unknown in Gun Control Chicago. I guess they still cannot comprehend how contradiction works.

Bloomberg dumped $2.3 million dollars in Virginia and he only needed to win ONE seat and the Republicans none. If a future 50/50 vote would come to the senate, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D) would be the tie breaker. Republicans managed to retain all their senate seats.

And next we have Americans for Responsible Solutions:

"WTF happened?"
“WTF happened? We should have bought another AR and a fishing boat with that money.”

The Giffords poured $600,000 into the campaign of Democrat B. Jill McCabe to unseat republican Richard Black. They lost that money too after Black won with a comfortable five point lead.

For all intents, the Virginia races were a disaster for the Gun Control Cabal. Bet your booty this is being examined by the presidential campaigns of both Hillary and Sanders. Again, I do not expect either of them to tone down the gun control rhetoric for the primaries since it plays well for the Daily Kos/Democratic Underground people who make the majority vote this early, but I think I can guarantee that Gun Control will not be a major platform come the run for the White House, specially if Hillary gets anointed as candidate. The failure of Al Gore is still very fresh in her mind.

Virginia Gun Owners, take a bow and buy a six-pack, you deserve it.

National Gun Victims Action Council: The False Promise of Universal Background Checks. 

Yup. The Westboro Baptist Church of the Gun Control Movement HATES Universal Background Checks.

While all of the gun violence prevention groups—large and small—are pushing for universal background checks (a background check for every gun sold) they overlook the fact that in the last eleven high-profile gun massacres, each of the killers or suspects passed a background check. Universal background checks would have done nothing to prevent these massacres.

Source: National Gun Victims Action Council » Blog Archive The False Promise of Universal Background Checks

Wait… don’t jump for joy just yet. Elliot is not having a change of mind.

To prevent the Charlestons, Auroras and Umpquas, universal background checks—which only look at an electronic database which is missing millions of records—will not suffice. We need “universal real background checks —checks that are as thorough as those done for adopting a child. (By the way this is how they do it in other countries—like England.)

I am all for an Adopt-A-Gun campaign. Do you know how many guns are stored in police rooms around the country, begging to go to a good home? Will you be willing to donate mere cents a day so that Old Colt Woodsman, all by its lonesome in the dark recesses of the MDPD could come live with my family? Have a heart!

Checks should include interviews with the people who actually know the purchaser (neighbors, family, workplace associates) and interviews with the purchaser himself. Every one of the last eleven high-profile killers was known in his community to be mentally unstable and deeply troubled. They were clearly unfit to be gun owners. Nonetheless, they passed their background check.

Holy crap, isn’t this insane? Just imagine a co-worker that hates you because your work output is better than his being the pivotal point in the permitting. Hell, I have a nutty neighbor that would swear to you on a stack of Bibles and Talmuds I am the reincarnation of the Devil himself. Good luck on that one.

When the Federal Assault Weapons Ban was passed in 1994, instead of our side insisting that the definition of an assault weapon be based on function—any firearm that fired more than 10 bullets a minute—our side agreed to have assault weapons defined by the technical mechanism used to extract and install a magazine. This allowed manufacturers to install a cheap button on the side of the assault weapons they already manufactured which circumvented the definition and nullified the ban. Today, far more lethal assault weapons are sold as the meaningless ban was allowed to expire in 2004.

If your nose is suddenly bleeding, you are in good company. You cannot read that much stupid and not suffer some sort of blood loss. It simply does not make one bit of sense what Elliot is saying. 10 rounds a minute? The century old concept of magazine release button as a circumvention of the 1994 AWB?  He has to have a meth lab behind his house and he is tasting the product…heavily.

The certain way to deal with the horror of gun violence now is for President Obama to declare a state of emergency due to the gun violence epidemic and then unilaterally issue the unrestrained executive orders needed to halt it—including universal real background checks—orders he cannot issue without declaring a state of emergency. That is why we urge you to sign our petition asking him to do just that.

Ain’t that cute? Why don’t we have a President with dictatorial powers go batshit crazy and push 80 million gun owners into practicing with their firearms. That way it confirms all along why we have the divine right to keep and bear arms.

elliot fineman church