Month: November 2015

Dear CSGV: The Internet is forever.

CSGV Virginia japanese camps isis

So David Allen Bowers, the Democrat mayor of Roanoke (VA)  said the following:

“I’m reminded that President Franklin D. Roosevelt felt compelled to sequester Japanese foreign nationals after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and it appears that the threat of harm to America from ISIS now is just as real and serious as that from our enemies then.”

Liberal Dems are quite ashamed of this particular action from their demi-god FDR and they will go bunkers if you bring it up. But that CSGV is acting all offended by the words of the mayor is particularly funny when we have record of Ladd and Company actually agreeing in principle and dismissing the Japanese Interment like it was old tissue paper:

But of course, it is OK for Ladd and Company to round-up Americans if a government decree of judge order is issued:

And they see no problem on the way Government treated Native Americas because it was Nation Building.

The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence does enjoy to have violence inflicted upon those who disagree with them. They think themselves a Chefs and we are the eggs for the omelet.

We do come with a surprise inside the shell.

CSGV discovers BBQ Guns: Bigotry and Stupidity ensues.

They are shocked, I tell you. And they are still beating on the degenerate drum. It won’t be long till they start tagging us with the Sexual Predator tag.


For those who do not know the concept of BBQ gun, it is a Southwest cultural thing that should have been spread across the nation. I’ll leave LawDog do the explaining:

Now, a BBQ gun is a whole different animal. A BBQ gun is what you wear to barbeques, baby christenings, formal balls, and any other place where a fancy jacket or outfit would be worn.Get your paws on a revolver. Smith & Wesson or Colt would be best, although I understand that Brazilian products are becoming accepted. Polished stainless at a minimum, and full-blown nickle is a better. And pony up for full engraving. Have the trigger, hammer, screws and ejection rod anodized blue, gold, or colour-case-hardened for the traditionalists. Now, look in the mirror. Is your mustache over 50% grey? If so, go for pearl grips. 49% or less on the grey-meter, and you’d best stick with ivory. If you go for mother-of-pearl, have it carved or inlaid. Steer heads are a classic pattern, although badges and stars are always safe.

Source: The LawDog Files: Court guns and BBQ guns.

There is more at the link about the leather (yes, leather. No plastic or nylon) and the rest of the outfit.  This would be an example of BBQ gun:

Here are the comments. But you must understand that these are the people who are convinced that grilling a couple of veggie burgers over their  eco-friendly infrared grill is the same as an honest to God all day and all night Texas BBQ.


They are such a pitiful bunch… no joy in their lives.

PS: I selected this as my future BBQ Gun. Yes, the budget is a killer.

LeMat Revolver Engraved By Raymond Wielgus.

Pretty thing ain’t it?


Australia Gun Control: If it Works, Ban it!

Reader Mark M. sent me a couple of links last week and I accidentally put them in the bottom of the pile. The story would be funny f it was not such a sad commentary on the hoplophobia Down Under:

THOUSANDS of Australian shooters are lining up to buy an imported seven-shot shotgun that tests a 19-year ban on rapid fire weapons. More than 6600 Australian shooters have ordered the Turkish-made shotgun that uses lever-action cartridge loading to bypass strict bans on semiautomatic firearms. The shotgun, the Adler A110, has a seven-shot magazine and goes on sale in Australia in two months.The Adler’s lever action means it is legally available to general Category A gun licence holders and is not restricted to the strict Category C, semiautomatic classes.
Police were surprised at the rapidity of the Adler’s action.
We are concerned about its firing rate,” a Victoria Police spokesman said.
“Certainly it is a worry, traditionally a shotgun is a double barrel with two rounds, this has seven or can have eight.”

Source: Shooters fired up over imported Adler shotgun | Breaking National News and Australian News | The Weekly Times

So apparently the people at Adler Arms managed to work out the kinks out of the traditionally not-so-reliable lever-action shotgun and came up with a decent product (The Turks are known for manufacturing very nice shotguns at a good price). But for the Australian Authorities, this shotgun seems to be the equivalent of a Mother Deuce with a 500 round belt.

And of course, cue the Aussie Gun Control activists.

Gun Control Australia (GCA) teamed up with the Homicide Victims Support Group to call on the states and the Federal Government to ban the Adler A110 lever action shotgun in Australia.The A110 uses a lever action to load cartridges into the barrel….Samantha Lee from GCA said the A110 verged on being a high-powered pump action shotgun.

Source: Pro-gun lobbyists disrupt gun control appeal in Sydney, claim they are being vilified as criminals – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

So it seems that the Aussie version of Ladd and Elliot also like to make stuff up as long as it sounds dangerous.

And you cannot have a traditional Gun Control petition without the presence of the Bloody Shirt™:

Sydney father-of-four Angelo Cusumano was working in his family-owned business when he was shot dead four days before Christmas. Three students armed with guns terrorised his customers and stole a five-figure sum of money during the deadly armed robbery of The Gamesman computer store at Penshurst in December, 1995.
And 20 years on, his wife Mary is still fighting the horrific memories of that day plus another personal battle.

“I can’t understand what we are doing even thinking of this Adler shotgun coming into this country.”

Source: Widow Mary Cusumano pleads for ban of Adler A110 rapid fire shotgun

And since it is Lazy Friday, I am going to use Mark M’s own words in his email to point out the sheer stupidity of this whole issue:

    “Imagine my perverse glee in people believing Civil War era firearms technology is a threat to the public welfare.
To be honest, I’d like to hold one and see if its mind control waves order me to buy one and take it home.”

So we expect a T&E from Mark to grace the pages of this blog in the future. 😀

To my European Readers

Several of you were offended at my last post.  You are right, it is not fair to judge all citizens of Europe based on the actions of your governments.

I do stand by my criticism of those governments and the anti-Semites that support them.

France was attacked by ISIS. France is now, quite reasonably, bombing the shit out of ISIS in Syria.  So when Palestinians go on a stabbing or bombing rampage in Israel, perhaps the French government should not be so quick to criticize the Israeli response in the West Bank and accuse Israel of genocide.


The European Community’s response to the Paris Attacks? MOAR gun control.


AFTER THE ATTACKS IN FRANCE EC WANTS RESTRICTIONS ON LICIT ACCESS TO WEAPONS The European Commission DG Home wants to propose a semiautomatic ban for EU individuals, which look similar to military ones. This EC also wants stricter rules for arms control. Proposals for a new law or amendment to the Directive on firearms will be presented on Wednesday – the author learned from Union source PAP.  Initially the amendment was planned for next year, but the European Commission DG Home analyzing over the weekend the possible reactions to the Paris bombings recognized the need to accelerate the project.

Source: After the attacks in France EC wants restrictions on licit access to weapons

What do they want?

“Individuals will not be able to buy certain types of Kalashnikov – even when the law only allows the civilian semiautomatical version”

Full auto AKs were used in both attacks in Paris and they were more than likely smuggled from Eastern Europe. But let’s ban the ones that are not only semi autos, but hard to buy because all the gun control that is already in place. Yup, that makes sense.

“The Commission also proposes a ban for buying weapons and ammunition through the internet.”

There are a couple of European websites dedicated to gun sales, but nothing in the scale of Gunbroker and they have to follow the tortuous EU arms Directives 91/477 / EEC  and 93/15 / EEC  and then their own country’s particular legal crap. I am thinking the terrorists are not gonna go there for even ammo.

” It also wants across the EU the same rules for marking weapons so that EC could effectively “follow” these guns, even if they change the owner. “

As far as I know, guns over there must have a visible serial number such as here. I am betting this is standard EU standardization BS that has been the bane for all European products. Same as some ignorant bureaucrat in Brussels telling century’s old cheese makers how to make cheese and 14 years to figure out the standard for breakfast jelly.

“The Commission wants all national registers of weapons combined in a huge pan-European database.”

I give it to them, they are ballsy and aim high.

“The EC also wants further to restrict the ownership of deactivated weapons which could easily be converted to reactivated weapons.”

And after that, pictures of guns must be registered and kept in a safe location in a gun club somewhere.

And in case you have not figured it out, this is the outcome of the Small Arms Treaty the UN was so gushy about. I am going to predict they will be successful and make things easier for both the terrorists and the governments wanting even more power over their subjects.

But they are willing to let themselves be killed to prove the point that they are morally superior.