Month: December 2015

The local critters

SiGraybeard just reminded me that if you don’t live in Florida, you don’t get some of our critters.

Case in point, the new iguana I call Anaranjada (Orangy).


She is not that big for South Florida standards but I think big enough to take care of the neighborhood dogs that run into the medium to small sizes .

But what surprised the hell out of me is that 10 minutes after I took that picture, Anaranjada jumped into the water and proceeded to swim across the lake to the other side (214 yards according to Google maps), on a straight line with a crosswind of at least 10 mph.  I was so amazed I did not think to video the event until she was halfway inside the lake.

Who knew?

“Wait! That is not what we wanted!”

Turning it around

So the LA Times published an opinion piece on how it’s too easy to get guns and only the military should have…. blah… blah… blah… usual bullshit, whatever.

At the top of the article was this hard hitting cartoon:

Gun Flag

David Horsey is a little late to the party when it comes to criticizing America by making our flag out of guns.

A left wing blog posted a similar cartoon after the Tuscon shooting.
Gun Flag 2


The horrible movie “The Purge: Anarchy” which was supposed to be anti-American and anti-conservative used a similar logo for its poster.

the purge

I guess these are supposed to scare me or something.  Make me fear for my life because my country is awash in guns.

Except, my country is already awash in guns.  There are more guns in America than people and guns are still flying off the shelves.  I live in one of the top ten most gun owning states in the Union.

Horsey’s gun flag doesn’t scare me.  I want one.  Not exactly like it with Glocks and AK’s.  I want one that is full American,  1911’s and alternating AR-15 and M1 Garands.  I would fly that un-ironically.  I would have that as a window sticker on my pickup.  I would embrace the heck out of it.

Why? Because Don’t Tread On Me and Come and Take It.  I already have those and I want a new one.

Just note the juxtaposition.  A flag made of guns, tools of freedom, is used by Liberals to try and scare and shame America.  And yet they would fly a flag with the president’s face on it, because obsequious kowtowing to a cult of personality is totally what a free people in a free country do.  That offends me a lot more than a flag made of guns.




Journalists and how they cover Islamic Terrorism: The Narrative is No Longer Speculation.

The Society of Professional Journalists has issued a series of guidelines on how Journos should cover Islamists. By the looks of it, it seems to have come out after 9/11, but if you think how Islamic Terrorism has been covered and is being covered right this minute, you know it is still valid and much alive. I was unaware of its existence until this morning.

Guidelines for Countering Racial, Ethnic and Religious Profiling.

Notice the title? You would think it covers all races and all religions, but you would be wrong. Let’s proceed:


Visual images
— Seek out people from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds when photographing Americans mourning those lost in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

— Seek out people from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds when photographing rescue and other public service workers and military personnel.

— Do not represent Arab Americans and Muslims as monolithic groups. Avoid conveying the impression that all Arab Americans and Muslims wear traditional clothing.

— Use photos and features to demystify veils, turbans and other cultural articles and customs.

That is unless Al Jazera bitches about showing a pic of female dead terrorist without the burka.

Let’s continue

— Make an extra effort to include olive-complexioned and darker men and women, Sikhs, Muslims and devout religious people of all types in arts, business, society columns and all other news and feature coverage, not just stories about the crisis.

Wait, Isn’t that racial profiling?


— When writing about terrorism, remember to include white supremacist, radical anti-abortionists and other groups with a history of such activity.

Because we need to give the impression of everybody is doing the same stuff in the same amount, even if it is not true.


— When describing Islam, keep in mind there are large populations of Muslims around the world, including in Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, India and the United States. Distinguish between various Muslim states; do not lump them together as in constructions such as “the fury of the Muslim world.”

Except when they are throwing a fit or half the countries in the region are beheading the crap out of each other. Can we say “beheading” or would that be profiling? Bette make it “traumatic separation of cranium from torso.”


— Avoid using word combinations such as “Islamic terrorist” or “Muslim extremist” that are misleading because they link whole religions to criminal activity. Be specific: Alternate choices, depending on context, include “Al Qaeda terrorists” or, to describe the broad range of groups involved in Islamic politics, “political Islamists.” Do not use religious characterizations as shorthand when geographic, political, socioeconomic or other distinctions might be more accurate.

In other words, don’t use the words at all. In fact, don’t cover it.


— Avoid using terms such as “jihad” unless you are certain of their precise meaning and include the context when they are used in quotations. The basic meaning of “jihad” is to exert oneself for the good of Islam and to better oneself.

Because nothing betters oneself than screaming “Aloha Snackbar!” and detonating a suicide vest in a Israeli public market or French theater.

Here is the whole page captured for future references.

Society of Professional Journalists


When ink smells like anger and fear.

NYT Front Page Editorial gun epidemic
New Yorker Magazine cover guns NY Daily News LaPierre Terrorist

First: where did the people in the New Yorker get the grenades? OK, never mind that.

I think it is not coincidental that the covers come from New York City.  The media from the Big Apple has gone from their morally superior stance to annoyingly pushy and now is reaching open aggression in some cases. Even the New York Time & Taco Stand broke a 95 year tradition and published an editorial in its front page.

Why? They are angry and they are afraid. Angry because their holy message is not going through. It is not impacting the way it used to be, reshaping what the country was supposed to think. We are frigging New York City! We mold this country as we see fit! Even Fox News works out of our blessed city, how dare you ignore us!

And because we ignore them and do not goose-step to their beat, we are the real enemy, not the Jihadists. In their mind, they can make a deal with the Islamic terrorists and live happily ever after, but we must be defeated and brought under because we dare to break with their Narrative, flip them the finger and go square dancing.

And they are afraid because they see themselves becoming irrelevant. There was a time when the media would wait for the NYT to be published so they would know what to write about or cover in the morning shows. But now, information is at the touch of a keyboard or an app on a smart phone and no longer is filtered by what some journalist in the Big Apple writes or blabs in front of a camera.

When I found out that something was happening in San Bernardino, I opened my scanner app in my phone and located the SBPD scanner feed. I was not alone but joined close to 16,000 other listeners on that particular app alone. I heard the confusion and anger of the cops, how they were processing the incoming info, how they rushed to different places where the tips were saying the Terrorists could be found. I heard the name Farook Syed mentioned several times. And I heard “Shots fired!” and the detonations in the background, it was chilling to hear the shots and the vices of the cops setting the perimeter and requesting the Bearcats and indicating how they should approach the SUV. I heard one officer getting a visual of the terrorist inside the SUV and announcing that he had an AR strapped to the chest and was still alive.

It then struck me that there might be something on TV and indeed there was the usual chopper images with the incessant drone of the idiotic Talking Heads blabbing just to fill air time, but disconnected from what was going on at street level. I eventually muted the TV and kept listening to the scanner to get a clearer overall picture. The news media was easily 20 to 40 minutes behind what we were listening live, they were not only late, but wrong, annoying and eventually irrelevant on that tragic day.

What they really should be afraid of is obvious but they don’t see it: NYC is a soft juicy target for hits like San Bernardino. They just don’t see it because they passed a law restricting guns with the assurance that they were now immune even though the violent crime rate went up after the passage of the SAFE law. And I am not saying that other cities would not be targets, but the terrorists are not stupid and they rather shoot and bomb the hell out of Broadway theater showing the latest musical than taking a chance in a movie theater in Ft Lauderdale or Fort Worth where there is the chance that some pissed off citizen decides to shoot back at them before they complete their Holy mission for Allah.

Texas Georgia Facebook
Via Barron B.

Enough said. It is Saturday, go shoot some targets.


And for your Friday Night Load of Heavy Stupidity

WARNING: Not responsible for any damage to computers or effects on your health.
Gregg Jarret explaining how you can transform a California-Legal semi auto AR into a full automatic Assault Weapon with the infamous bullet button.

It has to be all that hair spray they are forced to wear, it dries up the brain cells and makes them even dumber than old mud.

Hat Tip: Robert The K.


Loretta Lynch, at a press conference yesterday, termed the San Bernardino shootings a “wonderful opportunity” to change the nature of police work:
“We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.”

Source: Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use ‘Anti-Muslim’ Speech That ‘Edges Toward Violence’ | Daily Wire

Tell me again that these idiots do not enjoy tap dancing on blood.

Dear Loretta: Weekend at Bernie’s was a movie, not a guide to proper government. And thank you, but the idea of changing police work coming from you, scares the crap out of me.