Month: December 2015

On Hold about San Bernandino.

I have plenty to write about, but yesterday and old neck injury decided to stop by and revisit me. And since I am one of those that needs to look at the keyboard while typing, writing is literally a pain in the frigging neck.

As soon as I stop playing Frankenstein, I will make a decent post. In the meantime, a reminder:


While the Left, Gun Control groups and even DHS were watching Gun Owners, the NRA and 2A groups, 3%ters, Christians, Jews, Tea Party, etc, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were prepping with all confidence and carried an attack on a soft target. And you can also bet your ass they were not the only ones out there.

But hey, Global Warming causes terrorism: Go buy LED light bulbs. I am sure they will stop terrorist attacks.

Carry your gun, carry at least two spare bags loaded with quality defensive ammo. And rethink the idea of a truck gun.


Consider the source

Sex columnist, gay rights advocate, and human pile of garbage Dan Savage tweeted the following in response to the San Bernardino shooting.

Dan Savage

He hates guns, he hates gun owners and the NRA, and he hates America.  I think he made that clear.  Of course he believes he is well atop his moral high horse, performing dressage 140 characters at a time.

Here’s the thing.  Dan Savage is a terrorist.  He admitted it.  He authored a piece for Salon where he describes in great detail with enormous self satisfaction, how he contracted the flu and decided to spread it to Republican candidate Gary Bauer and his staff at Mr. Bauer’s campaign headquarters in Iowa.  Why?  Because he (Dan Savage) didn’t agree with Mr. Bauer’s position on gay marriage.

Mr. Bauer made a comment  about the SCOTUS gay marriage decision and terrorism.  Dan savage replied with the following:

I decided that if it’s terrorism Bauer wants, then it’s terrorism Bauer is going get — and I’m just the man to terrorize him… I would keep the pen in my mouth until Bauer dropped by his offices to rally the troops. And when he did, I would approach him and ask for his autograph, handing him the pen from my flu-virus incubating mouth.”

I go around the room licking doorknobs. They are filthy, no doubt, but there isn’t time to find a rag to spit on…. I want to seed his office with germs, get as many of his people sick as I can, and hopefully one of them will infect the candidate. I lick office doorknobs, bathroom doorknobs. When that’s done, I start on the staplers, phones, and computer keyboards. Then I stand in the kitchen and lick the rims of all the clean coffee cups drying in the rack. I grab my coat and head out.”

Now Gary Bauer was a nothing of a candidate.  If I didn’t know about what Dan Savage did to him, I wouldn’t know anything about him.

But Gary Bauer was not the only Republican to be terrorized by Dan Savage.  Rick Santourm was the victim of an online harassment and extortion campaign that is as disgusting as anything I can imagine.

Dan Savage purchased a domain name (NSFW) and got his followers to use a Google Bomb to create a deinfiton for the word “Santorum” to be… a very disgusting thing relating to homoerotic intercourse.

In Dan Savage’s own words, this is what he intended to do to Rick Santorum:

There’s no better way to memorialize the Santorum scandal than by attaching his name to a sex act that would make his big, white teeth fall out of his big, empty head.

Through the use of the Google Bomb, Dan Savage’s domain and definition became the top search engine hits for “Santorum” displacing the Candidate’s official web page.  Why?  Because he (Dan Savage) didn’t agree with Mr. Santorum’s position on gay marriage.

So here we have an admitted biological terrorist and online harasser, who has publicly stated that he wishes that all republicans we’re dead and wanted to drag an independent candidate running against a Democrat to death behind a truck.

But I am supposed to defer to his moral superiority on the issue of gun ownership?

No.  People like Dan Savage are the reason I am encouraged to own and carry guns.

And why should we care?


What is it with the  Europhilia*? Who sold the DC (and other) elites that we should live and die and act according to what the Limeys and any other Europeans think life should be lived? Do I need to remind them that the only reason they are not speaking either German or Russian is because the we, ugly cousins across the pond stood up to the bullies that were giving them wedgies at a massive scale?

If the need to kiss Euro-ass so bad, just take a plane and go over there because the lips do not stretch out that far.

(*Europhilia: the need to be the intellectual bitch of an almost corpse continent.”

Matter of perspective

Reading about the San Bernardino shooters, I came across a news article that said:

The suspected shooters in the San Bernardino massacre… had more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition with them and another 4,500 at their house… Police said they found an eye-popping 2,500 rounds for assault rifles and 2,000 rounds for handguns inside the home in nearby Redlands.”

Several news sources referred to the cache as an “arsenal” or even an “enormous arsenal.”

Again, I’m not condoning terrorism.  In fact, I condemn terrorism in the strongest possible way.

I’m just commenting on the use of the word “arsenal.”

A year ago, I would have looked at 2,500 rounds of rifle ammo and 2,000 rounds of handgun ammo and said (again, condemning terrorism) “that’s a decent start for an emergency preparedness situation.”

Now I look at 2,500 rifle rounds or 2,000 pistol rounds and say “that’s about a workday’s worth of ammo.”

I would hate to read how a journalist would describe the collection I have in my garage.  One man’s “enormous arsenal” is another man’s “I’m running low, next time Cabela’s is having a sale on ammo, I should stock up.” It’s all a matter of perspective.