Month: January 2016

Some SHOT stuff by our valiant correspondent, Tom W. (Part 1)

I’ll be brief and to the point which means I’ll just post what Tom sent me without his comments…hehehe.

First: The Most Talked About Thing in the SHOT show this year by the non-cognoscenti was …(drum roll) nope, not the Kimber Revolver but the EAA Booth Babe:

EAA Booth Babe
With apologies to Grant Cunnigham 🙂

From what I heard and read in the Book of Faces, there are certain redheaded female instructors that had put a bounty on the poor woman…Just kidding… I hope.

Also, the Cuban BBQ Gun has been found and even Dennis B. from Dragon Leatherworks has promised to create a proper holster with rhinestones and everything:

Desert Eagle Cuban BBQ Gun

Kidding aside, Tom has done his work for his side of the gun thing but also has been kind enough to look on my request for the ultimate Truck Gun. Being himself a joker, he sent me this from Range day:

truck gun

Not quite what I wanted, but I will most definitely take it.

And again, Tom is a pro, this is how you do SHOT show:

Planning SHOT

I’ll be back tomorrow with part 2 and some other backlogged stuff.

Hello Boys! (And Girls) I Am Back!

I am back

Well, it seems that the torture is over. Nobody had this much trouble migrating since Moses took the Jews out of Egypt.

I am so behind it is not even funny. And I still have to figure out how to work out the 404 page with either a redirect or a search because any links you may have saved, no longer apply. That one is all my bad.

See you guys and gals in a bit. I have to check up several things.

I also need to share my thoughts on the top SHOT Show item: 5.11 Yoga Pants.

GFZ: Eight years Old.

I can say that I am as surprised as you are for lasting this long. I January 10th, 2008 I penned We are the New Negroes and started to share my views (right and wrong) with the world. I came close to call it quits eight months later when I thought I lost all my initial work to a crappy WordPress update and had to start from zero. Luckily I managed to find copies of most of the posts and posted them again.

I guess the reason I have lasted this long is because I accepted and lived under the first principle of Blogging: You blog for yourself and nobody else. I write about what I want, when I want it and avoid being a crowd pleaser. OK, so sometimes I throw the obligatory post under the cannons of Rule 5, sue me.

So thank you for dropping by and reading my blog, hoist a cold one in my name today and have a piece of cake to celebrate.

Be Advised: Clicking the on the cake will be NSFW


GayPatriot » Contra ‘The Narrative’

2014: Detroit Police Chief Urges Citizens to Arm Themselves. 

2015: Detroit Homicide and Violent Crime Rates Drop.

Do not expect the national media to cover this pair of stories much. It kind of shattersthe leftist narrative that armed citizens will lead to gunfights over parking spaces and mishandled coffee orders.

Source: GayPatriot » Contra ‘The Narrative’

And once again, what’s The Narrative?

You do not fight the narrative. The narrative will destroy you. The narrative is all-powerful. The narrative rules. It rules us, it rules Washington, it rules everything.

The narrative is the set of assumptions the press believes in, possibly without even knowing that it believes in them. It’s so powerful because it’s unconscious. It’s not like they get together every morning and decide “These are the lies we will tell today.” No, that would be too crude and honest. Rather, it’s a set of casual, nonrigorous assumptions about a reality they’ve never really experienced that’s arranged in such a way as to reinforce their best and most ideal presumptions about themselves and their importance to the system and the way they’ve chosen to live their lives. It’s a way of arranging things a certain way that they all believe in without ever really addressing carefully. It permeates their whole culture. They know, for example, that Bush is a moron and Obama is a saint. They know communism was a phony threat cooked up by right-wing cranks as a way to leverage power to the executive. They know that Saddam didn’t have weapons of mass destruction, the response to Katrina was fucked up…. Cheney’s a devil. Biden’s a genius. Soft power good, hard power bad. Forgiveness excellent, punishment counterproductive, capital punishment a sin.

And the narrative is the bedrock of their culture, the keystone of their faith, the altar of their church. They don’t even know they’re true believers, because in theory they despise the true believer in anything. But they will absolutely de-frackin’-stroy anybody who makes them question that….

Stephen Hunter. I, Sniper, pp. 231-232

Racist Baltimore Reporter is happy that does not live in the Ghetto 

Or the South.

It’s inevitable when my husband and I visit family these days that the subject of violence in Baltimore comes up. Often, I’m the one who raises it. But when it came up last week on a trip to see my parents in Georgia, I got my back up. I thought of the 11-hour drive south and the billboards we passed along I-81 boasting guns for sale (“A Glock for Christmas”!), and of the story my brother-in-law, who lives in Florida, told of a neighbor stopping by to shoot the breeze in his suburban driveway, a handgun holstered at the man’s waist as their kids played nearby.I’m less afraid of the criminals wielding guns in Baltimore, I declared as we discussed the issue, than I am by those permitted gun owners. I know how to stay out of the line of Baltimore’s illegal gunfire; I have the luxury of being white and middle class in a largely segregated city that reserves most of its shootings for poor, black neighborhoods overtaken by “the game.”

Source: Do you know the gun owners in your circle? – Baltimore Sun

You have to love White Yanks and their airs of superiority.  How joyful she is that only Negroes and Rednecks are the problem and not her.