Month: February 2016

Whatever happened to “My Body, My Choice”?

Not from The Onion.

Kentucky Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, [highlight2]a democrat[/highlight2], told the Courier-Journal she has a very specific reason for the increased regulation.”I want to protect these men from themselves.” said Marzian. And Marzian’s proposal gets even more restrictive.HB 396 says that only married men would be able to legally obtain Viagra and once acquired, the man would have to issue a sworn statement on a Bible that he is only using the drug for erectile dysfunction when having sex with his current spouse

Source: Lawmaker wants Viagra users to get wife’s permission first
Bless her little heart. Am I wrong to suspect Rep. Marzian has had “difficulties” with her relationships? Feel free to add the obligatory jokes but try to keep them somewhat clean.

This is how you go to prison.

The story is that an individual set up a meeting via Craiglist (I know) to buy sneakers from another. The buyer turned out to be an armed robber.

I am bringing this up because I have seen the video in a couple of “News websites” with titles like “He Ripped Armed Robber’s Arm Off With His SUV. Now He’s Facing Attempted Murder” as if it was some great injustice being made against the driver.

The driver effed up. Plain and Simple.

The robber was done and gone, the particular event for which Self defense could have been used was over. The driver turned around, aimed and used the van as a weapon, his life was not in immediate danger not anybody else’s. He cannot claim self-defense. Maybe he could try temporary insanity but the chances are about 95% against getting an acquittal.

He is going to prison.

Don’t let your Ego and your Emotions dictate your tactics and behavior.

Them Fighting Words.

Scalia twitter comment

Way back in the Electronic Stone Age when we did not have Social Media as we know it, we had our open discussions in the Usenet. I remember the day the news Sarah Brady had been diagnosed with breast cancer, both sides were shocked at the news and even though one side was fully against her politics, cancer is something you don’t wish in a normal human being who spouses a political and constitutional difference. We wished her a speedy recovery.

And yes, there were some jackasses who posted inappropriate celebratory comments and got flamed with so much vigor that you could feel the heat coming out of the monitor…and those torches came from our side.  That kind of behavior was simply not tolerated by either side as it went beyond the usual “fuck you dickbreath” and assorted direct personal attacks on the newsgroup.

Now the Opposition is no longer abiding by the unwritten rules of basic decency. We are ammosexuals (still trying to figure that one out), impotent, insurrectionists, traitors, terrorists, child abusers and something so serious as the unexpected death of somebody is a free pass to target not only the person but his family. It is sick and sadly I do not see them taking a moment to think and maybe reconsider the language.

Shannon Watt’s latest campaign uses the motto “Tipping Point.” And she is more accurate than she thinks but not in the way she expects. We are indeed reaching the tipping point where her side will no longer be considered the Opposition but the Enemy. And I am not using that word in the rhetorical/sophomoric debate meaning.

This is not a warning or a threat but a sad statement of fact. You cannot push and push and demonize a collective and then expect something stupid not to happen. And I hope you do understand the physics behind a vessel suddenly letting go after reaching the maximum internal pressure.

Police your own & moderate the language, that is all we ask. It is time you figure out we are not backing down.

There is always an idiot in the bunch

concealed weapon badge

Man Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

Yesterday 02/11/2016 at 5:10 PM, Suspect Ronald Taylor entered the Golden Corral on Wilma Rudolph Blvd and, while ordering food, he produced a concealed handgun and badge and said to the clerk that the drink is usually free. A CPD Detective, who was in front of Taylor in the line, asked him if he was a Police Officer. Taylor confirmed that he was a Police Officer and said he was with DHS, the Department of Homeland Security, and was in town on some business. Taylor is an Insurance Agent in Kentucky with a concealed permit and badge from the State of Kentucky. Taylor was in possession of a loaded Springfield XD 45 and a loaded Ruger 380 handgun. Taylor was arrested and booked into the Montgomery County Jail on an Impersonating a Police Officer charge.

I think I mentioned it before, many moons ago: Don’t even bother with the stupid badges, they are a crap magnet on their own. And this guy double down on the stupid. He deserves every little bit of penalty for breaking the law.

Hat tip: Rob R.

Plan B: Gun-control groups eye Mike Bloomberg for president (yes, please.)

Clinton’s stumble could create an opening for another favorite gun-control crusader, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is weighing a third-party bid for president.“Of course, Bloomberg has been very helpful on our issue, and we would see (his possible candidacy) as a good thing,” said Ron Pinciaro, executive director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence.
A Bloomberg spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Source: Plan B: Gun-control groups eye Mike Bloomberg for president – Connecticut Post

As a Third Party candidate attracting the Gun Control Vote? This would be a gift from heaven for whomever ends up candidate for the Republicans.

For Second Amendment advocates? Having the American people slap the “tiny  nasty little fascist” in the face demonstrating that Gun Control is only an issue for some minuscule minority, would be just peachy. And even though Bloomberg handlers would make his candidacy about economy/healthcare/taxes/etc, he is placed his candles on the issue of Gun Control and that is what he will be known for.

Now, do I think he will run? It depends. Both Hillary and Sanders have more name recognition and as long as Hillary does not drop out of the race to model orange rompers, Bloomie will remain Third Party. However if Hillary suddenly travels to a country without extradition, I could see the Democratic Party calling on Bloomberg and throwing every piece of support behind him.  He would still lose, but not as comfortable.

That is what I thought and I could be wrong as my beloved wife is so fond of telling me.

(tiny nasty little fascist” courtesy of Michael Bane….OK, I stole it from him.)

And then you have some really sick bastards online.

The Facebook page is called “Hunt the Trophy Hunters” and they are not being subtle about it. hunt the trophy hunters

And I still like them better than CSGV. I did however report them to Facebook imagining that anybody who is that vociferous in asking a human life to be snuffed should not be part of the clean and polished culture that Facebook touts to have, right?

hunt the trophy hunters 2

Damn! What kind of evil deed must you do to get banned in Facebook? Oh yes, legally trade guns among free citizens, now that shit is scary.