Month: June 2016

Let’s not jump to conclusions…

Amarillo police say an armed Walmart employee likely upset for being passed over for a promotion took two people hostage before being shot and killed by officers inside the store near Interstate 27 and Georgia Street. The man was identified by police as Mohammad Moghaddam, 54. The incident began around 11:06 a.m. and was over by 12:22 p.m.Both hostages are safe. According to police, the incident began with one or two gunshots believed to be fired into the ceiling by the checkout area. Moghaddam then took a manager and another employee hostage in a management area of the store

Source: Walmart employee killed by police after taking hostages, gunshots | Amarillo Globe-News

Nothing to see here…move along.

Very low levels of Testosterone detected at the NY Daily News. 

So low that I think the governor should call for a state of emergency and the attorney general should start an investigation.

Gersh Kuntzman
Gersh Kuntzman

The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

Source: Firing an AR-15 is horrifying, dangerous and very very loud – NY Daily News

I checked Mr. Kintzman’s Tweeter feed and this was the first thing that popped:

gersh kuntzman Twitter

This video is your answer:

A 13-year-old girl is manlier than you, Mr. Kuntzman. You don’t even qualify to dress up Barbie dolls.


Anderson Cooper: Opposition to Gay Marriage same as Murder of Gays.

That is pretty much the take that Maybelline-Encrusted Cooper lays on Pam Bondi. This is the kind of hyperbolic discourse that makes people disconnect their ears to any significant conversation. Did Pam Bondi opposed Gay Marriage in Florida? Yes. Equating her stance to the Orlando Massacre? Only a Ratings-Hungry imbecile could come up with that distortion of logic.

Is it unexpected? No. I have documented many examples within the Gun Control community wishing death to those in the Second Amendment side. The concept of your life meaning nothing because you happen to spouse a different political view is dogma for what seem to be a growing number of  unhinged Liberals, so they have no problem accusing the rest of the world of the same. Apparently Anderson Cooper agrees and projects.


Brace Yourselves

I’ve been working on a longer post about the massive disinformation response to the Orlando shooting and have come to a conclusion that needs to be said sooner than later.

I have watched in awe as the media has gone off the rails to explain how a shooter who pledged allegiance to ISIS and was yelling “Allah Akbar” while pulling the trigger wasn’t motivated by Islam, but was instead motivated by Islamophobia, toxic masculinity, and the NRA.

We are about to get hit by a perfect shit storm of anti-gun, social justice, and liberal intolerance, and will have to be work hard to make sure our rights survive it.

There is one insidious theme that has run through all the Op-Eds I’ve forced myself to read in a progressive coprophagic gavage, is this:

The NRA/GOP/Conservatives will not “do something” in response to the Orlando shooting to prevent the next shooting reinstate the AWB/impose restrictive gun control because we are a bunch of intolerant *Christian* homophobes and we range from not caring about to being overwhelmed with joy that more than 100 gay men and women were injured or killed early Sunday morning.

We are going to get beat over the head by a one-two punch combo of anti-gun emotional platitudes and accusations of anti-homosexual/transgender bigotry.  The murder of 50 young gay men and women is exactly the type of scenario to embolden the Social Justice Warriors of Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr to go for blood.


The Somalia-lization of Venezuela.

We have seen this initial scenes from Black Hawk Down where the starving people are trying to get food from the Red Cross trucks only to be held back at gunpoint by warlords who steal the food.  Something similar happened today in a southern barrio of Caracas called La Vega, but with less Hollywood grandiosity.

La Vega peope waiting for food

Food has gotten scarce in Venezuela, so much so that people are either rummaging through garbage dumps or waiting for food trucks to deliver at the local shops and bodegas to either be the ones getting the few items or at worst case, loot the trucks when desperation sets in.

But in La Vega last week, the local “Colectivo” (Civilian goons armed by the government) showed up, murdered one of the truck drivers and proceeded to keep the food for themselves. People got mad but rather than facing armed criminals, they took it out on the shops. Police and National Guard got called to the scene and promptly dispersed the crowd till only the Colectivos remained.

Then the shooting began. The Colectivo apparently took affront that tear gas was used against them and replied with gunfire. A Police Officer and a National Guardsman were wounded and no casualties were reported on the other side. And if you are wondering why two groups in the same side of the political spectrum decided to shoot at each other, the answer is simple: The Chavez-Founded Colectivos  have become an independent monster of its own, ignoring most instructions from the government and creating their own little kingdoms in cities across the nation. They are well equipped, many have associated with local criminal gangs and are very feared by the locals who must submit to their wishes and strong-arm tactics.

Starvation is an effective crow-control weapon. The Maduro Government has stopped international relief shipments of both food and medicines and although it is difficult to be sure because of the tight control of the media, I would not be surprised if those supplies are already in the pantries of those adept to the government. Hospitals are already reporting cases of infant deaths by malnutrition to be added to those cases of kids and adults that have died for lack of proper medications.  So, if the government sees no problem stealing supplies for the citizens, the Colectivos also see no problem doing the same. And in the case of La Vega, it is the people who get caught between two gangs of future genocides without the possibility of defending themselves. Venezuela will be another sad case where Gun control, registration and confiscation is leading to Democide.

When you surrender your instruments of self-defense, you are condemned to dance to the tune of those who have the guns.


Nashville: Really? You elected this?


“We must meet that evil with an overwhelming show of love”

Source: Nashville | Mayor Barry Statement on Mass Shooting in Orlando

Singing “Kumbaya My Lord” at your beheading is poor tactics and lousier resolution conflict. Just wanted to point that out.

PS: That settles it. When we move north, Davidson County is not to be considered. They are getting too L.A./San Francisco for my taste.

Can you spare some change for a bus ticket to Tijuana? 


The U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals Monday overturned a jury’s decision to award $1.8 million to former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura in a 2014 defamation case.A three-judge panel threw out the $1.35 million awarded to Ventura for “unjust enrichment,” saying Minnesota law did not allow a payout in this type of case; and it reversed the $500,000 award for defamation, remanding the case to the district court for a new defamation trial.

Source: Appeals court overturns verdict in Ventura defamation case –

Could not happen to a bigger asshole and well deserved it.

In previous interviews, Ventura vowed to move permanently to Mexico where he has a winter home, if he lost the case.

I can give $10 so he can go live with his famous donkey relative in that little town of Mexico.