
“We must meet that evil with an overwhelming show of love”

Source: Nashville | Mayor Barry Statement on Mass Shooting in Orlando

Singing “Kumbaya My Lord” at your beheading is poor tactics and lousier resolution conflict. Just wanted to point that out.

PS: That settles it. When we move north, Davidson County is not to be considered. They are getting too L.A./San Francisco for my taste.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Nashville: Really? You elected this?”
  1. Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville and here in Chattanooga,have been infected with this contagion for quite some time. Suburbs and out, not so much yet.

    TN is a horrible place to live. The cost of living is super high, housing prices are outrageous. Terrible climate.Predominance of knuckle dragging rednecks…..etc. Avoid at all costs. (I hope I’m selling TN properly.)

    1. Not really, the major cities are ran by democrats and are stereotypical shitholes as a result. They were debating on using shipping containers turned into houses for homeless people, like the problem that made someone homeless was not having a home (eyeroll). They have shit traffic into nashville, instead of taking down those idiotic hov lanes they spent millions putting up bigger signs and painting the lines bigger.

  2. “We must meet that evil with an overwhelming show of love”
    Given the shooter was set off by seeing two men kiss each other, that might actually make things worse.

  3. Nashville proper is a lost cause. Too many people came in from California to “make it” and they all vote for the super liberals while they wait tables. I asked one why they kept trying to make Nashville more like San Francisco instead of just moving back home and she literally said “I’m paying it forward by making Nashville better, and if you don’t like it you can move.”

    1. We should have seen that coming in the late 80s when label heads were coming from California to take over the local offices because they were the only ones making money.

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