Month: August 2016

Which state has the worst drivers in the U.S.? 

1. Florida. Floridians Google “speeding tickets” and “traffic tickets” more than any other state. They also have the second lowest number of insured drivers in the nation.

Source: Which state has the worst drivers in the U.S.? – CBS News

I am classified as “Old Lady-type” driver because I don’t go over 9 mph over posted unless I am passing somebody. But you really have to push your speed limit to get a ticket in counties without speed traps. I have friends who got stopped doing past 90 and more on a 65 and were let go with a warning. My wife did get a ticket for being 25 mph above the speed in a weirdly designated 10 mph street near her old job location, but that was set by the city and not the state or even the county and she never saw the sign till it was too late. She hates the idea that I never got a ticket and I refrain from making fun of her.

According to stats from the Federal Highway Administration, Florida is 19th in traffic fatalities with 12.5 per 100,000.  So just because we drive fast, does not mean we totally suck. Add to that the unofficial passing lane is whichever is available and slam the pedal, and we really are awesome drivers.

As for the insurance thing? That is one law that will never be enforced in this climate of political correctness and having sanctuary cities,. No LEO is going to allow him/herself being accused as hater.

And when we have accidents, you can honestly say: “Well, it is Florida.”



Yes, a whole set of highway traffic signs knocked down by a truck.

CNN’s Golden Gun

Must be Black Gold, Texas Tea.

CNN Golden Gun

The video auto-starts and it is a “history” of the Assault Rifle. You actually have to scroll down to finally reach the picture of Goering’s PPK. If I was a suspicious person, I would be inclined to think there might have been a small case of absence of malice in this article.

Goring walther PPK Gold

That is just plum ugly.

Hat Tip @Minutemaniac

The First Modern Olympics: John and Sumner Paine, USA Shooters and Gold Medalists.

Shooting has been with the US Olympic Team since the first Modern Olympics. Back in the 80s, I remember seeing a cheesy mini-series about the Greece Olympiad of 1896 and I was surprised to learn about the American Shooting team, Like many others, I barely knew that there was shooting in the Olympics except Biathlon in the Winter version.
John and Sumner Paine were brothers who participated in the first Modern Olympiad in Athens, 1896. Both came home with gold medals and Sumner won a silver medal losing to his brother.


John and Sumner Paine sitting on the floor holding revolvers.
John and Sumner Paine sitting on the floor holding revolvers.

Same as the rest of the US Team, they were not very clear what the rules were and according to

Uncertain about the weapons or the number of rounds required in Athens, the Paines packed an entire arsenal: two Colt army revolvers, two Smith & Wesson Russian model revolvers, a Stevens .22 calibre pistol, a Wurfflein, two pocket weapons, and 3,500 rounds of ammunition!

Their first event was the 25 meter Military Pistol which John won Gold and Sumner won Silver and they literally trounced the competition. The next day, only Sumner competed in the 30 meter Free Pistol because they felt another double win would have been a slight to the rest of the competitors.

So, even if the “Betters” shun our Olympic shooters from the mayor TV coverage, feel proud that our Olympic roots run as deep as many of the classic Olympic sports and certainly much deeper than many of the stuff they have been shoving lately like golf. I expect synchronized basket weaving any day now.

PS: A quick note. Although now classified as Gold or Silver, the first Modern Olympics issued a Silver medal and a branch of olive to the winner and a copper medal to second place. The gold-silver-bronze medal system did not happen till the St. Louis Olympics of 1904.


Knife Intifada European Edition

A man in Belgium, showing “Allahu Akbar” attacked two police officers with a machete before being killed.

A man yelling “Allahu Akbar” killed one person and wounded three others at a train station in Munich.

A radicalized Muslim man stabbed a French police chief to death.

A man of Somali origin, in Europe by way of Norway, killed one woman and wounded five others with a knife in Russel Square, London.

An Afghan teen wounded four people with a knife and axe on a train in Germany.

A Syrian refugee killed a woman and wounded two others with a machete in Germany.

Two men who pledged allegiance to ISIS beaded an 85 year old priest in a church in Normandy.

An asylum seeker stabbed a woman to death in Sweden.

A Muslim man in a truck killed 84 people by running them over in Nice, France.


In 2015, Israel saw a rise in terrorist attacks against Jewish citizens, mainly in and around Jerusalem.  This wave of attacks was different than previous bouts of terrorism.  There were no suicide bombings, no rockets, and very little action by Hamas or other recognized terrorist groups.  These attacks were random, carried out by “lone wolves” with little to no history of being associated with terrorism, and were egged on by social media.  Most of the attacks were stabbings, leading to this wave of violence being called the “Knife Intifada.”  In a number of cases, Palestinian terrorists tired to run over Israeli pedestrians with cars.

The French and British media, as well as the American far Left press, were deceptive about the Palestinian violence, portraying the Palestinian terrorists as oppressed, sympathetic people who were just lashing out in anger and desperation.

Well, Europe’s collective burring their heads in the sand (or up their own PC asses if you’d like) has brought the Knife Intifada to Europe.  The attacks follow the same pattern.  They are random and without warning.  The attackers are young men, most of who do not have a history of radicalization.  They are armed with knives or edged weapons and attack groups of people in crowded areas.

This technique was very successful in Israel until Israelis started to arm themselves and fight back.   Then the violence abated.

In the UK, British police try to dismiss a Knife Intifada style attack as having no link to terrorism.

So of course British police have given the advice to Britons to run away and hide.

This will not end in Europe.  Most of these countries sided with the Palestinians in 2015  They refuse to recognize these attacks for what they are: terrorism.  They have no way of stopping them and are giving their citizens bad advice.

The body count will rise in Europe until the European governments realize that the Knife Intifada that they ignored, played down, or sympathized with has come to their shores.

It’s too bad that most of Europe as been disarmed.


Raining on your parade

The first US Olympic Gold Medal win was to Ginny Thrasher, 19, who competed in Women’s 10m Air Rifle.  Not just did she take the Gold, she set a new record in her sport for a high score of 208.8

This is impressive as hell.  It needs to be understood, that in most of the world where gun rights do no exist, Olympic shooters are in military or are part of their country’s national shooting team.  Their job is to shoot and win.  The Silver medalist in Woman’s 10m Air Rifle is China’s Du Li, 34, who was trained to shoot starting at a young age at one of China’s sports schools, which are essentially communist boot camps for creating Olympic athletes.

For an American civilian to beat them is really awesome.  Especially a 19 year old civilian.

Yes it is true that the US military sends shooters to the Olympics, but (and no disrespect is intended here) but members of the US Army or USMC shooting teams don’t do any better than their civilian counterparts.  The US’s most winningest Olympic shooter, Kim Rhode, is a civilian.

One of the great aspects of shooting, unlike other Olympic sports, is that is it less about pushing the body to its physical limits and relies much more on skill.  A gymnast or sprinter may get 2 Olympic games under their belt before they retire.  Kim Rhode took the Gold in her first Olympic game in 1996 and 20 years later, she hopes to take the Gold in Rio.

For a shooter like Ginny Thrasher, we can expect great things from her for years to come.

We should all be proud of Ginny Thrasher, and Kim Rhode, and a all US Athletes that represent of the best of America, especially those who bring home a medal.

The Left did not get that memo.  Then again, patriotism is not one of the Left’s strong suits.

Will Wheaton, that Social Justice turd, responded to Ginny Thrasher’s record breaking win by pissing in her Wheaties.


What a piece of shit this guy is.  If you can’t say something nice, it’s probably because Liberal Social Justice has corrupted your soul.

I know it is a little played out, but right now, I think it is appropriate.

I know that Piers “Musket” Morgan is British, so Thrasher’s win was not a win for his team, but the Olympics are about coming together in peace and all that.

But being a Liberal pantywaist, Morgan too had to be nothing but negative.


Where is Jeremy Clarkson when you need him?

USA Shooting responded to Morgan in Twitter.

usa shooting

But the US Shooting team is classier than I am, so I’ll post my own response:

Shut up you limey bastard.  When CNN canceled your show for being the lowest rated prime time news show on cable TV, you should have gotten the message that American’s don’t give two shits about what you have to say.  

And to the rest of the Leftist world, if you can’t put your politics aside long enough to support America’s Olympic athletes in shooting:

Fuck You!!!