Which state has the worst drivers in the U.S.?
1. Florida. Floridians Google “speeding tickets” and “traffic tickets” more than any other state. They also have the second lowest number of insured drivers in the nation.
Source: Which state has the worst drivers in the U.S.? – CBS News
I am classified as “Old Lady-type” driver because I don’t go over 9 mph over posted unless I am passing somebody. But you really have to push your speed limit to get a ticket in counties without speed traps. I have friends who got stopped doing past 90 and more on a 65 and were let go with a warning. My wife did get a ticket for being 25 mph above the speed in a weirdly designated 10 mph street near her old job location, but that was set by the city and not the state or even the county and she never saw the sign till it was too late. She hates the idea that I never got a ticket and I refrain from making fun of her.
According to stats from the Federal Highway Administration, Florida is 19th in traffic fatalities with 12.5 per 100,000. So just because we drive fast, does not mean we totally suck. Add to that the unofficial passing lane is whichever is available and slam the pedal, and we really are awesome drivers.
As for the insurance thing? That is one law that will never be enforced in this climate of political correctness and having sanctuary cities,. No LEO is going to allow him/herself being accused as hater.
And when we have accidents, you can honestly say: “Well, it is Florida.”